Geospatial Data

Intermountain Region GIS Data Library

The US Forest Service makes no expressed or implied warranty, including warranty of merchantability and fitness, with respect to the character, function, or capabilities of data or programs and their appropriateness for any users purposes. The Forest Service reserves the right to correct, update, modify, remove, or replace any data or program without notification. Presentation of any data via third party programs is also subject to the conditions and terms of use governed by that third party software or service.

USDA Data.Gov Forest Service Content

US Forest Service Geodata Clearinghouse

US Forest Service Geodata Clearinghouse Map Services

US Forest Service Geospatial Data Discovery Web Application (please explore using Google Chrome)

US Forest Service Map Products

US Forest Service National Insect and Disease Risk and Hazard Mapping

Intermountain Region Web Map Application Gallery

Intermountain Region Vegetation Classification Mapping and Quantitative Inventory (VCMQ)

Regionwide datasets can be requested by contacting the Ogden, UT regional office if necessary.