Maps & Publications
Find a map and start planning your next adventure!
You can drop by one of our local offices to purchase or pick up free hardcopy maps. Some maps are available for purchase or viewing online, and some maps are available through the Avenza application for free or purchase. Click on the various headings below for more information about our maps.
You can also explore your forests and grasslands with the Interactive Visitor Map. Use the interactive map to locate roads, campgrounds, and other recreation sites on your favorite national forest or grassland.
Detailed Forest and District visitor maps are available directly from the Idaho Panhandle National Forests' main offices for $14. These maps include many Forest Service system roads, recreation sites, lakes, rivers, streams, mountain peaks, and ownership.
Looking to purchase maps online? Click the map covers below to be redirected to the USGS online store to purchase hardcopy maps to be shipped to you. Or click the Avenza image below the map covers to be redirected to the Avenza store to purchase a digital map. The IPNF is comprised of three proclaimed forests - Kaniksu (north third of the IPNF), Coeur d'Alene (middle third of the IPNF), and the St. Joe (south third of the IPNF). There is a separate map for each of these proclaimed forests:
Motor Vehicle Use Maps are the official map for designating all roads and trails available for public motorized travel on the Idaho Panhandle National Forests Kaniksu Zone (Bonners Ferry, Priest Lake and Sandpoint Ranger Districts), Coeur d'Alene River Ranger District and the St. Joe Ranger District. Visitors should not rely on any other maps for making decisions about motorized travel. Click the map cover to download a geoPDF and click the Avenza image to be redirected to Avenza to download a free geoPDF for use in the Avenza app.
Motor Vehicle Use Maps are the official map for designating all roads and trails available for public motorized travel on the Idaho Panhandle National Forests Kaniksu Zone (Bonners Ferry, Priest Lake and Sandpoint Ranger Districts), Coeur d’Alene River Ranger District and the St. Joe Ranger District. Visitors should not rely on any other maps for making decisions about motorized travel.
The MVUMs display National Forest System (NFS) routes (roads and trails) designated as open to motorized travel. The MVUMs also display allowed uses by vehicle class (ex. highway-legal vehicles, vehicles 50 inches in width or less and motorcycles); seasonal allowances, off route travel distance allowances, and provides information on other travel rules and regulations.
Routes not shown on the MVUMs are not open to public motor vehicle travel. Routes designated for motorized use may not always be signed on the ground but will be identified on the MVUMs. It will be the user’s responsibility to reference the MVUMs and stay on designated routes for motor vehicle use.
The MVUMs are black and white maps with no topographic features. It displays legal designations of where you can travel with various motorized vehicles, but for additional information it is best used in conjunction with a Forest Visitor Map or other detailed map.
Where can I get a MVUM?
Maps are posted on this website and paper copies of these maps are available free of charge at the following locations:
- St. Joe Ranger District - St. Maries Office
- St. Joe Ranger District - Avery Office (check to make sure they're open before making the drive!)
- Coeur d’Alene River Ranger District – Fernan Office
- Coeur d’Alene River Ranger District – Smelterville Office
- Sandpoint Ranger District – Sandpoint
- Bonners Ferry Ranger District – Bonners Ferry
- Priest Lake Ranger District – Priest Lake
- Forest Supervisor’s Office – Coeur d’Alene
Other Idaho Panhandle National Forests’ offices will have the free map as well. Other partners and distribution locations may be developed over time to help disseminate maps.
How do I print the MVUM?
A full-size version of the MVUM is 36” x 44” and cannot be printed on conventional home printers. A full-size version can only be printed from a large plotter. Many local copy shops, engineering and survey businesses can print the map.
To be readable, only a portion of the MVUM can be printed on 8 ½” x 11” paper using home printers. With PDF viewers/readers, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can use the “Print Current View” function to print the view on your screen. It is recommended that the legend box be printed to aid in interpretation of the MVUM.
What does a MVUM show me?
The map displays all National Forest System roads and trails allowing public motor vehicle use. This is commonly referred to as designation. It also states that driving off designated roads and trails is prohibited (36 CFR 261.13).
Motorized use includes but is not limited to Motorcycles, ATVs, and 4-wheel drive vehicles.
Designation details include vehicle class, time of year, and motorized access for the purpose of dispersed camping (camping in locations other than developed campgrounds).
Limited motor vehicle access may occur on routes not shown on the MVUM for the purpose of administrative access by Forest Service personnel; for fire and law enforcement; for emergency purposes; and by persons authorized by a written special use permit or contract from the Forest Service.
Does the MVUM also show non-motorized trails and over-snow vehicle uses?
No, a visitor map or snowmobile map will provide information on over-snow and non-motorized routes, including mechanized trails, hiking, and horse trails. Over-snow vehicle use is exempted from designations on the MVUM. Regardless of what other maps (including the Forest Visitor Map) may show as motorized routes, only those routes identified on the MVUM are designated as open to public motorized use and legal for public motorized travel.
Are there road and trail route marker signs on the ground?
Our goal is to have most, if not all, of our motorized travel routes signed at primary junctions. In some cases, a route marker may exist at the entrance of the road/trail with symbols indicating which classes of vehicles are allowed. Routes designated for motorized uses will be identified on the MVUMs. The MVUMs are an enforcement tool to ensure individuals are on the correct route.
It is the responsibility of the user to determine if they are on a route designated for the motor vehicle being used. MVUMs will be developed for each forest nationwide. It is not only a tool for motorized users, but also a consistent and standardized law enforcement tool.
After MVUMs are available to the public in map form and on the web, what will be the USFS enforcement strategy?
When new regulations are posted, the Forest Service provides some time to educate the public about the specifics of the regulation. A law enforcement officer contact with the public is a great opportunity to provide information education and create awareness about what information the MVUM conveys. However, law enforcement officers can issue a notice of violation anytime after the MVUM is publicly available.
You can help us maintain this system and keep these opportunities open to all motorized users by letting us know when other users abuse their privilege and travel on routes closed to motorized use by calling any of the offices listed above.
- Kaniksu Area Snowmobile Map: Routes and Areas Available Before April 1
- Kaniksu Area Snowmobile Map: Routes and Areas Available from April 1 to May 31
- Bonners Ferry Ranger District: November 16 to March 31
- Bonners Ferry Ranger District: April 1 to May 31
- Priest Lake Ranger District: November 16 to March 31
- Priest Lake Ranger District: April 1 to May 31
- Sandpoint Ranger District: November 16 to March 31
- Sandpoint Ranger District: April 1 to May 31
- Coeur d'Alene River Area: Snowmobile Trail Map for Kootenai & Shoshone Counties
- St. Joe Area: Current Conditions of Groomed Snow Routes near Avery and St. Maries
We provide a library of GIS (geographic information system) data sets and associated tabular information. Base layers including roads, trails, ownership, and recreation sites are among the products that we offer.
- Recreational Prospecting and Rockhounding
The Prospecting/Rockhounding brochure can help you enjoy these activities safely and provide guidelines for when a permit may be necessary. (188k - pdf) Updated 2023 - 4th of July ATV Trail (127k - pdf)
- 803 Motorized Trail - Steamboat Area (1.6mb - pdf)
- Windy Ridge to Horse Haven ATV Trail (210k - pdf)
- Canfield Mountain Trail System (1.7mb - pdf)
- OHV Adventure Routes on the St. Joe Ranger District (31 mb - pdf)
- Ultimate Motorcycle Loops of the St. Joe River Country (12.9 mb - pdf)
- Floating the Upper Coeur d'Alene River (319k - pdf)
- Garnet Digging at Emerald Creek Garnet Area
There are only two places in the world you can find Star Garnets - India and right here on the Idaho Panhandle National Forests! Find out how you can dig your own samples of Idaho's State Gem. - Huckleberry Picking at Priest Lake (330k - pdf)
Huckleberry picking can be enjoyed as a solitary experience or as a group activity for the entire family. Use this brochure as a guide for locating huckleberry picking areas at Priest Lake. - Floating Priest River (240k - pdf)
From Priest Lake to the City of Priest River, the Lower Priest River offers diverse opportunities for family float trips. - Priest Lake Island and Lake Shore Camping (240k - pdf)
Kalispell and Bartoo Islands offer unique camping and recreation opportunities on the Priest Lake Ranger District. - Hanna Flats Cedar Grove Interpretive Trail (80k - pdf)
- Roosevelt Grove of Ancient Cedars (175k - pdf)
- Huckleberry Picking at Bonners Ferry (186k - pdf)
Huckleberry picking can be enjoyed as a solitary experience or as a group activity for the entire family. Use this brochure as a guide for locating huckleberry picking areas at Bonners Ferry.
Alerts & Warnings
- Upper River North Prescribed Fire Area/Road/Trail Closure
- Rose Lake Informal Recreation Area Closure
- Callahan Creek Boulder Road Closure
- Little Elk Creek Trail Closure
- Emerald Creek Road Closure
- Hudlow Meadows Restoration Area Closure Order
- Flat Creek Forest Road 462A Closure, Priest Lake Ranger District
- Catspur Creek Road and Area Closure, St. Joe Ranger District,
- Ridge Creek Salvage Sale Road Closure, CDA River Ranger District
- Hiawatha Rail Trail Closure, St. Joe Ranger District
- Huckelberry Trail #802 Closure, CDA River Ranger District
- Green Bay Closure, Sandpoint Ranger District
- Solo Creek Quartz Dig Site Closure, Priest Lake Ranger District
- Chilco Mountain Trail Closure, CDA River Ranger District