USDA Forest Service - Ozark-St. Francis National Forests

Welcome to the Ozark-St Francis National Forests

We offer 1.2 million acres of lush hardwood and pine forests, crystal clear mountain streams and scenic drives.

Plan Your Adventure Now

Mirror Lake Dam on the Sylamore District. Adobe Stock

As one of America's most scenic and picturesque areas, the Ozark-St. Francis provides a lot of the "natural" in the Natural State of Arkansas. We have something for everyone and are on the way to almost everywhere in Arkansas!


  • Recreation

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    The Forests' rugged scenic beauty offers a wide variety of year-round recreational opportunities! Whether you are a hiker, camper, kayaker, horseback rider, hunter, fisherman, or anything in between, the Ozark-St Francis National Forests provide new adventures around every bend.

  • Be Prepared

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    Before embarking on your outdoor adventure, be prepared with maps available in several formats: Interactive, downloadable, geo-referenced, and also available for printing at home.

  • Fire Information

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    The forest will be conducting prescribed burns over the next several months. The purposes of these burns are to re-establish fire’s natural role in the forest ecosystem, improve forest health, and reduce the threat of catastrophic wildfires.


Forest Restoration Videos

picture of brightly colored lizard on a rock

The Forest Service and The Nature Conservancy in Arkansas produced a series of short videos highlighting the incredible forest and glade restoration work being completed.

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