Law Enforcement and Investigation (LEI) - Closure Orders

The following are summaries of prohibited acts on the National Forests in Mississippi. A copy of each of the Forest Supervisor's Orders can be obtained from the Supervisor's Office in Jackson or any one of the six Ranger District Offices.

FOREST ORDER NO. 08-11-37-23-152-1

Forest-wide Closure Orders: (2007 documents 1 - 11 and 2012 are combined into one document) 

2007-00-01 Occupancy and Use

2007-00-02 Forest Development Roads

2007-00-03 Alcoholic Beverages

2007-00-04 Occupancy and Use

2007-00-05 Use of Vehicles on Forest Development Roads

2007-00-06 Occupancy and Use

2007-00-07 Occupancy and Use

2007-00-08 Occupancy and Use

2007-00-09 Forest Developmental Roads and Trails

2007-00-11 Commercial Hauling Prohibition

2012-00-01 Special Closure

Bienville National Forest Closure Orders: (All 2007, 2012, and 2017 documents combined here)

2017-01-01 Authorized Off-Highway Vehicle Trave Routes

2017-01-00 Recreational and Historical Sites, Facilities, and Structures

2012-01-00 Motor Vehicle Closures of Forest Service Roads

2007-01-06 Wildlife Management Area

2007-01-05 Walk-In Areas for Turkey Hunting Season

2007-01-01 Seasonal Motor Vehicle Road Closures of Forest Service Roads

Chickaswhay Ranger District Closure Orders:

2007-05-05 Occupancy and Use: Turkey Fork Recreation Area

Delta National Forest Closure Orders:

2018-03-12 Emergency Closure Order

De Soto National Forest Closure Orders:

2004-02-15 Special Closure

Holly Springs National Forest Closure Orders:

2007-07-03  Occupancy and Use

Homochitto National Forest Closure Orders:

08-07-04-21-120 Occupancy and Use (2021)

2007-04-01 Occupancy and Use

Tombigbee National Forest Closure Orders:

2017-17-03 Occupancy and Use



Public Notices

Prescribed Burn Maps

Areas scheduled to be treated with prescribed burning in the current or upcoming year.

Surface Use Plan of Operation

Two surface use plans of operation have been submitted and are under review by the De Soto National Forest.