Make A Difference
A career with the Forest Service is a chance to get inside the great outdoors and leave a lasting impact. Put your skills to work toward a career that matters!
For almost a century, since 1905, US Forest Service employees have been on the front line of conservation, intelligent resource utilization, and wildland management. Today, there is more excitement, greater challenge, and more career variety than ever before available to people who join the Nation's premier forest management agency. Managing 51 thousand square miles of the most magnificent lands in our nation is a great responsibility. Managing it in ways that are most effective for the land, water, air, wildlife, and people of America is our mission.
The Forest Service offers positions for both permanent and temporary employees. Permanent positions are for full-time employees and provide a flexible range of Federal government benefits. Temporary positions are for part-time or seasonal employees and provide benefits that vary with the position and the location. Due to the seasonal nature of many of the responsibilities of the Forest Service, such as wildfire fighting and seasonal recreation programs, many temporary workers are required.
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Employment Outreach
Applicants can apply online at USAJOBS.gov. For current Forest Service opportunities in California, go to USAJOBS; options on this page to narrow your search.
- Current Regional Vacancies: - This database has all current Pacific Southwest Regional Fire Management vacancies with type of position, location, and contact information.
- USA JOBS: - A federal employment service provided free to the public. It’s the fastest and easiest way to find and apply for federal employment. USA JOBS offers completely private, safe, and secure access to thousands of federal jobs worldwide.
- Learn about Caring for the Land and Serving People: - Learn about the Forest Service, the types of jobs we offer, and what it means to work for nature, as well as information about wages, benefits, and our organization's commitment to diversity.
- Find Your Dream Job: - Find out more about our available job openings and upcoming hiring events, as well as your eligibility, how to apply, and building a Federal resume.
- Next Steps: - Looking for specific information related to Forest Service jobs? Check out our webinar schedule or contact one of our recruiters.
We hire positions in wildland firefighting across California, including both permanent and permanent seasonal opportunities. Learn more about these positions here.
Wildland firefighters work in a variety of specialized positions, including air attack, fire engine crews, fuels management, hand crews, helirappel, helitack, interagency hotshot crews, patrol and prevention technicians, and smoke jumping. These crews often travel throughout California and other regions of the country. Learn more about people working in fire.
Fire management programs and techniques are constantly changing, changing in response to new science, changes in public policy, advances in technology, and safety and fire prevention lessons learned.
A wide range of courses are available year-round all across the country for professional wildland fire professionals to update their knowledge and skills. Many of these courses are interagency in nature, others are specific to the needs of the Forest Service.
Visit this link for more information - https://www.fs.usda.gov/managing-land/fire/training
USDA 1890 National Scholars Program: Scholarships are awarded annually and must be used at one of the 1890 Historically Black Land-Grant Universities. Each award provides full tuition, as well as room and board, for the term of the scholarship. The scholarship may be renewed each year, contingent upon satisfactory academic performance and normal progress toward the bachelor's degree.
The Forest Service also has many opportunities for part-time and temporary employment for high school and college students, including internships and cooperative student opportunities.
Forest Service employees enjoy a flexible range of benefits in working for the federal government.