About the Area
Learn About Your Northwest Forests
Our Purpose
Our agency was created on the principle of managing the Nation’s natural resources “for the greatest good, for the greatest number, for the longest time.”
Our Mission
Sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the Nation’s forests and grasslands to meet the needs of present and future generations.
Core Values
As employees of the Forest Service, we believe in:
- SERVICE. To each other. To the American people. To the planet.
- INTERDEPENDENCE. Of all things. People and nature. Communities and colleagues. The past, present, and future.
- CONSERVATION. Protection when necessary. Preservation when appropriate. Restoration, when needed, and wise management for multiple use and enjoyment always.
- DIVERSITY. People and cultures. Perspectives and ideas. Experiences and ecosystems.
- SAFETY. In every way: physical, psychological, and social.
About Pacific Northwest Region 6
The Pacific Northwest Region (Region 6) of the US Forest Service contains 17 National Forests, a National Scenic Area, a National Grassland, and two National Volcanic Monuments, all within the States of Oregon and Washington. The Forests provide timber for people, forage for cattle and wildlife, habitat for fish, plants, and animals, and some of the finest recreation lands in the country.
Oregon and Washington host a diversity of ecosystems and ecoregions from wet temperate rain forests in some coastal areas to the more arid high desert areas of eastern Oregon and Washington. The Pacific Northwest Region is bound by the Pacific Ocean to the west and includes several mountain ranges: the Coast Mountains, the Cascade Range, the Olympic Mountains, and the Columbia Mountains. Active volcanoes within the Oregon and Washington region include Mount Baker, Mount Rainier, Mount St Helens, which erupted in 1980, Mount Hood, and Mount Jefferson. Most of the human population of the Pacific Northwest is currently concentrated in the Vancouver–Seattle–Portland corridor.
Learn more about the Pacific Northwest
Navigate this map to find trails, campgrounds, and many other recreation opportunities offered in Pacific Northwest forests: