Outdoor Safety & Ethics
Many people enjoy going outdoors to experience the various seasons we have in the southeast. The National Forests in the Southern Region offer a wide variety of outdoor recreation opportunities. From the hills of Kentucky to the tropical forests of Puerto Rico, there are many exciting adventures awaiting your visit to a national forest.
However, there are many elements of nature that are not as hospitable as the people of the South. Many of these elements are unseen or unknown until the unthinkable happens. This site helps you prepare for the unthinkable.
Weather Safety
Learn More: Weather in the Southern Region varies widely across the area, and can include everything from tornadoes to hurricanes to extreme winter weathre conditions.
Water Safety
Learn More: There are inherent risks associated with water recreation and outdoor sports. Know before you go to keep you and your family water safe!
Wildlife Safety
Learn More: Alligators, Ticks, and Black Bears! Oh my!
Safety in the Woods
Learn More: What should you do if you get lost? Or if you slip and fall? Check out the safety checklists for these potential emergency situations and more!
Safety Around Other People
Learn More: Protect yourself and your valuable before venturing out! Simple tips, and what to do ahead of time to keep yourself and your family safe can be found here.
Outdoor Ethics: Behaving Responsibly in the Woods
Learn More: Outdoor ethics is based on the idea that we are all stewards of the environment and should provide careful and responsible management of our great outdoors so that this generation and those to come can enjoy it. Make sure those who visit these special places after you have their own experiences!