
Management Plan Consistency Reviews

Part of the Forest Service's role in the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area is to review certain projects for consistency with the Management Plan, including projects on National Forest System Lands, projects within the CRGNSA initiated by other federal agencies, and private forest practices within Special Management Areas. If you have a project that requires review for consistency with the Management Plan, please contact Aiden Forsi, CRGNSA NEPA and Land Use Planner (, to discuss your project and determine your review path.

The projects listed here are those that the Forest Service is reviewing or has reviewed for consistency with the Management Plan. Projects initiated by the Forest Service that require documentation under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) are listed below, under "Current and Recent Projects." Though many projects require review under NEPA and the Management Plan, they are separate reviews, and review under one process does not imply that a review is necessary or required other the under process.

Current reviews:

East Fork Woodard Creek AOP CD-22-04-S

Legacy Pines Habitat Improvement CD-22-05-S

Little Wind River Phase 5 Habitat Enhancement CD-24-01-S


Recently completed reviews:

Spitzer SMA Forest Practice CD-23-01-S


Projects Currently in Implementation:

Ruckel Creek Culvert Repair and Road Construction CD-23-03-S

St. Cloud Day Use Area Improvements CD-22-01-S

Coyote Wall Trail Realignments and Decommissioning CD-22-03-S

Wyeth Water System Upgrade CD-23-02-S

Drano Resource Enhancement and Habitat Improvement Project CD-21-4-S

Cascade Locks Trail System CD-21-01-S 

Multnomah Falls Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements CD-21-05-S

Woodard Creek Habitat Restoration CD-21-02-S

USFS - Klickitat Mile One Recreation Site Development CD-20-03-G

Steigerwald Habitat Restoration and Flood Control Project, CD-18-06-S

Catherine Forest Restoration. NEPA and Consistency Review were completed in 2007.

Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area Current and Recent Projects

Developing Proposal

  • Federal Lands Access Program Signs Project

    The proposed Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) Sign Project proposes to replace existing signs and install new, thematic and interpretive signs throughout the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area.

  • Lower Woodard Creek Valley Bottom Reconnection Project

    This project restore lower gradient reaches and complex low-energy habitats for Coho and Fall Chinook rearing and spawning by restoring valley bottom reconnection. This is the second phase of comprehensive restoration on Woodard Creek.

Under Analysis

  • East Fork Woodard Creek Aquatic Organism Passage Installation

    The proposed action is to replace the existing stream crossing structures with a bridge within the right-of-way where Kueffler Road (FSR 1400)crosses the East Fork Woodard Creek, providing aquatic organism passage and restoring the natural channel.

  • Herman Creek Campground Geotechnical Services

    The Forest Service is proposing geotechnical services which would involve excavation of up to four test pits within the existing Herman Creek campground and trailhead area.

  • Legacy Pine Stand and Wildlife Habitat Improvement Project at Major Creek

    This project would protect an ecologically important remnant stand of old-growth ponderosa pine. Initial treatment: undergrowth thinning, small tree removal, fuel manipulation and snag creation. Outyear treatments: pile burning and broadcast burning.

  • St. Cloud Recreation Site Improvements

    Replacement of the existing restroom and reduce deferred maintenance at the site. Along with the restroom replacement project will replace the existing kiosk, install a fee tube for collection of recreation use fees, and improve accessibility.

Analysis Completed

  • Site-Specific Invasive Plant Treatment EIS for Mt. Hood NF/CRGNSA (Oregon)

    Prescribes treatments for invasive plants on Mt. Hood NF and Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area in Oregon on approx. 13,000 acres (208 sites) with a combination of treatments including herbicide, manual, mechanical and cultural (goat grazing).

Project Archive

Some of our older projects can be accessed in our Project Archive.