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Publication Details

Airborne and Lidar measurements of smoke plume rise, emissions, and dispersion Data publication contains GIS data
Urbanski, Shawn P.; Kovalev, Vladimir A.; Hao, Wei Min
Publication Year:
How to Cite:
These data were collected using funding from the U.S. Government and can be used without additional permissions or fees. If you use these data in a publication, presentation, or other research product please use the following citation:
Urbanski, Shawn P.; Kovalev, Vladimir A.; Hao, Wei Min. 2013. Airborne and Lidar measurements of smoke plume rise, emissions, and dispersion. Fort Collins, CO: USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.
This data publication consists of measurements of smoke plume rise, emissions, and dispersion in and around eight wildfires in the western United States and prescribed fires in California, Idaho, and North Carolina. Eleven wildland fires were investigated between August 2009 and August 2011, allowing the research team to measure plume rise and smoke transport over a wide range of meteorological conditions, fire activity, fuels, and terrain. This data publication provides observations for the evaluation of smoke dispersion and air quality forecasting models. The data publication includes measurements of prognostic variables (plume height and the concentrations of aerosol, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and methane) of plume rise models, smoke dispersion models, and atmospheric chemistry transport models. The subcomponent models of smoke modeling systems, such as plume rise and fire effects models rely on a variety of fire environment data as input including ambient meteorological conditions, fuel type, fuel loading, and fuel condition. In addition to measuring model prognostic variables, this data publication also has ancillary data consisting of fire environment variables which are input for the subcomponent models of smoke modeling systems.

climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere; environment; Climate change; Carbon; Fire; Prescribed fire; Smoke; Inventory, Monitoring, & Analysis; Monitoring; biomass burning; wildland fire; smoke dispersion; smoke emissions; wildfire; plume rise; Joint Fire Science Program; JFSP; Bob Marshall Wilderness; Bitterroot National Forest; Salmon-Challis National Forest; Clearwater National Forest; Bitterroot National Forest; Dixie National Forest; Deschutes National Forest; Fishlake National Forest; Boise National Forest; Vandenberg Air Force Base; Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune; Montana; Idaho; Utah; Oregon; California; North Carolina
Related publications:
  • Urbanski, Shawn P.; Hao, Wei Min; Kovalev, Vladimir A. Unpublished material. Airborne and Lidar Measurements of Smoke Plume Rise, Emissions, and Dispersion: Dataset Documentation. 140 p. (Available through full product download).
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