Event/Commercial Permits
The Forest Service authorizes commercial uses that provide a benefit to the general public and protect public and natural resource values on National Forest System lands. Uses that require an authorization include operating a business such as an outfitting or guiding service, using the Forest for financial gain, occupying a recreation residence, gatherings of 75 people or more, and commercial filming or photography.
Currently there are over 74,000 authorizations on National Forest System lands for over 180 types of uses. On the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit (LTBMU), there are over 700 special use authorizations. Each year, the LTBMU receives many applications for authorization for activities such as recreation special events, telecommunication facilities, erosion control facilities, bike paths, research, photography and filming productions, water transmission, roads, and utilities. The Forest Service carefully reviews each application. A permit generally is not issued if the use can be located on nonfederal lands. To determine if a special use permit is needed and how to apply for one, contact the LTBMU Supervisors Office at 530-543-2600, or sm.fs.paltbmu@usda.gov.
For additional information, visit our National Special Uses webpage.
What are special use authorizations?
A special use authorization is a legal document such as a permit, term permit, or lease that allows occupancy, use, rights, or privileges on National Forest System lands. The authorization is granted for a specific use of the land for a specific period of time.
Depending on the complexity of the proposal, obtaining a special use authorization can be a lengthy process. Please coordinate early with the LTBMU staff.
- NOTE: It is important to know that not all proponents will receive a permit, therefore any action taken before receiving a special use authorization, such as occupying National Forest System lands and advertising and collecting fees for a service may be against the law.
When do I need an authorization?
- If you wish to occupy, use, or build on National Forest System lands for personal or business purposes, whether the duration is temporary or long term.
- If there is a fee being charged or if income is derived from the use.
- If an activity on NFS land involves individuals or an organization with 75 or more participants or spectators.
For more details on special use permits, please contact the LTBMU at 530-543-2600, or sm.fs.paltbmu@usda.gov.