Motor Vehicle Use Maps
Motor visitor use maps (MVUMs) show the National Forest System roads, National Forest System trails, and the areas on National Forest System lands in the Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests that are designated for motor vehicle use pursuant to 36 CFR 212.51. The maps contain a list of those designated roads, trails, and areas that enumerates the types of vehicles allowed on each route and in each area and any seasonal restrictions that apply on those routes and in those areas.
Designation of a road, trail, or area for motor vehicle use by a particular class of vehicle under 36 CFR 212.51 should not be interpreted as encouraging or inviting use, or to imply that the road, trail, or area is passable, actively maintained, or safe for travel. Motor vehicle designations include parking along designated routes and at facilities associated with designated routes when it is safe to do so and when not causing damage to National Forest System resources.
Seasonal weather conditions and natural events may render designated roads and trails impassable for extended periods. Designated areas may contain dangerous or impassable terrain. Many designated roads and trails may be passable only by high-clearance vehicles or four-wheel drive vehicles. Maintenance of designated roads and trails will depend on available resources, and many may receive little maintenance.
This motor vehicle use map identifies those roads, trails, and areas designated for the motor vehicle use under 36 CFR 212.51 for the purpose of enforcing the prohibition at 36 CFR 261.13. This is a limited purpose. The other public roads are shown for information and navigation purposes only and are not subject to designation under the Forest Service travel management regulation. These designations apply only to National Forest System roads, National Forest System trails, and areas on National Forest System lands.
- Andrew Pickens Ranger District 2024 Motor Vehicle Use Map
- Enoree Ranger District 2024 Motor Vehicle Use Map
- Long Cane Ranger District 2024 Motor Vehicle Use Map
- Francis Marion Ranger District 2024 Motor Vehicle Use Map
Alerts & Warnings
- Woods Ferry Recreation Area temporarily closed
- Sumter Nat'l Forest opens several more areas today (10/31)
- Closures on Francis Marion Nat'l Forest (Wambaw Trail, Litchfield/Lottie bridges
- Candy Branch Rifle closed until further notice
- Emergency Bridge Closure off Forest Service Rd. 251H
- Long Cane district office reopening in new location
- Check the Call Before You Haul hotline before riding our OHV trails
- Seasonal rec area closures for Enoree OHV Trail, Collins Creek, & Rocky Branch
- FSR 376 Asias Branch Road closed on Enoree Ranger District
- FSR 374 (Hunting Fork Rd) closed
- America the Beautiful passes unavailable at Supervisor's & Long Cane offices
- Damaged bridges along the Enoree Passage of Palmetto Trail; exercise caution
- Please be aware of open well hazards on Sumter National Forest
- Enoree Ranger District Rifle Range Cleaning Schedule