Passes & Permits

The Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forest manages many resources with the objective of caring for the land and serving people. Management protects natural resource values, public health and safety, and is consistent with the Forest land and resource management goals outlined in the Forest Plan. In order to meet these objectives, permits may be required for the occupancy and use of Forest Service land or resources.

The first step in applying for a permit is to contact the local district; Ranger District Office on which you need a permit. They will help determine if your request can be permitted and help you through the process. Our national website provides additional information about the special use program, regulations and laws, and the application process.

  • Special Use Permits

    A fishing guide instructs a visitor.

    Notice: Open Season Process beginning implementation Aug 1, 2023. Certain commercial and private uses of public lands require a "Special Use Authorization" through a Special Use Permit. These uses may include commercial photography, guiding tours, hosting events, conducting research, or maintaining a private residence in the Forest.

  • Permits for Forest Products

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    The forest produces a variety of products, such as firewood or plants, which may require a permit to be harvested. By issuing permits to gather forest products, the Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forest ensures the health, diversity, and productivity of these specific resources for generations to come.

  • Recreation Passes

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    The Chattachoochee-Oconee National Forestoffers a variety of activities such as camping, OHV riding, boating and target shooting. While many of these activities are free, passes or permits may be required at certain recreation sites to help maintain, manage, and improve the facilities.