[design image slice] U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service on faded trees in medium light green background [design image slice] more faded trees
[design image] green box with curved corner [design image] green and cream arch
Information Center
National Offices and Programs
Regional Offices

USDA Forest Service
1400 Independence Ave SW
Washington, D.C.

(202) 205-8333


Page Contact:

Forest Service Home > Projects and Policies > Objections

Forest Service Pre-Decisional Objection Responses

This site contains information about the Forest Service’s pre-decisional objections.  An opportunity for administrative review of unresolved public concerns over a proposed decision, termed an objection process, is available for land management plan amendments and revisions, and for projects and activities that implement land management plans and are documented with an environmental assessment or environmental impact statement. In such instances, individuals or organizations may file written objections after an environmental analysis document is completed and before a decision document has been signed. Those concerns raised in objections are then considered and responded to by a Forest Service official at the agency’s organizational level above that of the individual who made the proposal.

General Information: For general information about pre-decisional objections, please refer to the Related Information links.

Objection Responses:  Recent and historical objection responses are available on this site and are organized by the Administrative Unit issuing the response. Opportunities for submitting objections to land management plan proposals are offered pursuant to 36 CFR 219 (219 rule) and for projects pursuant to 36 CFR 218 (218 rule).

Please use the map or drop-down lists to view the Forest Service’s objection responses issued from projects taking place in the Washington Office (at the national level), in region-level units, or in forest-level units.

You may navigate directly to a Regional Objection Response page using the following drop-down list, or by clicking on any of the Forest Service Regions on the map:

You may navigate directly to a Regional Objection Response page using the following drop-down list, or by clicking on any of the Forest Service Regions on the map:
 R1 - Northern Region
 R2 - Rocky Mountain Region
 R3 - Southwestern Region
 R4 - Intermountain Region
 R5 - Pacific Southwest Region
 R6 - Pacific Northwest Region
 R8 - Southern Region
 R9 - Eastern Region
 R10 - Alaska Region
 Washington Office (National Headquarters)

[graphic] USDA logo, which links to the department's national site. [graphic] Forest Service logo, which links to the agency's national site. [graphic] A link to the US Forest Service home page. Region 10 Alaska Region 6 Pacific Northwest Region (WA, OR) Region 1 Nothern Region (MT, N. Idaho, ND, NW South Dakota) Region 5 Pacific Southwest Region (CA, HI, Guam, Trust Territories) Region 4 Intermountain Region (S. Idaho, NV, UT, W. Wyoming) Region 3 Southwestern Region (AZ, NM) Region 2 Rocky Mountain Region (CO, KS, NE, SD, E. Wyoming) Region 8 Southern Region (Southern states, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands) Region 9 Eastern Region (Midwest, and Northeast US)