Managing Recreation Uses in the Upper Chattooga River Corridor
In an effort to keep you better informed, we are creating a public website that is a resource for information associated with the management of the Chattooga Wild and Scenic River.
Forest Service finalizes regulatory updates for portions of Chattooga Wild and Scenic River
USDA Forest Service recently finalized an update to regulatory measures at 36 CFR 261.77 for the Chattooga Wild and Scenic River, which flows through the Nantahala National Forest in North Carolina, the Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forest in Georgia, and the Sumter National Forest in South Carolina.
The update makes the regulation consistent with current management activities of the Chattooga Wild and Scenic River. The revised regulation reflects the decisions that were made by the Forest Service in 2012 to allow floating activities on National Forest System lands above GA/SC Highway 28, with certain restrictions.
The proposal will be published in the Federal Register on November 7, and can be found at
For more information, see the full news release.
What’s Happening?
Monitoring in the Chattooga Wild & Scenic River.
On January 31, 2012 the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service (Forest Service) Amended the Land and Resource Management Plans for the Sumter (South Carolina), Chattahoochee (Georgia), and Nantahala (North Carolina) National Forests. The amendment included monitoring questions for visitor use impacts in the segment of the Chattooga Wild and Scenic River (WSR) upstream of the Highway 28 bridge (Upper River)
If you are interested in reading about the results of monitoring efforts, that information is contained in the Monitoring Reports for the each of the three national forests. The Sumter Monitoring reports are posted on-line at Francis Marion and Sumter Monitoring Reports. The 2012 forest amendments included four monitoring questions on visitor use. The first monitoring report on visitor use is available, click here.
Revisions to § 261.77 Prohibitions in Region 8, Southern Region
The U.S. Forest Service is proposing to amend the regulatory prohibitions that are applicable to the Chattooga WSR (36 CFR 261.77), which flows through the Nantahala NF in NC, the Chattahoochee NF in GA, and the Sumter NF in SC. 36 CFR 261.77 was originally issued on January 27, 1978, prohibiting floating activities on the Chattooga WSR unless authorized by a permit or a special use permit. The proposed change to § 261.77 is to accurately align the regulations with the decisions on floating the Chattooga WSR that were made with the forest plan amendment in 2012, which permits floating on the upper reaches of the Chattooga WSR that are also located on the Nantahala National Forest in North Carolina.
Previous Management Decisions
Click on the following links to learn about recent management decisions affecting the corridor for the Chattooga Wild and Scenic River.
2015 – Chattooga River Boating Access
- Signed Decision Notices
- Objection Meeting Notification
- 30-day Extension of Objection Period
- Chattooga River Boating Access: Objections filed, Chattooga River Boating Access EA and related documents
- Chattooga River Boating Access Proposal
2012- Managing Recreation in the Upper Section of the Chattooga WSR
- Washington Office Decides not to Complete Discretionary Review
- Regional Office Submits Records for Discretionary Review
- Comments to the Chief of the Forest Service
- Reviewing Officer's Decision on Six Forest Plan Amendment Appeals
- USFS Grants Greenfire Law Stay Request (March 27, 2012)
- Appeals and Stay Requests (updated April 17, 2012)
- Final USFS Decisions (updated Feb. 12, 2012)
- Public Comments on the July, 2011 EA (updated Sept. 6, 2011)
- Update August 5, 2011
Background Documents and Information
- Reinitation of the NEPA Process Regarding Recreation Uses on the Upper Chattooga (December 2010)
- Documents Related to the Withdrawn August 2009 Decisions
- Additional Background Information
Comments on Proposed 36 CFR 261.77
- Comment_Preslar
- Comment_EM Betty
- Comment_Anonymous
- Comment_Nicholson
- Comment_Stephenson
- Comment_Bob Jones
- Comment_Ann Jones
- Comment_NC State Environmental Review Clearinghouse
- Comments_Georgia Forest Watch
- Comment_Rust Family
- Comment_Whiteside Cove
- Comment_American Whitewater
- Comment_Floyd
Federal Register Notice of Proposed Rule Change
Signed Decision Notices
- Sumter National Forest (Andrew Pickens Ranger District) Signed Decision Notice and FONSI
- Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forest (Chattooga River Ranger District) Signed Decision Notice and FONSI
- Nantahala National Forest (Nantahala Ranger District) Signed Decision Notice and FONSI
Objection Meeting Notification
30-day Extension of Objection Period
Chattooga River Boating Access: Objections Filed
American Whitewater
Bill Floyd
- Comments, Exhibits A, B, C
- Comments ,Exhibits D, E, F
- Acknowledgement Letter
- USFS Objection Response Letter
Chattooga Conservancy
- Upper Chattooga Objection Final
- Exhibits A and B
- Acknowledgement Letter
- USFS Objection Resolution Letter
Georgia Forest Watch
- Chattooga Access Response
- Attachment 1, References
- Attachment 2, Photos
- Acknowledgement Letter
- USFS Objection Response Letter
Rust Family
Whiteside Cove
Select highlighted titile to see more information.
Chattooga River Boating Access EA and related documents
- Sumter National Forest Boating Access EA Draft Decision Notice (May 19, 2015)
- Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forest Boating Access EA Draft Decision Notice (May 19, 2015)
- Nantahala National Forest Boating Access EA Draft Decision Notice (May 19, 2015)
- Chattooga River Boating Access Environmental Assessment (dated May 15, 2015)
- News Release: Sustainable Access Key Feature of Draft Decisions on the Upper Chattooga Wild and Scenic River Corridor (May 11, 2015)
- Additional Chattooga Access EA 30-day Comments
- Chattooga Access EA 30-Day Comments
- Environmental Assessment on Chattooga River Boating Access with cover letter (dated Sept. 29, 2014)
- Chattooga River Boating Access Scoping Letter (dated July 26, 2013)
- Proposed Chattooga Boat Access Map (dated July 26, 2013)
- Green Creek Access Map (dated July 26, 2013)
- Norton Mill Access Map (dated July 26, 2013)
- Bull Pen Access Map (dated July 26, 2013)
- Burrells Ford Access Map (dated July 26, 2013)
- Lick Log Access Map (dated July 26, 2013)
Chattooga River Boating Access Proposal
Washington Office Decides not to Complete Discretionary Review
- Letter to Greenfire Law (dated August 13, 2012)
- Letter to Jenkins Law (dated August 13, 2012)
- Letter to Whiteside Cove (dated August 13, 2012)
- Letter to American Whitewater (dated August 13, 2012)
- Letter to Butch Clay (dated August 13, 2012)
- Letter to Chattooga Conservancy (dated August 13, 2012)
Regional Office Submits Records for Discretionary Review
- Cover Letter (dated July 27, 2012)
Comments to the Chief of the Forest Service
Reviewing Officer's Decision on Six Forest Plan Amendment Appeals
USFS Grants Greenfire Law Stay Request (March 27, 2012)
- USDA Forest Service Southern Region Grants Request to Stay the Permitting of Boating on Upper Chattooga River (USFS News Release, March 27 2012)
- Letter from USFS Southern Region granting Greenfire Law's stay request (March 26, 2012)
Appeals and Stay Requests (updated April 17, 2012)
Final USFS Decisions (updated Feb. 12, 2012)
- Environmental Assessment (Jan. 2012)
- Press Release Announcing Final Decisions (Jan. 31, 2012)
- Biological Assessment (Jan. 2012) / [Searchable PDF of the document]
- Biological Evaluation (Jan. 2012) / [Searchable PDF of the document]
- Response to Comments (posted Feb. 8, 2012)
South Carolina Documents
- Cover Letter and Decision Notice (Sumter National Forest, Jan. 31, 2012) / [Searchable PDF of the document]
- Letter from the US Fish and Wildlife Service in South Carolina (Jan. 2012)
- Letter from the South Carolina State Historic Preservation Office (Jan. 2012)
- Legal Ad The State (run date Feb. 2, 2012)
Georgia Documents
- Cover Letter and Decision Notice (Chattahoochee National Forest, Jan. 31, 2012) / [Searchable PDF of the document]
- Letter from the Georgia State Historic Preservation Office (Jan. 2012)
- Legal Ad The Gainesville Times (run date Feb. 2, 2012)
North Carolina Documents
- Cover Letter and Decision Notice (Nantahala National Forest, Jan. 31, 2012) / [Searchable PDF of the document]
- Letter from the US Fish and Wildlife Service in North Carolina (Jan. 2012)
- Letter from the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office (Jan. 2012)
- Legal Ad Asheville-Citizen Times (run date Feb. 2, 2012)
Public Comments on the July, 2011 EA (updated Sept. 6, 2011)
Update August 5, 2011
Update August 1, 2011
- USDA Forest Service Gives Public 15 More Days to Comment on Environmental Assessment on Managing Recreation Uses on the Chattooga Wild and Scenic River (news release August 1, 2011)
- USDA Forest Service Asks Public to Review Assessment of Recreation Uses on the Upper Segment of the Chattooga Wild and Scenic River (news release July 15, 2011)
- Cover Letter and Environmental Assessment on Recreation Uses on the Upper Segment of the Chattooga Wild and Scenic River (July 15, 2011)