Working Together
The U.S. Forest Service Eastern Region works in partnership with public agencies, private organizations, tribes, watershed groups, volunteer organizations, nonprofit organizations, schools, and individuals to manage national forest resources. Multiple and dynamic partnerships between the Forest Service and other entities come in the form of agreements, grants, contracts, and volunteer commitments for specific projects or tasks needed to keep our forest healthy and active.
Urban Connections
Urban Connections is an urban outreach program of the USDA Forest Service - Eastern Region. It is based on a simple idea: reaching out to urban communities and building alliances that compliment the Forest Service motto of “Caring for the Land and Serving People.”
Promoting Environmental Education and Job Training for Detroit Teens

Urban Connections has a long-standing partnership with The Greening of Detroit’s Green Corps. It's an employment opportunity program where high school students learn environmental stewardship, planting, tree maintenance, urban gardening, and practical information about green careers.
A Different Kind of Summer Job: Youth Conservation Corps on the Hiawatha

Deep in the heart of the Hiawatha National Forest, Clear Lake is surrounded by white birch trees and red pine, black-eyed Susan and milkweed growing in patches of sun, and the remarkably clear lake for which the center is named.