Star Island

Area Status: Open
A person standing on a broadwalk walking towards a forest.

Located in the middle of Cass Lake, Star Island is one of the unique features of the Chippewa National Forest. Named for its star shape, "Star Island" is the largest of four islands in Cass Lake. Star Island has over eight miles of shoreline and encompasses 980 acres of both public land and private homes. Six miles of trails wind along the high banks and deep woods of the island, providing opportunities for hiking and nature study. Star Island Campground is located on the southwest shore of the island. Campers must provide their own water and pack out any refuse. Lake Windigo sits inside Star Island. Lake Windigo's special location earned it a notation with "Ripleys Believe It or Not".  |  Map

Informational Flyer

At a Glance

Current Conditions: Access via boat only. Mixture of Federal and private land.
Rentals & Guides: Boat rentals are available from some local businesses
Fees: None
Open Season: January - December
Usage: Heavy
Restrictions: Access by canoe or boat
Closest Towns: Cass Lake
Water: Not for Drinking
Restroom: Pit
Operated By: Operated by the Forest Service
Information Center: Forest Supervisor's Office - Cass Lake Phone: 218-335-8600

General Information


Acces to Star Island is by boat or canoe. The US Highway 2 Wayside Rest Are east of the city of Cass Lake provides ample parking and drive-down boat access.

Recreation Map

Map showing recreational areas. Map Information


Viewing Scenery

Interpretive Areas

Boat out to the island and take the short hike to Lake Windigo. Explore the island trails or set up at a backcountry beach campsite. Star Island is a National Historic District. It was also home to Ozawindib, a guide on the Schoolcraft Expedition to find the source of the Mississippi River.

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities

Featured Events


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