State, Private, and Tribal Forestry
The Forest Service State, Private, and Tribal Forestry organization is the federal leader in providing technical and financial assistance to landowners and resource managers to help sustain the nation’s forests and grasslands, protect communities from wildland fire and restore fire-adapted ecosystems.
The State, Private, and Tribal Forestry organization of the Forest Service reaches across the boundaries of national forests to states, tribes, communities and non-industrial private landowners. Our programs bring forest management assistance and expertise to a diversity of forest landowners (including small woodlot, tribal, state, and federal) through cost-effective, non-regulatory partnerships. Forest Service specialists collaborate with state agencies and local partners to increase awareness about the many benefits well-managed trees provide, and how they improve the livability of our cities, towns, and rural communities.
State, Private & Tribal Forestry Programs
Community Forests & Open Spaces Program
The Community Forest and Open Space Conservation Program (Community Forest Program) of the Forest Service offers a unique opportunity for communities to acquire and conserve forests that provide public access and recreational opportunities, protect vital water supplies and wildlife habitat, serve as demonstration sites for private forest landowners, and provide economic benefits from timber and non-timber products. The Forest Service releases an annual request for applications for the Community Forest Program.
Ecosystem Services Program
Ecosystem services are the benefits that nature provides to people including forest products, clean air and water, climate regulation, recreation opportunities, and cultural connections with the land, among many others. The Forest Service works with state and private partners to identify and quantify these benefits in social and economic terms. The agency also helps develop payment incentive programs and conservation finance tools to sustain forest ecosystem services over time.
Forest Health Protection Program
The Forest Health Protection program has shared responsibility for monitoring and protecting the health of forest ecosystems in the Pacific Northwest. We provide technical and financial assistance to federal resource managers in Oregon and Washington regarding insects, diseases, and unwanted vegetation in forest ecosystems. Similar assistance is provided through state forestry staffs to state and private resource managers. Similar assistance is provided through state forestry staffs to state and private resource managers.
Forest Legacy Program
The Forest Legacy Program supports State efforts to protect environmentally sensitive forest lands. Designed to encourage the protection of privately owned forest lands, it is an entirely voluntary program. It encourages and supports acquisition of conservation easements, legally binding agreements transferring a negotiated set of property rights from one party to another, without removing the property from private ownership. Most Forest Legacy Program conservation easements restrict development, require sustainable forestry practices, and protect other values.
Landowner Assistance Program
Non-industrial private landowners are encouraged to find better ways to manage and use natural resources on their forest lands and apply sound forestry practices. Assistance addresses the protection of soil and water resources, improving wildlife habitat, increasing outdoor recreation opportunities, as well as providing wood products, pre-harvest planning, and adequate regeneration of timber. Technical and financial assistance is provided to State Foresters for program delivery.
Urban and Community Forestry Program
Over 80% of people in the US live in cities, towns, or rural communities – and most of those people experience nature primarily in our urban & community forests. These trees, parks, and green belts provide many benefits: improved human health & well-being, reduced stormwater runoff, and reduced air & water pollution. With financial assistance from the Forest Service, state forestry agencies provide technical urban forestry advice & training (community forestry planning, tree inventories & assessments, municipal code development, tree pruning & maintenance, etc.) and coordinate the Tree Cities USA programs.
Western Nurseries Program
The Western Nursery Specialist (Diane Haase, 503-808-2349, provides technical support to forest and conservation nurseries in the 17 western states and the American-affiliated Pacific Islands as a part of the national Reforestation, Nurseries, and Genetics Resources (RNGR) team. RNGR supports state, federal, tribal, industrial, and private nurseries throughout the country by providing key information to aid in the production of adequate supplies of reasonably priced, high quality, genetically adapted seedlings for reforestation, conservation, and restoration.
Wood Innovations Program
Woody biomass – parts of trees and woody plants that are the byproducts of forest management – may result from hazardous fuels reduction, insect and disease treatments, ecosystem restoration projects, and many other activities. Using woody biomass as a bio-energy source promotes energy efficiency, creates family-wage jobs in rural areas, saves money when used for heating, reduces carbon dioxide emissions, and provides a source of renewable, sustainable energy.