Nature & Science
Forest and grassland conservation is accomplished through observation of nature and application of science.
Forest Service Research
Rocky Mountain Research Station - Conducting science on topics relating to land management and sustainability in the Southwest and beyond.
Treesearch - A database of the scientific articles written or published by the Forest Service.
Participatory Science
BudBurst - Monitor seasonal changes in plants with a national network of community scientists.
iNaturalist - Practice your observational skills by recording different plants and animals in habitats around your home and across the world.
See what others nearby have shared in the Southwestern Region.
World Migratory Bird Day: The Northern Goshawk
The Northern Goshawk is a fierce and secretive predator of mature boreal and temperate forests across the western and northeastern US. They are known to inhabit all national forests in the Southwestern Region, preferring Ponderosa Pine, Douglas-fir and pine, and aspen groves.