Interagency Annual Pass
- $80 annually Buy Now
- Honored nationwide at all Forest Service, National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, and US Fish & Wildlife Service sites charging entrance or standard amenity fees.
- Waives most day use fees (except at some concessionaire-run sites) and most entrance fees for all the federal agencies listed below under "Participating Sites" across the United States.
- The Interagency Annual Pass has two signature lines and any two individuals may sign the pass. Both are considered pass holders.
- Frequent visitors of multiple federal agency lands may save money by buying an Interagency Annual Pass.
- Validated by the seller.
- Valid for 12 months from the month of purchase. Expires the last day of the month punched.
- Pass is not valid for use until signed by owner.
- Admits pass holder and any accompanying passengers in a private non-commercial vehicle.
- At per-person fee areas, admits pass holder and up to 3 persons. Persons 15 and younger are admitted free of charge.
- At staffed sites, show your pass to the booth attendant.
- At unstaffed sites, use hangtag to display pass from rear-view mirror. Hangtags are available at Forest Service offices.
- At per-person sites, present pass upon request.
Other Important Details
- Anyone can purchase an Interagency Annual Pass.
- Interagency Annual Passes are nontransferable. America the Beautiful Interagency Annual Passes have one single signature line for a single passholder. *This is a change from the previous policy allowing for two signatures on the Interagency Annual Pass.
- The Interagency Annual Pass belongs to the signer only and s/he must be present for the pass to be used. Photo identification may be requested to verify pass ownership.
- Interagency Annual Passes do NOT cover expanded amenity fees or special recreation permits.
Decals for open topped vehicles may be issued free with an Interagency Annual Pass. Decals offer a secure method to display ownership of the Interagency Annual Pass on motorcycles or open-topped vehicles at unstaffed sites. However, they are not a valid pass in themselves; the vehicle owner must also carry an Interagency Annual Pass. Issuance of a decal requires:
- Valid Interagency Pass
- Photo identification to verify pass ownership
- Vehicle registration for an open topped vehicle that matches the name(s) of the pass holder(s) and the photo identification
How to get this pass
- Visit a Forest Service office in the Pacific Northwest
- Online at Discover Your Northwest
Participating Sites
Honored nationwide at all agency sites charging entrance or day use (standard amenity) fees.
- Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
- Forest Service (FS)
- Includes these Oregon and Washington sites
- National Park Service (NPS)
- Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
- United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
- United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR)
- United States Fish and Wildlife Service (US FWS)
More Information
- Call Outdoor Recreation Information Center at 1-800-270-7504
Alerts & Warnings
- Campfire, Shooting and Other Restrictions Have been Lifted!
- Emergency Closure of Carbon River Bridge!
- Trails, roads and campgrounds closed by Pincer Two Fire!
- Many Trails Closed Because of Miner's Complex Fires!
- Lake 22 Trail Closure
- Mallardy Ridge Trailhead and FSR 4030 and 4032 Closure
- Harris Lake Trailhead and FSR 5510 Closed
- Middle Fork Camping Closure
- FSR 4110 Road Closure
- Camping Restrictions
- Fireworks and Explosive Targets Prohibition
- Read this Before Climbing or Backpacking on Mt. Baker
- Food storage rules for Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie NF
- Alcohol Prohibitions