Advisory Committees
On this page: News Releases | Meeting Information | Background Information | Applying for RAC Funding | Getting Involved
Spring 2024 Meetings Cancelled - Due to a lack of quorum required to review and select project proposals for funding, we will not be able to meet later this month as planned. At this time we do not have a reschedule date. The delay is likely to take several months. For those of you who have already submitted proposals, we will keep them on file. For those who have not yet submitted proposals, we would recommend you hold on to it for now and we will let you know when the process gets back on track. We will be updating this Advisory Committee webpage with the latest information.
Thank you for your patience and feel free to give our Forest Partnership Coordinator a call with any questions: 406-758-5280
News Releases
2024 Meeting Information
This section will be updated when the 2024 meetings are rescheduled.
May 25, 2023 and May 31, 2023 - Under the authority of the Secure Rural Schools Act, the Flathead Resource Advisory Committee will conduct an in-person and a virtual meeting from 4:30-6 p.m. to review project proposals and vote by quorum to recommend funding for grants. You can find the Federal Register Notice announcing the meeting here.
In-person location: Flathead National Forest Supervisors Office, 650 Wolfpack Way, Kalispell, MT
Microsoft Teams: Click to join meeting
Meeting ID: 278 848 399 814
Passcode: UG2hRQ
Call in (audio only): 1-202-650-0123; conference ID: 497 251 381#
- October 20-21, 2021 4:00-7:00 p.m.
- March 8, 2021 and March 10, 2021 - Under the authority of the Secure Rural Schools Act, the Flathead Resource Advisory Committee will conduct virtual meetings on March 8 & 10, 2021 from 4-7 p.m. to review project proposals and vote by quorum to recommend funding for grants.
Past meeting notes
Background Information
What is the purpose of a Resource Advisory Committee?
Resource Advisory Committees were established under the Reauthorization of the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000. The RAC’s recommend how to allocate a portion of federal funds counties receive under the Act. The Act directs that funds be spent on projects such as road, trail and infrastructure maintenance or obliteration, improvements in soil and forest ecosystem health, restoration and improvements of wildlife and fish habitat, control of weeds, and reestablishment of native animals and plants. Projects must benefit resources on National Forest lands and meet federal environmental laws. In the past five years, the RACs have approved more than $3.5 million in funding for projects that benefit National Forest system lands.
What are the duties of the Resource Advisory Committee?
The RAC's duties include reviewing proposed forest management projects in accordance with the SRS Act and making recommendations to the Forest Service and providing opportunities for interested parties to participate in the project development process. RAC duties have been expanded to include monitoring of project progress and making recommendations for appropriate changes to projects being monitored.
Who makes up the Resource Advisory Committee?
Each resource advisory committee shall be comprised of 15 members made up of people from the general public, with equal representation from industry, environmental groups, elected officials, and other local interests. Members are appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture and serve a four-year term. Current Flathead County RAC members
What types of Projects does the RAC fund?
Projects which have been funded represent a number of categories. These include projects like trail projects, weed spraying, lake and stream monitoring, dust abatement, signage, education events, and vault toilets.
Applying for Funding
To apply for RAC funding, complete and submit the following proposal form to RAC Coordinator Ivy Gehling.
- RAC Project Proposal Form (Fillable PDF, Oct. 2020)
- RAC Project Proposal Form (Microsoft Word)
How can I become involved?
The Flathead County RAC periodically solicits applications from individuals to fill positions on our Resource Advisory Committees (RAC). Interested individuals should have an interest in resource management and a strong desire to work collaboratively within a diverse group of interests. To be a RAC member, applicants must fall into one of the following categories:
Category A
- Organized Labor or Non-Timber Forest Product Harvester Groups
- Developed Outdoor Recreation, Off Highway Vehicle Users, or Commercial Recreation Activities
- Energy & Mineral Development Interests or Commercial or Recreational Fishing Interests
- Commercial Timber Industry
- Hold Federal Grazing or Other Land Use Permits, or Represent Non-Industrial Private Forest Landowners Within the Area for Which the Committee is Organized
Category B
- Nationally recognized environmental organizations.
- Regionally or locally recognized environmental organizations.
- Dispersed recreation activities.
- Archaeological and historical interests.
- Nationally or regionally recognized wild horse or burro groups, wildlife or hunting organizations, or watershed organizations.
Category C
- State-elected office-holders or their designee.
- County or local elected office-holders.
- American Indian tribal representatives from tribes within or adjacent to the RAC area.
- School officials or teachers.
- Citizens representing the affected public at large.
If you are interested in serving on the Flathead County Resource Advisory Committee, please complete and submit an application and cover sheet to:
Ivy Gehling
Attn: Flathead County RAC
Flathead National Forest
650 Wolfpack Way
Kalispell, MT 5990
Ivy Gehling (
Additional information can be found at the Forest Service's Secure Rural Schools Program page.