Projects Involving Multi-Forests
Environmental Assessment for Management of Noxious Weeds and Hazardous Vegetation on Public Roads on National Forest System Lands
Decision Notice and Finding of No Significant Impact
May 27, 2004 (PDF - 59kb) -
Environmental Assessment
- Complete Environmental Assessment, June 2004 (101 pages, PDF, 1mb)
- Appendix D - Revised Biological Assessment and Evaluation, April 2004 (154 pages, PDF, 1.5mb)
Administrative Appeal Decisions
Forest Service line officers make many resource management decisions each year. Many of these decisions are subject to administrative appeal.
Travel Management
A new regulation governing off-highway vehicles and other motor vehicle use on national forests and grasslands has been announced that requires each national forest or ranger district to designate those roads, trails, and areas open to motor vehicle use.