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- Marcell Experimental Forest cumulative hydrology database, 1960-2000
- Data product containing campsite assessments for "Effectiveness of a Confinement Strategy in Reducing Pack Stock Impacts at Campsites in the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness, Idaho"
- The changing Midwest assessment: data and shapefiles
- Fraser Experimental Forest Headquarters station daily precipitation data: 1976-2003
- Fraser Experimental Forest Headquarters station weekly precipitation data: 1976-2003
- Data product containing tree heights, survival, and genetic variation for "Genetic Variation in Ponderosa Pine: A 15-year Test of Provenances in the Great Plains"
- Data product containing 22-year Nebraska tree heights, survival, and genetic variation for "Ten-Year Performance of Ponderosa Pine Provenances in the Great Plains of North America"
- Fraser Experimental Forest East St. Louis Creek and Lower Fool Creek daily streamflow data: 1943-1985
- Fraser Experimental Forest Headquarters station hourly temperature data: 1976-2003
- Glacier Lakes Ecosystem Experiments Site (GLEES) hourly meteorology tower data
- Glacier Lakes Ecosystem Experiments Site (GLEES) hourly meteorology tower data: 1989-2005
- Glacier Lakes Ecosystem Experiments Site NADP (WY00) hourly meteorology tower data: 1991-2005
- Data product containing 5-year tree heights, survival, and genetic variation for "Genetic Variation in Great Plains Juniperus"
- Data product containing 16-year tree heights, survival, and genetic variation for "Genetic Variation in Blue Spruce: A Test of Populations in Nebraska"
- Data product containing 20-year tree heights, diameters, and genetic variation for "Scots pine in eastern Nebraska: A provenance study"
- Canopy fuel and tree biomass data from the Interior West
- Effects of fuels reduction treatments on the soil temperature, heat-flux, water content, and CO2 at Manitou Experimental Forest
- Data product containing Fraser Experimental Forest bedload transport, particle size distributions, and discharge data for "Defining phases of bedload transport using piecewise regression"
- Data product containing Little Granite Creek and Hayden Creek bedload transport data and corresponding SAS code for "A tutorial on the piecewise regression approach applied to bedload transport data"
- Data product containing litterfall, decomposition, and leaf area index data for "Surface Fuel Litterfall and Decomposition in the Northern Rocky Mountains, USA"
- Santa Fe Watershed Fuels Reduction Project: Avian Point Counts
- scounty100: County boundaries of the Southern United States at 1:100,000 scale
- scounty2m: County boundaries of the Southern United States at 1:2,000,000 scale
- Lubrecht State Experimental Forest Prescribed Fire Effects Study 1973-2006
- Data product for "Anticipated climate warming effects on Bull Trout habitats and populations across the Interior Columbia River Basin"
- Data product for "Role of a native legume in facilitating native vs. invasive species in sagebrush steppe before and after fire"
- Atlas of digital polygon fire extents for Idaho and western Montana
- Atlas of digital polygon fire extents for Idaho and western Montana (1889-2003)
- Data product for "Influence of a native legume on soil N and plant response following prescribed fire in sagebrush steppe"
- Data product for "Nitrogen level and legume presence affect competitive interactions between a native and invasive grass"
- Data product for "Effects of water and nitrogen availability on nitrogen contribution by the legume, Lupinus argenteus Pursh"
- IW-FIA Predicted Forest Attribute Maps - 2005
- Fort Valley Experimental Forest 30-minute meteorological data: 2003-present
- Forest ownership in the conterminous United States: ForestOwn_v1 geospatial dataset
- Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest 15 minute streamflow data
- Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest 15 minute streamflow data: 2000-2009
- Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest water quality data: 1992-2009
- Biomass, fuel load, and litter measurements before prescribed fire in the Shoshone mountains of Nevada
- Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest stream sediment collection: 1994-2009
- Data product containing nest success and factors affecting nest survival for "Nest success of Black-backed Woodpeckers in forests with mountain pine beetle outbreaks in the Black Hills, South Dakota"
- Climate Scenarios for the conterminous United States at the county spatial scale using SRES scenarios A1B and A2 and PRISM climatology
- Climate Scenarios for the conterminous United States at the county spatial scale using SRES scenario B2 and PRISM climatology
- Historical Climate data (1940-2006) for the conterminous United States at the county spatial scale based on PRISM climatology
- Historical climate data (1940-2006) for the conterminous United States at the 5 arc minute grid spatial scale based on PRISM climatology
- Field plot measures and predictive map products for "Nearest neighbor imputation of species-level, plot-scale forest structure attributes from LiDAR data"
- Field plot measures and predictive map products for "Regression modeling and mapping of coniferous forest basal area and tree density from discrete-return lidar and multispectral satellite data"
- Field attributes and satellite indices for "The relationship of multispectral satellite imagery to immediate fire effects"
- Maximum temperatures, needle mat, and vegetation measurements in pinyon-juniper microsites following prescribed burn in the Shoshone mountains of Nevada
- Vegetation response to prescribed fire in the Shoshone mountains of Nevada
- Climate Scenarios for the conterminous United States at the 5 arc minute grid spatial scale using SRES scenarios A1B and A2 and PRISM climatology
- Climate Scenarios for the conterminous United States at the 5 arc minute grid spatial scale using SRES scenario B2 and PRISM climatology
- Geomorphology influences extent and composition of riparian plant communities at the watershed scale in central Nevada
- Relationships between riparian vegetation and geomorphic process zones in the Toiyabe mountain range in Nevada
- Central Nevada meadow characterization
- Manitou Experimental Forest hourly meteorology data
- Manitou Experimental Forest hourly meteorology data
- Detections of breeding birds in the Shoshone, Toiyabe, Toquima, and Monitor ranges, Nevada
- Detections of breeding birds in the Shoshone, Toiyabe, Toquima, and Monitor ranges, Nevada
- Detections of breeding birds in the Shoshone, Toiyabe, Toquima, and Monitor ranges, Nevada
- Presence and absence of butterflies in the Shoshone Mountains and Toiyabe and Toquima ranges, Nevada
- Presence and absence of butterflies in the Shoshone Mountains and Toiyabe and Toquima ranges, Nevada
- Presence and absence of butterflies in the Shoshone Mountains and Toiyabe and Toquima ranges, Nevada
- Data product containing nest site selection and survival data for "Nesting ecology of greater sage-grouse Centrocercus urophasianus at the eastern edge of their historic distribution"
- Data product containing elk telemetry and vegetation characterization for "Habitat use by elk (Cervus elaphus) within structural stages of a managed forest of the northcentral United States"
- fcounty100: FIA county boundaries of the Southern United States at 1:100,000 scale
- fcounty2m: FIA county boundaries of the Southern United States at 1:2,000,000 scale
- sstates100: State boundaries of the Southern United States at 1:100,000 scale
- sstates2m: State boundaries of the Southern United States at 1:200,000 scale
- fstate2m: State boundaries of the Southern United States at 1:200,000 scale
- Fernow Experimental Forest daily air temperature
- Fernow Experimental Forest daily precipitation
- Fernow Experimental Forest daily streamflow
- Fernow Experimental Forest precipitation chemistry
- Fernow Experimental Forest stream chemistry
- Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest annual precipitation data
- Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest annual precipitation data: 1993-2010
- Coram Experimental Forest 15 minute streamflow data
- Coram Experimental Forest 15 minute streamflow data
- High resolution interpolation of climate scenario change factors for Alaska derived from AR4 General Circulation Model simulations
- High resolution interpolation of climate scenario change factors for the conterminous USA derived from AR4 General Circulation Model simulations
- Campsite assessment data for backcountry campsites in Grand Canyon National Park
- Baseline campsite data for sites near lakes in the Spanish Peaks portion of the Lee Metcalf Wilderness
- Campsite condition data for the Bob Marshall Wilderness
- Campsite condition data for the Eagle Cap Wilderness
- Campsite condition data for the Miller Peak Wilderness
- Campsite condition data for three drainages in the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness
- Greater Border Lakes Region land cover classification and change detection
- Overstory tree and regeneration data from the "Silvicultural Effects on Composition, Structure, and Growth" study at Penobscot Experimental Forest
- Overstory tree and regeneration data from the "Silvicultural Effects on Composition, Structure, and Growth" study at Penobscot Experimental Forest
- Precommercial thinning x fertilization study data from the Penobscot Experimental Forest
- The Fire Management Deep Smarts Project: interviews with key people involved with the Yellowstone fires of 1988 and with experts in returning natural fire to wilderness and National Park Service lands
- Digital surface, terrain, and canopy height models for Priest River Experimental Forest in 2002
- Digital surface, terrain, and canopy height models for a portion of the Black Hills Experimental Forest in 2002
- Digital surface, terrain, and canopy height models for the Bannock Creek unit of Boise Basin Experimental Forest in 2007
- Forest carbon stocks of the contiguous United States (2000-2009)
- Field plot measures and fuel treatment units used to assess the effectiveness of (WUI) fuel treatments burned through by the 2007 East Zone and Cascade megafires in central Idaho
- Historical woodland density of the conterminous United States, 1873
- Vegetation structure and composition in the Shoshone Mountains and Toiyabe, Toquima, and Monitor ranges, Nevada
- Vegetation structure and composition in the Shoshone Mountains and Toiyabe, Toquima, and Monitor ranges, Nevada
- North American Carbon Program biometric database
- North American Carbon Program biometric database
- Spatial wildfire occurrence data for the United States, 1992-2012 [FPA_FOD_20140428]
- Spatial wildfire occurrence data for the United States, 1992-2013 [FPA_FOD_20150323]
- Spatial wildfire occurrence data for the United States, 1992-2015 [FPA_FOD_20170508]
- Spatial wildfire occurrence data for the United States, 1992-2011 [FPA_FOD_20130422]
- Airborne and Lidar measurements of smoke plume rise, emissions, and dispersion
- Data catalog and scanned images for Anderson and Rothermel early fire behavior experiments
- Incidental and long-distance bird observations in the Shoshone, Toiyabe, Toquima, and Monitor ranges, Nevada
- Incidental and long-distance bird observations in the Shoshone, Toiyabe, Toquima, and Monitor ranges, Nevada
- Live tree species basal area of the contiguous United States (2000-2009)
- Campsite condition data for four South-Central Wildernesses in Arkansas, Illinois, and Missouri
- Tree height and diameter data from the Aspen FACE Experiment, 1997-2008
- Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest fluvial sediment transport data
- Composite Burn Index (CBI) data and field photos collected for the FIRESEV project, western United States
- Capture history and handling times for "Netguns: a technique for capturing Black-backed Woodpeckers"
- Public and private forest ownership in the conterminous United States: distribution of six ownership types - geospatial dataset
- Overstory tree and regeneration data from the "Management Intensity Demonstration" study at Penobscot Experimental Forest
- Campsite condition data for the Salmon River in the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness
- Campsite condition data for the Superstition Wilderness
- Campsite condition data for the San Rafael Wilderness
- National river recreation study data: a nationwide survey of river recreation use from 1977-1984
- Penobscot Experimental Forest boundary, roads, trails, management units, and permanent sample plot locations
- Wildlife population and harvest data for Forest Service 2010 RPA assessment
- Social conditions and visitor flow data for the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness
- Fuel moisture extraction data measured to compare chainsaw and handsaw methods
- Wildland fire emission factors database
- Forest canopy disturbance geospatial data for Lake Michigan basin, USA, 1985-2008
- Forest canopy disturbance geospatial data for Lake Superior basin, USA, 1985-2008
- RxCADRE 2012: Airborne measurements of smoke emission and dispersion from prescribed fires
- Biological reserves of the US Federal Protection Network (IUCN categories I-IV) and PCA loadings used to characterize the climate space of the conterminous United States
- Field measurements of ground, surface, ladder, and crown fuels 2-32 years following Dendroctonus ponderosae epidemics in the Pinus contorta zone of south-central Oregon
- Tree density, size, and composition data for mixed-conifer forest in the Deschutes and Ochoco National Forests
- Southern pine defoliation growth response data
- Field measurements of Arceuthobium americanum effects on forest structure and fuels loadings 21-28 years following a Dendroctonus ponderosae epidemic in the Pinus contorta zone of central Oregon
- John Muir Wilderness and Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Parks Wilderness: 1990 visitor survey data
- Witness trees of the Monongahela National Forest: 1752-1899
- Forest structure and tree ring widths from the Fire and Fire Surrogate Study - Blodgett Forest Site
- Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks (SEKI) Wilderness: 2011 visitor survey data
- Forest stand age map of Canada (2004) and the United States (2006)
- Tenderfoot Creek Research Project seedling, sapling and variable radius plot tree data
- Habitat use data for male ruffed grouse in the Black Hills National Forest
- RxCADRE 2008, 2011, and 2012: Ground fuel measurements from prescribed fires
- RxCADRE 2008, 2011, and 2012: Ground cover fractions
- RxCADRE 2008, 2011, and 2012: Clip plot locations
- RxCADRE 2008, 2011, and 2012: Burn blocks
- Forest carbon data for the 2008 US forest national greenhouse gas inventory
- Carbon dioxide and ozone data from the Aspen FACE Experiment, 1998-2009, and Phase II Experiment, 2010
- Social conditions, conflict, and preference data for users in the Rattlesnake National Recreation Area in 1989
- Social conditions, conflict, and preference data for users in the Rattlesnake National Recreation Area in 1994
- Qualitative and quantitative 2004-2005 data on Yakutat residents, local relationships to the Situk River, and management implications
- Fuels, weather, fire behavior and vegetation data pertaining to Rx fire in a young loblolly pine plantation in Jones County, Georgia
- Streamflow data for the Priest River Experimental Forest
- Marginal fire spread in live fuel beds - horizontal fuels
- Tenderfoot Research Project: Fuel loading and postburn tree mortality data
- Northern Forest Futures Database
- RxCADRE 2008, 2011, and 2012: Lidar data and derived raster products
- Historical tree and shrub measurements on the Stanislaus National Forest: 1911 timber survey data
- The 1990-2010 wildland-urban interface of the conterminous United States - geospatial data
- The 2010 wildland-urban interface of the conterminous United States - geospatial data
- Dimension, volume, and biomass data for hand-piled fuels in California and Washington
- Human values, behavior, and attitudes: Data from a survey of visitors within Oregon's Eagle Cap Wilderness
- Fire history data for eastern Washington, USA
- Fuels data for developing models for predicting consumption in sagebrush-dominated ecosystems
- Data to support evaluation of fuel treatment effectiveness in the 2006 Tripod Complex fires
- Models of habitat quality and connectivity for mountain lion (Puma concolor), mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), desert bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis nelsoni), black bear (Ursus americanus), and pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) on the Navajo Nation
- Data for developing fuel consumption models for pine flatwoods fuel types in the southeastern United States
- BeeTrees: tropical and sub-tropical nectar and pollen sources
- Fire atlas for the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness
- Fire atlas for the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem (Glacier National Park, Great Bear Wilderness, Bob Marshall Wilderness, and Scapegoat Wilderness)
- Fire atlas for the Gila and Aldo Leopold Wilderness areas
- Fire atlas for the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness
- Permanent photographic points on the Moquah Barrens Research Natural Area
- RxCADRE 2012: CSU-MAPS wind LiDAR velocity and microwave temperature/relative humidity profiler data
- RxCADRE 2012: CSU-MAPS background wind, temperature, RH, and pressure time series data
- Moquah Barrens Research Natural Area - breeding bird surveys 1971-2006
- Measurements from twelve permanent vegetation plots in the Moquah Barrens Research Natural Area: 1979 and 1996
- Presence and abundance of butterflies in the Wassuk Range, Sweetwater Mountains, and east slope of the Sierra Nevada, Nevada and California
- Detections of breeding birds in the Wassuk Range, Sweetwater Mountains, and east slope of the Sierra Nevada, Nevada and California
- Vegetation structure and composition in the Wassuk Range, Sweetwater Mountains, and east slope of the Sierra Nevada, Nevada and California
- Incidental and long-distance bird observations in the Wassuk Range, Sweetwater Mountains, and east slope of the Sierra Nevada, Nevada and California
- Fuels and stand structure data for the Summit post-fire logging study: pre-logging, one year post-logging, and 13 years post-logging
- RxCADRE 2008, 2011, and 2012: Radiometer locations
- RxCADRE 2008, 2011, and 2012: Radiometer data
- Expected change in suitable habitat for riparian species along the Rio Grande in New Mexico under changing climate
- Data on wilderness experience stewardship from a 2001-2002 visitor survey at Gates of the Arctic National Park & Preserve
- Vegetation, fuels, and fire weather data from post-fire landscapes on the Plumas and Lassen National Forests
- Forest bird monitoring data from national forests of the western Great Lakes region
- Daily air temperature, relative humidity, vapor pressure, PPFD, wind speed and direction for climate stations at the Coweeta Hydrologic Lab, North Carolina
- Forest stand age map of Canada (2011) and the United States (2006 & 2011)
- Wildland Fire Potential (WFP) for the conterminous United States (270-m GRID), version 2012 classified
- Wildland Fire Potential (WFP) for the conterminous United States (270-m GRID), version 2012 continuous
- Wildfire Hazard Potential (WHP) for the conterminous United States (270-m GRID), version 2018 classified
- Wildfire Hazard Potential (WHP) for the conterminous United States (270-m GRID), version 2014 classified
- Wildfire Hazard Potential (WHP) for the conterminous United States (270-m GRID), version 2018 continuous
- Wildfire Hazard Potential (WHP) for the conterminous United States (270-m GRID), version 2014 continuous
- RxCADRE 2012: In-situ wind, air temperature, barometric pressure, and heat flux time series data
- Daily air temperature data, recorded by NWS thermometer, from climate station 01 at Coweeta Hydrologic Lab, North Carolina
- Early successional forest and land cover geospatial data of the upper Midwest
- Kane Experimental Forest: Overstory tree data from a thinning study in Allegheny hardwoods
- Bailey's ecoregions and subregions of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands
- Seed and ring width data from 'Climate drivers of seed production in Picea engelmannii and response to warming temperatures in the southern Rocky Mountains'
- Urban tree database
- RxCADRE 2008: Wildfire Airborne Sensor Program - Lite uncalibrated long wave infrared image mosaics
- RxCADRE 2011 and 2012: Wildfire Airborne Sensor Program orthorectified and calibrated long wave infrared images
- RxCADRE 2011 and 2012: Wildfire Airborne Sensor Program long wave infrared calibrated image mosaics
- Data for National Fire and Fire Surrogate study: environmental effects of alternative fuel reduction treatments
- Data supporting publication of fortifying the forest: thinning and burning increase resistance to a bark beetle outbreak and promote forest resilience
- Meteorological and soil temperature data from the treatment plots at the Aspen FACE Experiment, 1999-2009
- Meteorological and soil moisture data from an ambient monitoring station at the Aspen FACE Experiment, 1999-2009
- Beaver monitoring data from the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, Wisconsin
- RxCADRE 2012: Instrument and infrared target survey locations and attributes
- Supporting data for "Morphologic plasticity and increasing competition explain deviation from the Metabolic Scaling Theory in semi-arid conifer forests, southwestern USA"
- Felled tree biomass for four hardwood species of the central Appalachians, West Virginia
- Online discussions from a foresight panel: Wildland fire management futures
- Fire and climate data for western Bailey’s ecosections, USA
- Measuring managers' perceptions of llama use in wild areas - data from 1993
- Post-fire vegetation attributes in the Rim Fire, Stanislaus National Forest, California
- Presence and absence of butterflies in the Rim Fire, Stanislaus National Forest, California
- Fluorescence emission images of wood stained with acridine orange
- Physical and chemical properties of the foliage of 10 live wildland fuels
- Overstory and regeneration data from the "Rehabilitation of cutover mixedwood stands" study at the Penobscot Experimental Forest
- Daily streamflow data for watersheds at Coweeta Hydrologic Lab, North Carolina
- Chlorophyll-a data from Big Creek Tributaries (1990-2014)
- Invertebrate abundance and biomass data from Big Creek tributaries (1988-2012)
- Long-term site responses to season and interval of underburns on the Georgia Piedmont
- Final spatial and tabular data from a process-based model (3-PG) used to predict and map hybrid poplar biomass productivity in Minnesota and Wisconsin, USA
- Final spatial and tabular poplar biomass estimates for Minnesota and Wisconsin, USA based on the approach for siting poplar energy production systems to increase productivity and associated ecosystem services
- Chaparral shrub bulk density and fire behavior
- NorWeST stream temperature data summaries for the western U.S.
- NorWeST modeled summer stream temperature scenarios for the western U.S.
- Spatial dataset of probabilistic wildfire risk components for the conterminous United States
- Eastern United States wildfire hazard model: 2000-2009
- Daily black carbon emissions data from fires in Northern Eurasia for 2002–2015
- Data and source code for "A Bayesian model to correct underestimated 3D wind speeds from sonic anemometers increases turbulent components of the surface energy balance"
- RxCADRE 2012: In-situ fire behavior measurements
- Tree demography records and last recorded fire dates from the Pinaleño Demography Project, Arizona USA
- Data for pollen gene dispersal of black walnut across a heterogeneous landscape in central Indiana
- Coram Experimental Forest daily meteorology data for Desert Ridge and Terrace Hills weather stations: 1996-2015
- MODIS-based annual production estimates from 2000-2015 for rangelands in USFS grazing allotments in Region 5
- Northern New Mexico post-fire refugia data
- Mountain pine beetle attack severity data in lodgepole pine in the Northern Rockies from 1999-2014
- Forest ownership in the conterminous United States circa 2014: distribution of seven ownership types - geospatial dataset
- Three Sisters, Mt. Jefferson, and Mt. Washington wilderness areas in Oregon: 1991 visitor survey data
- Raw urban street tree inventory data for 49 California cities
- Raw data for urban trees in California communities
- Characteristics of masticated particles in mixed-conifer forests of the western United States: Shape, particle, and fuel load characteristics
- Use characteristics, visitor preferences, and conflict between horse users and hikers in the Charles C. Deam Wilderness Area: 1990-1991 visitor survey data
- Raster surfaces created from the cost-effective mapping of longleaf extent and condition using NAIP imagery and FIA data project
- Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex (BMWC) 1982 visitor characteristics, attitudes, and use patterns
- Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex (BMWC) 2004 visitor preference and usage data along with characteristics and attitudes towards Fire Management
- United States annual state-level population estimates from colonization to 1999
- Wind and slope effects on laboratory-scale fire behavior
- Simulated data for "Secondary organic aerosol formation in biomass-burning plumes: Theoretical analysis from lab studies and ambient plumes"
- Fuel treatment and fire history within the Rim Fire in California
- Chaparral biomass measurements in the Cleveland National Forest
- Characteristics of masticated particles in mixed-conifer forests of the western United States: Chemistry, heat content, and mineral percentage results
- Luquillo Mountains meteorological and ceilometer data
- Holt Research Forest regeneration data
- High-resolution land cover of Kansas (2015)
- Growth and survival before and after a mountain pine beetle outbreak in a ponderosa pine genetic trial
- RxCADRE 2012: Spatially explicit high resolution thermal data from infrared thermography from boom lift in small burn units
- RxCADRE 2012: Spatially explicit high resolution thermal data from infrared thermography of the super highly instrumented plots in small burn units
- RXCADRE 2011: Spatially explicit high resolution thermal data from infrared thermography of the highly instrumented plots within operation forested fires
- Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest daily average streamflow data: 1992-2001
- Daily precipitation data from recording rain gages (RRG) at Coweeta Hydrologic Lab, North Carolina
- Flower phenology and climate data for Artemisia tridentata populations
- Characteristics of masticated particles in mixed-conifer forests of the western United States: Field data
- Characteristics of masticated particles in mixed-conifer forests of the western United States: Moisture-loss tests
- Characteristics of masticated particles in mixed-conifer forests of the western United States: Experimental burns and smoldering tests
- Bartlett Experimental Forest permanent cruise plot data
- Kings River Experimental Watersheds stream discharge
- Species occurrence data from the Range-Wide Bull Trout eDNA Project
- Missoula Fire Lab Emission Inventory (MFLEI) for CONUS
- Season and interval of burning and cattle exclusion in the southern Blue Mountains, Oregon: Overstory tree height, diameter and growth
- Season and interval of burning in the southern Blue Mountains, Oregon: Surface fuels
- Season and interval of burning and cattle exclusion in the southern Blue Mountains, Oregon: Environmental attributes
- Season and interval of burning and cattle exclusion in the southern Blue Mountains, Oregon: Understory vegetation attributes
- Tree and shrub measurements in Stanislaus National Forest and Yosemite National Park, collected in 1911 and 2005–2013
- Modeled historical streamflow metrics for the contiguous United States and National Forest Lands
- Situk River, Alaska: 2003 recreation visitor study data
- Motorboat use on the Main Salmon River: Data from a study for the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness
- Oral history of changes in wilderness conditions, use, and management in the Sequoia Kings Canyon National Parks: 2010 interviews
- Fuel treatment and previous fire effects on daily fire management costs
- Social conditions and preference data for visitors to three wilderness areas in the southern United States in 1989-1990
- Fernow Experimental Forest overstory tree and regeneration data from the "Management Intensity Demonstration" study
- Mangrove carbon stocks in Zambezi River Delta, Mozambique
- Overstory and understory data from a contemporary reference stand: the Beaver Creek Pinery, Lassen National Forest, CA
- Data from 2014 Wilderness Management Survey: Science needs, training needs, and demographics of managers
- Data collected in 2012 using Q-methodology to identify the importance of water-based ecosystem services derived from the Shoshone National Forest
- Data from a 1990 visitor survey in the Desolation Wilderness to determine visitor trends, and preferences for wilderness conditions and experience
- Diurnal breeding bird data for unmanaged Douglas-fir forests in western Washington and Oregon: 1984-1986
- New Jersey fuel treatment effects: Leaf-off airborne LiDAR data
- New Jersey fuel treatment effects: 3-dimensional turbulence and temperature data
- New Jersey fuel treatment effects: Pre- and post-burn biometric data
- New Jersey treatment effects: Burn units
- New Jersey fuel treatment effects: Wildfire Airborne Sensor Program - orthorectified long-wave infrared and visible data images
- Timber survey data from 1911 in the Greenhorn Mountains, Sequoia National Forest
- RxCADRE 2011 and 2012: Ignition data
- Gates of the Arctic Kobuk River: 2001 sport hunter survey data
- Water chemistry data for studies of the biodegradability of dissolved organic matter in peatland catchments at the Marcell Experimental Forest: 2009-2011
- Daily water and TOC yields for studies of the biodegradability of dissolved organic matter in peatland catchments at the Marcell Experimental Forest: 2009-2011
- Auyuittuq and Quttinirpaaq National Parks in the eastern Arctic Nunavut Region of Canada: 2003-2004 visitor experience study
- RPA Historical observational data (1979-2015) for the conterminous United States at the 1/24 degree grid scale based on MACA training data (METDATA)
- Fledging times of grassland birds
- Marcell Experimental Forest peatland and upland water table elevations
- Fire Lab tree list: A tree-level model of the western US circa 2009 v1
- Shapefiles containing potential areas for agriculture, forestry, and conservation in Puerto Rico
- Data from monitoring inter-group encounters at the Alpine Lakes Wilderness in 1991
- Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness: 1991 visitor survey data
- Datasets from the Programmatic Analysis of Fuel Treatments: from the landscape to the national level Joint Fire Science Project (14-5-01-1)
- Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness: 2007 visitor survey data
- Marcell Experimental Forest daily streamflow data
- Species occurrence data from the aquatic eDNAtlas database
- Shining Rock Wilderness: 1990 visitor survey data
- Flammability thresholds of Eastern redcedar as a potential indicator for heightened wildfire danger
- Public's trust in wildland fire and fuel management decisions: data from a 2004 study in the Bitterroot Valley, Montana
- Climate data for RPA 2020 Assessment: MACAv2 (METDATA) historical modeled (1950-2005) and future (2006-2099) projections for the conterminous United States at the 1/24 degree grid scale
- Desolation Wilderness: data from 1997-1998 visitor response to fees, fee demonstration project
- Marcell Experimental Watersheds 1968 vegetation survey data
- LiDAR and Landsat change indices for the 2012 Pole Creek Fire
- Starkey Experimental Forest and Range: fences and pastures 1987–2017
- Starkey Experimental Forest and Range: streams
- Event runoff volume data and daily runoff data for the S2 and S6 catchments at the Marcell Experimental Forest
- Global fire emissions, fire area burned and air quality data projected using a global earth system model (RCP45/SSP1 and RCP8.5/SSP3)
- Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve: 2002-2003 wilderness visitor experience data in the Alaska regional context
- Lick Creek historic photographic series: a century of change in a ponderosa pine forest in western Montana, US
- Wildfire risks and values as identified by members of Oregon and Idaho Rangeland Fire Protection Associations
- RxCADRE 2011 and 2012: Predicted surface fuel maps
- Tree ring widths from mesic and upslope locations at the Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory
- Survey data for the 2014 fuel treatment science plan
- Kings River Experimental Watersheds meteorology data
- Multiple factors influencing burn severity for daily forested burn areas of central Idaho and western Montana
- Daily area burned and proportion burned severely for 42 fires of central Idaho and western Montana
- Data from a 1972 visitor survey in the Desolation Wilderness to determine baseline visitor characteristics, and preferences for wilderness conditions and experience
- Data and source code for "Bayesian analyses of seventeen winters of water vapor fluxes show bark beetles reduce sublimation"
- RxCADRE 2012: Large burn smoke plume photographs and videos
- Grassland bird nesting ecology: video samples of behavior
- Grassland bird nesting ecology: video samples of behavior
- U.S. timber production, trade, consumption, and price statistics, 1965-2017
- Ambient soil temperatures in prescribed burned ponderosa pine forests at Fort Valley Experimental Forest, Arizona
- Low-density polyethylene smoke emissions from simulated debris piles
- Historical beech and oak forests in Indiana
- Raster surfaces created from the mapping of longleaf extent and condition using Landsat and FIA data project
- Northern Arizona, USA, post-wildfire avian data: western bluebird detection/non-detection and banding data
- Camp Swift Fire Experiment 2014: In-situ anemometer measurements
- Camp Swift Fire Experiment 2014: Fire behavior packages and videos
- Camp Swift Fire Experiment 2014: Vegetation map
- Camp Swift Fire Experiment 2014: Field fuel samples
- Camp Swift Fire Experiment 2014: Ignition points
- Camp Swift Fire Experiment 2014: Active fire unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) electro-optical aerial imagery and video
- Camp Swift Fire Experiment 2014: Active fire unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) infrared aerial imagery and video
- Camp Swift Fire Experiment 2014: Post-fire unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imagery
- Camp Swift Fire Experiment 2014: Pre-fire unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imagery
- Camp Swift Fire Experiment 2014: Instrument locations
- Camp Swift Fire Experiment 2014: SODAR measurements
- Camp Swift Fire Experiment 2014: Thermocouple rakes
- Tree survival and growth as well as soil characteristics resulting from logging residue levels and site preparation treatments on Trout Creek Hill Units 1-3, Wind River Experimental Forest
- Coulee Experimental Forest nursery stock measurements, 1961-1962
- Douglas-fir levels of growing stock study (LOGS) data from the Pacific Northwest
- Fire Behavior Assessment Team: plot location data
- Fire Behavior Assessment Team: pre- and post-fire tree data, raw and processed
- Dynamic species-specific metabolic changes in the trees exposed to chronic N+S additions at the Bear Brook Watershed in Maine, USA
- Effects of single and repeat wildfires on forest structure and fuels in the South Fork Flathead watershed within the Bob Marshall Wilderness
- Data from the "Tree Quality Outcomes of Silvicultural Treatments” study at the Penobscot Experimental Forest
- Public purpose recreation marketing data: public and public lands relationships in a 1999 study of Oregon and Washington
- Okefenokee Wilderness: data from a 2001 study of visitor characteristics, perceptions, and management preferences
- Groundwater level data for Watershed-9 (W-9) in the Sleepers River Research Watershed (Vermont)
- Base data for three focal landscapes in Wisconsin used for grassland bird conservation
- Climate change pressures for the conterminous United States: plant hardiness zones, heat zones, growing degree days, and cumulative drought severity
- Microsatellite genotypes for southern pine beetles, Dendroctonus frontalis, from the U.S. and Mexico
- Nitrate isotope database for meteoric waters, surface waters, soil waters, and groundwaters
- Forest structure, regeneration, and fuels in unburned, once-burned and twice-burned mixed-conifer forests of the Bob Marshall Wilderness
- Field attributes and satellite data for "How vegetation recovery and fuel conditions in past fires influences fuels and future fire management in five western U.S. ecosystems"
- Dendroctonus pseudotsugae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) sequential sampling data
- Coulee Experimental Forest larch and red pine measurements, 1988 & 1993
- Cloud forest data for "Neotropical cloud forests and páramo to contract and dry from declines in cloud immersion and frost"
- Fire Behavior Assessment Team: surface and ground fuels, raw and processed
- Mountain hemlock tree-ring width chronologies from the western Oregon Cascade Mountains
- Stambaugh - Pine Camp - PIEC - ITRDB TN032
- Stambaugh - Hatton Ridge - PISP - ITRDB KY006
- Stambaugh - Kisatchie Hills - PIPA - ITRDB LA002
- Bale - Choccolocco Mountain - PIPIA - ITRDB AL003
- Stambaugh - Nye Homestead - QUSP - ITRDB IA034
- Stambaugh - Grindle Lake - PIRE - ITRDB WI011
- Stambaugh - Waubee Lake - PIRE - ITRDB WI012
- Stambaugh - Pine Lake and River - PIRE - ITRDB MI021
- Stambaugh - Rush Lake - PIRE - ITRDB MI022
- NACP Regional: Gridded 1-deg observation data and biosphere and inverse model outputs
- NACP Regional: Supplemental gridded observations, biosphere and inverse model outputs
- NACP Regional: National greenhouse gas inventories and aggregated gridded model data
- Stambaugh - Burnt Mountain - PIRE - ITRDB MI019
- Stambaugh - Land Between The Lakes - QUST - ITRDB KY005
- Priest River Experimental Forest daily weather data: GHCND:USC00107386 - Priest River Experiment Station, ID US
- Priest River Experimental Forest weekly precipitation chemistry data: ID02
- SPRUCE porewater chemistry data for experimental plots beginning in 2013
- SPRUCE S1 bog porewater, groundwater, and stream chemistry data: 2011-2013
- SPRUCE hollow elevation data for experimental plots beginning in 2015
- SPRUCE S1 bog Sphagnum CO2 flux measurements and partitioning into Re and GPP
- Long-Term Ecosystem Productivity (LTEP) tree measurement plots in the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest, a 20-year inventory including Biscuit Fire effects
- Supplemental materials for: Ozone monitoring at remote sites using low-power instrumentation
- Wildland fire impacts on water supply (FIWAS) data for the contiguous United States
- Post-fire field observations across the 2007 Egley Fire in central Oregon
- Meta-analytic data from agricultural conservation practice adoption research in the United States 1982-2018
- Analysis of fecal volatiles in skunks and raccoons subjected to rabies immunization and infection
- Incidental and long-distance bird observations in the Shoshone, Toiyabe, Toquima, and Monitor ranges, Nevada
- Detections of breeding birds in the Shoshone, Toiyabe, Toquima, and Monitor ranges, Nevada
- Detections of breeding birds in the Wassuk Range, Sweetwater Mountains, and east slope of the Sierra Nevada, Nevada and California
- Vegetation structure and composition in the Wassuk Range, Sweetwater Mountains, and east slope of the Sierra Nevada, Nevada and California
- Overstory and regeneration data from the "Rehabilitation of cutover mixedwood stands" study at the Penobscot Experimental Forest
- AmeriFlux site visit report and data for the Glacier Lakes Ecosystem Experiments Site (US-GLE)
- Individual and environmental factors affecting lifetime reproduction and long-term (summed across sequential breeders) territory-specific reproduction by northern goshawks (Accipiter gentilis) in northern Arizona, USA
- Understory vegetation and site condition data from the "Nonnative Invasive Plants" study at the Penobscot Experimental Forest
- Incidental and long-distance bird observations in the Wassuk Range, Sweetwater Mountains, and east slope of the Sierra Nevada, Nevada and California
- Detections of breeding birds in the Sheeprock and East Tintic Mountains, Utah
- Incidental and long-distance bird observations in the Sheeprock and East Tintic Mountains, Utah
- Vegetation structure and composition in the Sheeprock and East Tintic Mountains, Utah
- Crossdated fire-scar fire histories from ponderosa pine-dominated forests of Idaho and western Montana
- Next generation fire severity mapping
- Detections of breeding birds in the Owyhee Uplands, Idaho
- Incidental and long-distance bird observations in the Owyhee Uplands, Idaho
- Vegetation structure and composition in the Owyhee Uplands, Idaho
- Response of overstory trees and understory regeneration to a green-tree retention harvest as part of the Spearfish Timber Sale, Wind River Experimental Forest
- 2011 Texas Tanglewood fire: post-fire database
- Vegetation, soils, and landscape data for experimental rehabilitation of slash pile fire scars in conifer forests of the Front Range, Colorado
- Demographic and leaf attribute data for beargrass (Xerophyllum tenax Melanthiaceae) from Mount Hood National Forest, Oregon
- North American Wildland Fuel Database
- Fire Lab tree list: A tree-level model of the conterminous United States landscape circa 2014
- DISTRIB-II: habitat suitability of eastern United States trees
- Common garden data on dispersal adaptations and postglacial migration in pitch pine
- Data and R source code for "Fire severity and changing composition of forest understory plant communities"
- Forest Inventory and Analysis database
- Red alder soil-site study
- Kings River Experimental Watersheds streamwater chemistry
- Historical northeastern forested boundary of the Great Plains grasslands in the United States
- Current and future plant hardiness zones for the conterminous United States
- LANDIS-II input dataset of scenarios, climate, ecoregions, and parameters for the development of outcome prioritization on fuel treatment placement in extreme fire weather in Dinkey Creek watershed within the Sierra National Forest
- Data for "Nesting success of wood-cavity-nesting bees declines with increasing time since wildfire"
- High-resolution land cover of Nebraska (2014)
- Fort Valley Experimental Forest historical photographs
- Sierra Ancha Experimental Forest historical photographs
- Data for "Pines vs. oaks revisited: Forest type conversion due to high-severity fire in Madrean Woodlands"
- Socioeconomic data for Forest Service 2020 RPA Assessment
- Frank Church–River of No Return Wilderness: data from 1995 survey of commercial and private boat users of the Salmon River
- Tree measurement data from C45 spacing and species mixtures trials, Wind River Experimental Forest
- Vegetation data following the Fire and Fire Surrogate Study in western Montana
- Digital surface, terrain, and canopy height models for Moscow Mountain in 2009
- Fire Behavior Assessment Team: understory vegetation, raw and processed
- Springtails (Arthropoda, Collembola) from Greater Puerto Rico: species list and distribution
- Summary of U.S. threatened and endangered species listings, 1976-2019
- Conifer snagfall data in bark-beetle infested subalpine forests at the Fraser Experimental Forest, Colorado, USA
- Species location data for terrestrial vertebrates and butterflies in Arizona and New Mexico, 2005
- Data from: Limitations to recovery following wildfire in dry forests of southern Colorado and northern New Mexico, USA
- Survey data from: Defining "resilient landscapes" from multiple stakeholder perspectives in a wildland-urban interface (WUI) area
- Luquillo Experimental Forest canopy trimming experiment data
- Forest-level appendices to the assessment of the influence of disturbance, management activities, and environmental factors on carbon stocks of U.S. National Forests
- High-resolution urban land cover of Kansas (2015)
- Supporting data for "Evaluating the Factors Responsible for Post-Fire Water Quality Response in Forests of the Western USA"
- Fire and tree mortality database (FTM)
- Field attributes and satellite data for "How vegetation recovery and fuel conditions in past fires influences fuels and future fire management in five western U.S. ecosystems"
- Post-fire field observations across the 2007 Egley Fire in central Oregon
- Digitized white-tailed deer densities for the continental United States
- Santee Experimental Forest, Watershed 77: streamflow, water chemistry, water table, and weather data
- Larch needle cast surveys in Wisconsin, Iowa, and Michigan, summer 1981
- Coulee Experimental Forest larch needle-cast environmental data logs, 1981-1982 and 1984-1987
- Data for: Fuel treatment effectiveness in the context of landform, vegetation and large, wind-driven wildfires
- Long-term plant invasion in disturbed and undisturbed forests: species richness, frequency, and abundance
- NCAR Gust Front Tool V1.0: A system to identify and visualize gust fronts from mesoscale model output
- Data and source code for "Impacts of non-ideality and the thermodynamic pressure work term p Delta-v on the Surface Energy Balance"
- Within-stand spatial distribution of ponderosa pine mortality caused by the mountain pine beetle in the Colorado Front Range
- Ecological effects of prescribed fire on a sagebrush-steppe rangeland
- Lick Creek Demonstration-Research Forest: Data and photo archive of 25-year fire and cutting effects on vegetation and fuels
- Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness: data from 1996 survey of unique tributary visitors
- Mountain pine beetle-caused mortality in thinned and unthinned ponderosa pine stands in the Black Hills, USA
- Soil respiration and climate data from El Tallonal in Arecibo, Puerto Rico (2011-2014)
- Tree census at Bisley Experimental Watersheds three months after Hurricane Maria
- RPA Historical observational data (1979-2015) for the conterminous United States at the 1/24 degree grid scale based on MACA training data (METDATA)
- Fire Behavior Assessment Team: plot photographs
- Joint Fire Science Program Fire Exchange Network evaluation data: 2011-2018
- Foliar and sapwood nutritional and metabolic responses to Ca-treatment at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, 2000-2015
- Differential impacts of calcium and aluminum treatments on foliar and sapwood nutrition and metabolism of sugar maple trees growing at the west edge of WS6 of the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest from 1997-2009
- Red spruce foliar nutritional and metabolic responses to N, Ca, and N+Ca additions in a plot level study from Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest NH, Adirondack State Park, NY and Groton State Forest, VT from 1997-2000
- Fernow Experimental Forest overstory tree and regeneration data from the "Financial Maturity" study
- Wildfire Risk to Communities: Spatial datasets of landscape-wide wildfire risk components for the United States
- Caspar Creek Experimental Watersheds Phase 1 (1962-1985) data
- Caspar Creek Experimental Watersheds Phase 2 (1985-2017) data
- Pyromes of the conterminous United States
- Spatial datasets of probabilistic wildfire risk components for the United States (270m)
- On the diversity of erosion control products and its implications for wildlife entanglement - Appendices
- The Rangeland Production Monitoring Service: Annual production of rangeland vegetation 1984 to present
- Tree grade, log grade and lumber grade yield data for 25 hardwood species from the eastern United States and Alaska
- Antipredator response data for captive, male red-wing blackbirds toward drones used as frightening devices
- Thinning the 1927 “Common Sense” young Norway-jack pine stands in the Cutfoot Experimental Forest
- Thinning the 1927 “Graveyard” red pine stands in the Cutfoot Experimental Forest
- Southeast Alaska old-growth forest stem map data collected in 1964 on ten 1.42 hectare plots
- Field observations for "A carbon monitoring system for mapping regional, annual aboveground biomass across the northwestern USA"
- Tree-ring growth and stable-carbon isotope response data to forest restoration treatments in ponderosa pine forests of the Lick Creek Demonstration-Research Forest, Bitterroot National Forest, Montana, USA
- Survival and development of six gypsy moth populations, Lymantria dispar L. (Lepidoptera: Erebidae), from different geographic areas on 16 North American hosts and artificial diet
- Foliar and soil chemistry at Harvard Forest Chronic Nitrogen Amendment Experiment 1995-2009
- Fire Behavior Assessment Team: pre- and post-fire canopy cover data
- Fire Behavior Assessment Team: fire severity data
- Data for ten-year growth, survival, and wound closure response to bole, root, and crown damage in young Douglas-fir trees
- Social conditions, visitor flow & travel simulation model for the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness
- Long-term effects of restoration treatments in a juniper woodland invaded by annual exotic grasses: juniper removal, pile burning and native seeding
- Data on the effects of elevated carbon dioxide and ozone on carbon and nitrogen metabolism in the foliage and sapwood of trembling aspen, paper birch, and sugar maple at the Aspen FACE (Free-Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment) study site
- Data for firebrands generated from selected structural fuels: Joint Fire Science Program project (15-1-04-4)
- Data for firebrands generated from selected vegetative fuels: Joint Fire Science Program project (15-1-04-4)
- Data for "Reconstructing historical outbreaks of mountain pine beetle in lodgepole pine forests in the Colorado Front Range"
- Fuels and fire behavior from masticated treatments burned in laboratory and field experiments in thinned 30-year old pine plantations, Idaho
- Digital surface, terrain, and canopy height models for Priest River Experimental Forest in 2002
- Effects of nutrient addition on leaf chemistry and metabolism of three bog shrubs growing in the Mer Bleue bog, a Canadian boreal peatland
- Penobscot Experimental Forest boundary, roads, trails, management units, and permanent sample plot locations
- Camera trap photographs from American pika haypiles in California
- Carbon stock inventory of mangroves, Pongara National Park, Gabon
- Field plot measures and fuel treatment units used to assess the effectiveness of (WUI) fuel treatments burned through by the 2007 East Zone and Cascade megafires in central Idaho
- Digital surface, terrain, and canopy height models for Boise Basin Experimental Forest in 2018
- Digital surface, terrain, and canopy height models for Deception Creek Experimental Forest in 2011
- Digital surface, terrain, and canopy height models for Priest River Experimental Forest in 2011
- Forest ownership in the conterminous United States circa 2017: distribution of eight ownership types - geospatial dataset
- Data for "Riverine dissolved organic carbon and freshwater export in the eastern Gulf of Alaska"
- Effects of crown loss as a result of the 1998 ice storm on foliar metabolites in sugar maple and American beech growing in Vermont and New Hampshire; how/when trees respond to the effects of injury
- United States hurricane accumulated cyclone energy and its potential impacts to forest basal area and urban tree canopy
- A century of Forest Service research and development in the southern United States: historical documents and images
- Hydrological data and site feature information for a forest clearcutting and residual biomass removal study at the Marcell Experimental Forest
- Soil and vegetation responses to 1967-1968 disturbances on the Miller Creek Demonstration Forest: thirty year data
- Historical tree surveys of the Umatilla National Forest
- Effects of laminated root rot infection level and chemical fumigants on survival and growth of Douglas-fir near Apiary, Oregon
- Twenty-year tree measurement data from true fir spacing trials in the Pacific Northwest
- The Fireshed Registry: Fireshed and project area boundaries for the continental United States
- Plant physiological and climate data for Tropical Responses to Altered Climate Experiment (TRACE) site at Sabana Field Research Station, Luquillo, Puerto Rico from 2015-2017
- Caspar Creek Experimental Watersheds Phase 1 (1962-1985) data
- Caspar Creek Experimental Watersheds Phase 2 (1985-2017) data
- Measurements of low rates of erosion from forest fuel reduction operations in the Clearwater National Forest, Idaho
- Sediment and runoff collected from skidder biomass reduction plots, Deception Creek Experimental Forest, Idaho
- Sediment and runoff collected from forwarder trails, biomass reduction project, Kaniksu National Forest, Idaho
- Geospatial data for Great Basin perennial montane watersheds - geomorphology, hydrology, vegetation, disturbance and species
- Marcell Experimental Forest breakpoint streamflow, 1962 - ongoing
- Wildfire Risk to Communities: Spatial datasets of wildfire risk for populated areas in the United States
- Water chemistry data for studies of the biodegradability of dissolved organic matter in peatland catchments at the Marcell Experimental Forest: 2009-2011
- 2008-2014 Soil temperature, thermal conductivity, water content, CO2, and pressure at the Manitou Experimental Forest, Colorado during the Bio-hydro-atmosphere interactions of Energy, Aerosols, Carbon, H2O, Organics & Nitrogen (BEACHON) study
- Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest: Instantaneous Streamflow by Watershed, 1956 - present
- Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest: Daily Streamflow by Watershed, 1956 - present
- Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest: 15 Minute Solar Radiation Measurements, 2014 - present
- Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest: Daily Solar Radiation Measurements, 1959 - present
- Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest: Snow Depth Measurements, 1955 - present
- Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest: Snow Water Measurements, 1955 - present
- Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest: Total Daily Precipitation by Watershed, 1956 - present
- Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest: Daily Precipitation Rain Gage Measurements, 1956 - present
- Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest: Daily Temperature Record, 1955 - present
- Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (USDA Forest Service): Vapor Pressure Measurements, 1966 - present
- Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (USDA Forest Service): Wind Speed and Wind Direction Measurements, 1965 - present
- USFS Durham Lab water analysis method detection limit (MDL) limit of quantification (LOQ), 2010 - present
- Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (USDA Forest Service): Soil Frost Measurements, 1955 - present
- Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (USDA Forest Service): Soil Temperature Measurements, 1959 - 1998
- Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (USDA Forest Service): Sediment Yield in Weir Basins
- Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (USDA Forest Service): Routine Seasonal Phenology Measurements, 1989 - present
- Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest: 15-minute Precipitation Rain Gage Measurements, 2011 - present
- Marcell Experimental Forest daily precipitation, 1961 - ongoing
- Marcell Experimental Forest daily maximum and minimum air temperature, 1961 - ongoing
- Hill Demonstration Forest and Umstead Research Farm climate data
- Hill Demonstration Forest HF1 riparian buffer climate data
- Hill Demonstration Forest HF1 and HF2 riparian buffer and HF2 upland sap flow data
- Hill Demonstration Forest HF1 and HF2 riparian buffer and HF2 upland soil moisture data
- Hill Demonstration Forest and Umstead Research Farm precipitation data
- Hill Demonstration Forest and Umstead Research Farm streamflow data
- Santee Experimental Forest, Headquarters: climate data
- Gila National Forest Plan Revision: 2016 Q-methodology data on public and manager perspectives of ecosystem services and drivers of change
- Data for "Training the domestic ferret to discriminate odors associated with wildlife disease"
- Digitized white-tailed deer densities from 1950 to 2005 for the southeastern United States
- Modeled 100-year flood zones for Front Range National Forests
- Composite Burn Index (CBI) plot data from 2015 field campaign
- Unburned areas within fire perimeters across the inland northwestern USA from 1984 to 2014
- Data (soil and foliar) for the study on the potential effects of the interaction between regional air pollution and land-use history (grazing) along an elevational gradient on Himalayan cedar (Cedrus deodara) and Himalayan spruce (Picea smithiana) at Kufri, HP, India
- Data on the effects of silvicultural thinning and prescribed fire on soil chemistry and foliar physiology of three coniferous species at the Teakettle Experimental Forest, California, USA
- Wildfire Hazard Potential for the United States (270-m), version 2020
- Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Household Telephone Survey in support of Locke et al 2019 in PLoS One
- American residential macrosystems
- Neighborhood socioeconomic and demographic changes in Baltimore's (BES) Neighborhoods: 1930 to 2010
- Residential housing segregation and urban tree canopy in 37 US Cities; data in support of Locke et al 2020 in npj Urban Sustainability
- BES household telephone survey
- Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Estimates of population in focal watersheds based on 2010 census
- White oak and red maple foliar chemistry of urban and reference forests of the eastern US
- Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) U.S. data at state, county and individual practice level for soil and environmental health, 2009-2018
- Supporting data for increasing fire activity reinforces shrub conversion in Southwestern US forests
- Data and modeling and graphics source code for "The challenges of an in situ validation of a nonequilibrium model of heat and moisture dynamics during fires"
- Invasive plant probability prediction outputs and code for paper "Modelling species distributions and environmental suitability highlights risk of plant invasions in western United States"
- Data from "Wildfire severity and postfire salvage harvest effects on long-term forest regeneration"
- Rebuilding and new development for selected California wildfires, 1970-1999
- A continuous, transboundary, 50-meter DEM for the Alaska Perhumid Coastal Temperate Rainforest (AKPCTR_DEM)
- Pre- and post-fire forest structure and composition photo-interpreted data for four sub-watersheds in Eastern Washington, USA
- Data supporting an examination of estimating the potential capacity of ecosystems to support biodiversity in the prediction of realized avian diversity
- Data from the "Partial Cutting Study" at the Dukes Experimental Forest, Upper Peninsula of Michigan, 1927–1966
- Field and spatial data for: Understanding the role of fire refugia in promoting ecosystem resilience of dry forests in the western United States
- Growth response data from overstory trees and planted Douglas-fir, western hemlock, and western redcedar after residual density treatments in Capitol State Forest, Washington
- Investigating the persistence of a disjunct population of Alaska yellow-cedar in a historically frequent-fire landscape
- HF003: Stream discharge and bedload accumulation in gauged watersheds at the South Umpqua Experimental Forest, Coyote Creek, 1963 to 1981 and 2001 to present
- CP003: Precipitation chemistry concentrations and fluxes from Coyote Creek in the South Umpqua Experimental Forest and Fox Creek in the Bull Run Watershed in Mount Hood National Forest, 1969 to 1981
- CF003: Stream chemistry concentrations and fluxes from Coyote Creek in the South Umpqua Experimental Forest and Fox Creek in the Bull Run Watershed in Mount Hood National Forest, 1969 to 1981
- Subalpine seedling establishment and climate data provide broad scale drivers of subalpine tree establishment patterns
- Water chemistry data for a forest clearcutting and residual biomass removal study at the Marcell Experimental Forest
- Granivory and germination data for: "Tree encroachment impacts on seed predator selection and seedling establishment in degraded pine woodlands"
- Transect and geospatial data for "Impacts of historical ditching on peat volume and carbon in northern Minnesota USA peatlands"
- Black Hills National Forest 2019 Forest Inventory and Analysis data
- Rainfall and ion composition data from multiple weather stations along an elevation gradient in northeastern Puerto Rico (2009-2018)
- Glacier Lakes Ecosystem Experiments Site (GLEES) hourly meteorology tower data
- Howland Forest 25-year dataset - Multi-decadal carbon cycle measurements indicate resistance to external drivers of change at the Howland Forest AmeriFlux site
- Marcell Experimental Forest biweekly bog frost depth, 1985 - ongoing
- Marcell Experimental Forest biweekly snow depth, frost depth, and snow water equivalent, 1962 - ongoing
- Decision support tools for soil carbon management in the Lake States
- Key data inputs and modeling outputs for "Opportunities for forest sector emissions reductions: A state-level analysis"
- Marcell Experimental Forest peatland and upland water table elevations
- California National Forests fire records 1911-1924
- Marcell Experimental Forest seasonal soil moisture, 1966 - ongoing
- Marcell Experimental Forest event-based precipitation chemistry, 2008 - ongoing
- Marcell Experimental Forest biweekly surface water and monthly porewater chemistry at Bog Lake Peatland, 2007 - ongoing
- Marcell Experimental Forest weekly soil temperature, 1989 - ongoing
- Marcell Experimental Forest daily bulk atmospheric deposition, 2009 - ongoing
- Marcell Experimental Forest monthly porewater chemistry at the S3 fen, 2013 - ongoing
- Marcell Experimental Forest monthly aquifer groundwater chemistry at the S2 catchment, 2007 - ongoing
- Marcell Experimental Forest porewater chemistry at the S2 catchment, 2009 - ongoing
- Santee Experimental Forest boundaries
- 1936 control survey map of Berkeley County, South Carolina
- 1903 Cooper River holdings map in Berkeley County, South Carolina
- Soil profile morphology and chemistry, Allegheny National Forest, PA, 1997-2017
- Anoplophora chinensis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) adult survival, reproduction, and egg hatch at 8 constant temperatures
- Tropical green roofs vegetation dynamics data
- Flathead Wild and Scenic River Planning: 2019 Q-methodology data on public perspectives of human and ecological meanings and services and drivers of change
- Fledging times of grassland birds
- Replication data for "The politics of urban trees: Tree Planting is associated with gentrification in Portland, Oregon"
- Luquillo Experimental Forest Canopy Trimming Experiment CTE2 2015-2020 30-minute abiotic data
- Runoff and erosion from small forest watersheds on the Boise Basin Experimental Forest
- Cutfoot Experimental Forest 1934 cutting experiment in mature red and jack pine, plots 106 - 110
- Luquillo Experimental Forest Sabana weather station scaffold tower 2018-2020 data
- Biodetection of low pathogenic avian influenza virus (LPAIV) infected mallards data set
- Longleaf pine plantation growth data
- Biomass utilization operations on forest hydrologic and soil erosion processes in the northwest United States
- Philadelphia land cover change data, 1970-2010
- Fernow Experimental Forest: Growth and productivity data for a 45-year-old Norway spruce plantation
- Greenhouse gas emissions and removals from forest land, woodlands, and urban trees in the United States, 1990-2019: Estimates and quantitative uncertainty for individual states
- Spatial wildfire occurrence data for the United States, 1992-2018 [FPA_FOD_20210617]
- Replication data for: "The natural environment and social cohesion: Tree planting is associated with increased voter turnout in Portland, Oregon"
- Eastern redcedar percent canopy cover in the central Great Plains (1985-2018)
- Runoff and erosion from small forest watersheds on the Priest River Experimental Forest
- 10-year Allegheny hardwood forest type regeneration data
- Data and statistical program files for analysis of Northern Bobwhite resource selection during fall and winter in southwest Missouri
- Canopy effects from biomass utilization on the Priest River Experimental Forest
- Tracking soil and vegetation water on the Clearwater National Forest
- Santee Experimental Forest, Watershed 80: streamflow, water chemistry, water table, and weather data
- Fire risk assessment for the Greater Sage-Grouse raster
- Geodatabase containing opportunity areas for expanding Kirtland’s Warbler nesting habitat in Wisconsin and Upper Peninsula of Michigan
- Global peatland Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) infrared values
- Community zones for assessing wildfire exposure in the United States
- Characteristics of 32-year-old Pinus ponderosa root systems in northern Idaho, USA
- Precommercial thinning direct-seeded longleaf pine data on a poor site
- Guarea guidonia and Ocotea sintenisii physiological and climate data for Tropical Responses to Altered Climate Experiment (TRACE) canopy tower site at Sabana Field Research Station, Luquillo, Puerto Rico in summer 2017
- Nest site locations of breeding birds in the Wassuk Range, Sweetwater Mountains, and east slope of the Sierra Nevada, Nevada and California
- Primeval paths: Bison in West Virginia
- Interpolated fire-adapted tree abundance in pre-settlement forests of Minnesota
- Forest abundance data for the Abies concolor and Abies magnifica ecotone in the central Sierra Nevada range, California
- Long-term ecosystem responses from the Coram woody biomass and residue utilization study
- Northern red oak progeny trial, Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center
- Southern California shrub and subshrub use-availability data
- Stanislaus-Tuolumne Experimental Forest ‘Methods of Cutting’ study plots 8-11: 88+ years of forest composition
- Conterminous United States urban forest threats to 2060
- Effect of management activities on forest soil properties in the Rocky Mountains: I. Understory vegetation
- Effect of management activities on forest soil properties in the Rocky Mountains: II. Tree, stump, and downed woody debris data
- Effect of management activities on forest soil properties in the Rocky Mountains: III. Soil core data
- Effect of management activities on forest soil properties in the Rocky Mountains: IV. Soil chemistry data
- Effect of management activities on forest soil properties in the Rocky Mountains: V. Burn and soil surface conditions
- Effect of management activities on forest soil properties in the Rocky Mountains: VI. Microsite data
- Estimating fuel moisture in grasslands using UAV-mounted infrared and visible light sensors: Field data
- Estimating fuel moisture in grasslands using UAV-mounted infrared and visible light sensors: MicaSense remote sensing data
- Estimating fuel moisture in grasslands using UAV-mounted infrared and visible light sensors: Tau remote sensing data
- Climate Change Across Seasons Experiment (CCASE) at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest; concentrations of foliar metabolites: polyamines, amino acids, chlorophyll, carotenoids, soluble proteins, soluble elements, sugars, and total nitrogen and carbon in red maple (Acer rubrum) trees
- Data from seed trapping around post-fire sagebrush patches in southwestern Oregon and southeastern Idaho (2 years and 5 sites)
- Fire Behavior Assessment Team: in-fire videos
- Urban land, urban tree cover and urban impervious cover by conterminous United States counties from 2010 to 2060
- Payments for forest-based ecosystem services in the United States, 2005-2019
- County data related to forest dependence and community capitals, 2014-2019
- TreeMap 2016: A tree-level model of the forests of the conterminous United States circa 2016
- Evaluation of physiological responses of balsam fir and red spruce trees growing in two pre-commercial thinned (PCT) and four never-pre-commercial thinned (N-PCT) sites in Maine, USA
- Fort Valley Experimental Forest G. A. Pearson Natural Area forest restoration site: tree overstory, herbaceous understory, fuels, and repeat photographs database
- C-55 Thinning and fertilization in western redcedar (C55 WRC TF)
- Initial spacing influences 20-year growth and development of red alder
- Data from: Data-driven management — A dynamic occupancy approach to enhanced rabies surveillance prioritization
- Dataset of gold-mining related deforestation and formalization in Madre de Dios, Perú from 2001 to 2014
- Long-term comparison of stem growth of outplanted longleaf pines grown in six kinds of container
- High resolution land cover for Washington DC (2006)
- High resolution land cover for Chicago Region (2010)
- High resolution land cover for San Jose, CA (2011)
- High resolution land cover for Washington DC (2011)
- High resolution tree canopy change for City of Boston, MA (2014-2019)
- High resolution land cover for Mecklenburg County, NC (2012)
- High resolution land cover for San Diego, CA (2014)
- High resolution land cover for Durham, North Carolina (2015)
- High resolution land cover for Pittsburgh watersheds (2019)
- High resolution land cover for Boston, MA (2016)
- High resolution land cover for Ferguson Township, PA (2019)
- High resolution tree canopy for Sonoma County, CA (2013)
- High resolution tree canopy for Durham, NC (2015)
- High resolution tree canopy for Boston Metro (2016)
- High resolution land cover for City of Boston, MA (2019)
- High resolution tree canopy change for Ferguson Township, PA (2008-2019)
- Weather data for Douglas-fir seed-source movement trial
- Stream chemistry and quality control data for watersheds 2 and 7 (starting 1972) at Coweeta Hydrologic Lab, North Carolina
- Overstory tree measurements from a long-term western larch spacing and thinning study in northwestern Montana, 1961-2015
- Aboveground biomass in primary and second-growth forests in Hawai‘i
- Potential grassland locations of the eastern United States
- Penobscot Experimental Forest historical photo archive: Research and operations from the 1950s through the 1980s
- Manitou Experimental Forest hourly meteorology data
- Virgin Islands land cover and forest structure
- Historical photographs from U.S. Forest Service research and development activities in Alaska
- Yards, block groups, and vegetation cover measures
- Supplemental materials for Beyond blight: Phytophthora root rot under climate change limits populations of reintroduced American chestnut
- Cover and density data of southwestern ponderosa pine understory plants in permanent chart quadrats (2002-2020+)
- Responses of woody and grassland ecosystems to increased carbon dioxide as water supply varies
- Eleven Point National Scenic River (EPNSR): Visitor survey data from 2004
- Eleven Point National Scenic River (EPNSR): Visitor survey data from 2019
- Data for "Responses of turkey vultures to unmanned aircraft systems vary by platform"
- Aboveground carbon pools in a long-term western larch spacing and thinning study in northwestern Montana, 2015
- Raccoon use-availability and oral rabies vaccination (ORV) bait data from the Burlington, Vermont ORV zone
- Precommercial thinning direct-seeded longleaf pine on a medium site
- Public Water Systems and populations receiving surface drinking water supply from National Forest System lands
- Black locust biomass, growth and nitrogen fixation in southern Appalachian forests
- Large wildfire Incident Status Summary (ICS-209) report-generated data for the western United States, 2002-2016
- Plot-level ladder fuel estimation from a suite of remote sensing and field methods
- Nebraska windbreaks original plantings (1935-1942)
- Steamboat Creek and tributaries instantaneous streamflow measurements
- Green stormwater infrastructure in New Haven, Connecticut and socioeconomic variables within neighborhoods and census block groups
- Trask River Watershed Study: Epilithic algal biomass and chlorophyll a concentrations, 2006-2016
- Trask River Watershed Study: Stream chemistry, 2006-2016
- Trask River Watershed Study: Fine benthic material sampling, 2008-2016
- Trask River Watershed Study: Stream discharge, 2007-2016
- Trask River Watershed Study: Benthic macroinvertebrate sampling, 2006-2016
- Trask River Watershed Study: Stream temperature, conductivity, and air temperature, 2007-2016
- 2006 Ventenata dubia distribution in the Blue Mountains Ecoregion of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho - probability
- 2017 Ventenata dubia distribution in the Blue Mountains Ecoregion of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho - probability
- Hitchiti loblolly pine growing space study
- Long-term SUCCESS: Vegetation data collected in 2017 from permanent plots in the sagebrush steppe of south-central Washington state
- Ventenata dubia in the Zumwalt Prairie Preserve in northeastern Oregon: Foliar response to grazing and fire treatments
- Ventenata dubia in the Zumwalt Prairie Preserve in northeastern Oregon: Biomass and foliar cover response to cattle grazing
- Smoothed raster of wildfire transmission to buildings in the continental United States
- Philadelphia park tree cover data, 1959-2018
- Fire-adapted witness trees across the northeastern United States including four National Forests
- Data and script files for "Expanding the invasion footprint: Ventenata dubia and relationships to wildfire, environment, and plant communities in the Blue Mountains of the Inland Northwest, USA"
- Field and plot data for 2017-2018 wildland fires in the southwestern United States collected for Rapid Assessment of Vegetation Condition after Wildfire (RAVG) models: burn severity and stand characteristics
- Geospatial data for 2017-2018 wildland fires in the southwestern United States used for region-specific Rapid Assessment of Vegetation Condition after Wildfire (RAVG) models: burned area boundaries and burn indices derived from Landsat and Sentinel-2 satellite imagery
- Palau historical vegetation cover
- Forest management activity costs in the continental United States (2012-2018)
- Landscape Simulator (LSim) replicate data resulting from the use of wildfire as a management strategy to restore resiliency to ponderosa pine forests in the southwest United States
- Sudden sawlog study for loblolly pine on the Gulf Coastal Plain
- Soil and invertebrate chemistry data for a forest clearcutting and residual biomass removal study at the Marcell Experimental Forest
- Management data of feral swine removals from Mingo National Wildlife Refuge, Missouri, USA from 2015-2019
- Tree censuses at Bisley Experimental Watersheds before and after Hurricane Hugo
- Santee Experimental Forest, Watershed 78 (Turkey Creek): streamflow, water chemistry, water table, and weather data
- Holyoke and Chelsea, MA urban tree canopy cover data, 1952-2014
- 80-year meteorological record and drought indices for Sequoia National Park and Sequoia National Monument, CA
- Longleaf pine density study (1993-2015): plot locations and tree growth
- Meteorological data for the Manitou Experimental Forest, Colorado, USA, 1936-1997
- Demography of ancient western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis var. occidentalis) trees on Horse Ridge in central Oregon, USA
- Matlock & Molalla long-term soil productivity studies: plot locations, tree growth, and understory species abundance
- Regional longleaf growth study for the Southern United States
- Aerial transect photographs of U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Army Fort Wainwright Training Lands, Alaska in 2019
- Public Water Systems and populations receiving surface drinking water supply from National Forest System lands
- National Marine Debris Monitoring Program: citizen science observations from 1997–2007
- Forest Vegetation Simulator keyword component (KCP) files associated with the compendium of silvicultural treatments for forest types in the United States
- Data for "Only sun-lit leaves of the uppermost canopy exceed both air temperature and photosynthetic thermal optima in a wet tropical forest"
- University of Pennsylvania campus tree inventories, 2003 and 2014
- Fire growth and associated weather data for selected Fires of Unusual Size (FOUS) and other fires from 2004-2018
- Babeldaob Island wildfires (2012-2021)
- Post-fire tree regeneration in burned ponderosa pine forests of South Dakota, Wyoming, and Colorado, USA
- Wildfire risk under alternative fuel management strategies: spatial datasets of in situ and transmitted risk for populated areas in north-central New Mexico and Sierra Mountain Range within California
- Savanna Remnant Restoration Study (2016-2020): plot locations and understory species abundance
- Forest dynamics after thinning and fuel reduction in Pringle Falls Experimental Forest – bark beetle response data
- Ecological field sound recordings of U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Army Fort Wainwright Training Lands, Alaska
- Bent Creek Experimental Forest: Data from the 2005-2007 survey of visitor characteristics, perceptions, economics and traffic
- Greenhouse gas emissions and removals from forest land, woodlands, and urban trees in the United States, 1990-2020: Estimates and quantitative uncertainty for individual states, regional ownership groups, and National Forest System regions
- USDA Forest Service employee demographic data for diversity and inclusion analysis, 1995-2017
- Luquillo Experimental Forest atmospheric and high and mid elevation weather data
- Northeastern Puerto Rico open-canopy and under-canopy temperature and moisture data on an elevational gradient
- Smoothed raster of wildfire transmission to buildings in the continental United States
- United States census block groups converted to singlepart polygons and with water removed, 2013-2017
- Paired quality assurance and operational field data from the northern region of the U.S. Forest Inventory and Analysis program
- Silvicultural Options Study: plot locations, tree growth, tree regeneration, and understory species abundance
- Extraction and estimation of the quantity of calcium oxalate crystals in the foliage of conifer and hardwood trees
- Juneau stream chemistry and discharge for calculation of inorganic carbon flux
- Data on the effects of environmental pollution on carbon and nitrogen metabolism of one-, two-, and three-year-old needles and sapwood plugs collected in 2004 from Norway spruce from six forested sites within the Czech Republic
- Insect biomass and abundance in the Wassuk, Toiyabe, Toquima, and Monitor ranges, Nevada, and on the east slope of the Sierra Nevada, California
- Daily temperature measurements in the Wassuk, Shoshone, Toiyabe, Toquima, and Monitor ranges, Nevada, and on the east slope of the Sierra Nevada, California
- Plant phenology in the Wassuk, Toiyabe, Toquima, and Monitor ranges, Nevada, and on the east slope of the Sierra Nevada, California
- Horizon scanning data for the future of outdoor recreation on public lands
- The 1990-2020 wildland-urban interface of the conterminous United States - geospatial data
- U.S. Forest Service national riparian areas base map for the conterminous United States in 2019
- Soil water content measurements from a long-term western larch spacing and thinning study in northwestern Montana, 1967-1991
- MATLAB data and code used to assess different models describing how atmospheric pressure, soil heating and soil moisture dynamics influence the exchange of trace gases between the atmosphere and the soil
- Calcium oxalate concentration, soluble elements, free polyamines, and amino acid data extracted seasonally from the foliage of conifer and hardwood trees in New Hampshire
- Presentations from the international conference: Society and policy influences on biotechnology risk assessment for restoration of threatened forest tree species, April 2021
- High-resolution land cover of North Dakota (2014)
- High-resolution land cover of South Dakota (2014)
- Mangrove seedling measurements at Kosrae, Federated States of Micronesia
- Videos and processed results from laboratory and field studies of firebrand generation from branches and sticks
- Videos, images, and processed results from laboratory and field studies of firebrand generation from trees
- Introduced plants induce outbreaks of a native pest and facilitate invasion in the plants’ native range: Evidence from the emerald ash borer
- Looking beyond the mean: Drivers of variability in postfire stand development of conifers in Greater Yellowstone
- Can we manage a future with more fire? Effectiveness of defensible space treatment depends on housing amount and configuration
- It takes a few to tango: Changing climate and fire regimes can cause regeneration failure of two subalpine conifers
- Can wildland fire management alter 21st-century subalpine fire and forests in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, USA
- Plot-level field data and model simulation results, archived to accompany Turner et al. manuscript; reports data from summer 2017 sampling of short-interval fires that burned during summer 2016 in Greater Yellowstone
- Simulated forest dynamics (2016-2100) for six future climate-fire scenarios and five representative landscapes in Greater Yellowstone, USA
- Data set and analysis script for Albrich_et_al_2020_GEB: Simulating forest resilience: a review
- SVDmodel/SVD: GYE regeneration failure (v0.31) and SVDmodel/models: GYE regeneration failure (0.3)
- RPA forest products market data for U.S. RPA Regions and the world, historical (1990-2015), and projected (2020-2070) using the Forest Resource Outlook Model (FOROM)
- High-resolution stream discharge data, June 2006 to September 2018, at the three Bisley Experimental Watersheds, Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico
- Fire and tree mortality database (FTM)
- Monthly drought index for the conterminous United States: 6-month and 36-month Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) for 10 climate scenarios, 1950-2070
- Percent tree and impervious cover for 2020 and projected in 2070 for three RPA scenarios (average, maximum and minimum) for the 2020 RPA Assessment
- Multi-scale analyses of wildland fire combustion processes: Small-scale field experiments – plot layout and documentation
- Multi-scale analyses of wildland fire combustion processes: Small-scale field experiments – fire radiative power
- Multi-scale analyses of wildland fire combustion processes: Small-scale field experiments – fuel loading and consumption
- Multi-scale analyses of wildland fire combustion processes: Small-scale field experiments – atmospheric pressure
- Multi-scale analyses of wildland fire combustion processes: Small-scale field experiments – Transportable Analyzer for Calorimetry Outside (TACO)
- Multi-scale analyses of wildland fire combustion processes: Small-scale field experiments – terrestrial laser scans
- Multi-scale analyses of wildland fire combustion processes: Small-scale field experiments – temperature profile
- Monthly drought index for the conterminous United States: 6-month and 36-month Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) for observed climate data, 1950-2018
- Multi-scale analyses of wildland fire combustion processes: Small-scale field experiments – three-dimensional wind and temperature
- Study conditions and gull response data for nocturnal unmanned aircraft system treatments used to prevent gulls from nesting on rooftops during nest material gathering phase
- Caspar Creek Experimental Watersheds Phase 2 (1985-2017) data
- UPstream Regional LiDAR Model for Extent of Trout (UPRLIMET) model training and prediction data
- Spatial wildfire occurrence data for the United States, 1992-2020 [FPA_FOD_20221014]
- Glacier Lakes Ecosystem Experiments Site (GLEES) hourly stream discharge and temperature data
- Multi-scale analyses of wildland fire combustion processes: Large-scale field experiments – burn layout and documentation
- Multi-scale analyses of wildland fire combustion processes: Large-scale field experiments – FireTracker
- Multi-scale analyses of wildland fire combustion processes: Large-scale field experiments – fire radiative power
- Multi-scale analyses of wildland fire combustion processes: Large-scale field experiments – fuel loading and consumption
- Multi-scale analyses of wildland fire combustion processes: Large-scale field experiments – atmospheric pressure
- Multi-scale analyses of wildland fire combustion processes: Large-scale field experiments – SODAR 3-dimensional wind
- Multi-scale analyses of wildland fire combustion processes: Large-scale field experiments – three-dimensional wind and temperature
- Multi-scale analyses of wildland fire combustion processes: Large-scale field experiments – temperature profile
- Multi-scale analyses of wildland fire combustion processes: Large-scale field experiments – terrestrial laser scans
- Multi-scale analyses of wildland fire combustion processes: Small-scale field experiments – infrared data
- Fuel break encounters with large wildfires in southern California National Forests and associated biophysical, suppression, weather, and fire behavior characteristics
- Vapor pressure data for the conterminous United States at a 30 arcsecond resolution for 28 CMIP5 Global Climate Models under RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 scenarios
- Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) invasive plant data aggregated by U.S. county, 2005-2018
- Water yield projections due to climate variability and change in the United States for current and mid-century periods: A 2020 RPA Assessment
- Forest age map, tree species traits and Landsat phenology metrics for Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands
- Santee Experimental Forest, Watershed 79: streamflow and water chemistry data
- Proportions of wildland vegetation in proximity to buildings: Assessments for the conterminous United States, National Forests lands, and private inholdings
- Nitrogen fixation by Robinia pseudoacacia (L.) seedlings in the greenhouse under manipulated nitrogen and light treatments
- Tree data collected in 2017 in the 2012 RxCADRE forested burn unit at Eglin Air Force Base
- Leaf mass per area for 105 tree species in Puerto Rico
- Stanislaus-Tuolumne Experimental Forest 'Methods of Cutting' study plots 8-11: 88+ years of tree regeneration and forest understory cover data
- RxCADRE 2012: Terrestrial laser scan (TLS) point cloud data for Eglin Air Force Base
- Western Micronesia wildfires (2016-2021)
- Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Stewardship Mapping And Assessment Project (STEW-MAP) survey results 2011 and 2019
- Long-term changes in forest biomass, tree species composition and nitrogen fixation following land use disturbance
- Seedling and growing environment measurements from a tree planting unit in the 2016 Cold Springs Fire, Colorado, USA
- Spatial realizations of county-level land use projections for the conterminous United States, 2020-2070, used in the 2020 RPA Assessment
- Data collected on Douglas-fir and lodgepole pine traumatic resin ducts formed in response to fungal inoculation
- County-level land cover patterns for the conterminous United States for the 2020 RPA Assessment
- Ecological regions of Hawai'i
- Beaver colonization events on managed streams in the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, Wisconsin
- Greenhouse gas emissions and removals from forest land, woodlands, and urban trees in the United States, 1990-2021: Estimates and quantitative uncertainty for individual states, regional ownership groups, and National Forest System regions
- Nitrous oxide emission and isotopic composition data from four dryland sites in Southern California
- Puerto Rico, Vieques and Culebra land cover and forest formations circa 2000
- St. Kitts, Nevis, St. Eustatius, Grenada, and Barbados land cover and forest formations (1999-2003)
- Philadelphia land cover change data, 1970-2010
- Fire simulation results using fuels characteristics of four sites in the southern Great Plains: Pyric herbivory study
- Invertebrate richness and biomass of four sites in the southern Great Plains: Pyric herbivory study
- Vegetation and fuels characteristics of four sites in the southern Great Plains: Pyric herbivory study
- Understory plant community data from repeated plot sampling (1978-2019) in old-growth northern hardwood forest, northern Michigan (Dukes RNA, Hiawatha National Forest) ver 1
- County-level land-use projections for the conterminous United States, 2020-2070, used in the 2020 RPA Assessment
- Sierra Nevada contemporary reference site boundaries and corresponding remote sensing-derived canopy structure rasters
- Spruce beetle trap catches and tree mortality in Colorado
- Data for the analysis of antipredator responses of blackbird flocks toward different drone platforms used as hazing tools in sunflower fields
- Resetting the baseline: Machine learning predicted meadows for 60 watersheds in the Sierra Nevada
- Rock Mountain soil invertebrates, litter decomposition, and soil chemistry
- Four decades of data on planted mangrove ecosystem carbon stocks
- Bartlett Experimental Forest permanent cruise plot data
- USDA Forest Service Air Resource Management Program: Surface water monitoring data
- Tree regeneration data from the "Partial Cutting Study" at the Dukes Experimental Forest, Upper Peninsula of Michigan
- Tree height data from the "Partial Cutting Study" at the Dukes Experimental Forest, Upper Peninsula of Michigan
- Tree grade data from the "Partial Cutting Study" at the Dukes Experimental Forest, Upper Peninsula of Michigan
- Inventory tree data from the "Partial Cutting Study" at the Dukes Experimental Forest, Upper Peninsula of Michigan
- Data and replication code for analyzing crime on street segments with and without building removals in Baltimore, MD 2014-2019
- Snag and fuel dynamics after stand-replacing wildfires in the interior Pacific Northwest
- Tree monitoring data used to study the adaptability of knobcone x Monterey pine hybrids to lower-elevation, lower-quality forest sites in northwestern California
- Seedling census and natural enemy survey data at a tropical understory forest warming experiment (TRACE) in Puerto Rico from 2015-2017
- RPA forest products market data for U.S. RPA Regions and the world, historical (1990-2015), and projected (2020-2070) using the Forest Resource Outlook Model (FOROM)
- Building loss and rebuilding within wildfire perimeters of the conterminous United States (2000-2013)
- FuelMap 2014: Imputed map of carbon stored in litter, duff, fine woody debris, and coarse woody debris for CONUS forests circa 2014
- Historical maps of land use in Puerto Rico in 1951
- Liver residues of diphacinone in Polynesian rats and house mice offered a novel bait
- Tree canopy cover in the Great Lakes region, 1985-2019
- County-level agroforestry reported in the 2017 U.S. Census of Agriculture
- Maps of Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands forest functional groups, biomass, height, and species counts (2001-2008) and satellite image composites (1980-2000)
- Ponderosa pine initial spacing study at Challenge Experimental Forest
- The Fireshed Registry: Fireshed and project area boundaries for the continental United States and Alaska
- Abiotic and biotic attributes of an old field community impacting colonization in response to nutrient addition, litter removal, and consumer exclusion
- Understory plant community data collected before and after mechanical forest restoration treatments, Colorado Front Range
- The 1990-2020 wildland-urban interface of the conterminous United States - geospatial data
- Smoothed raster of wildfire transmission to buildings in the continental United States and Alaska
- Blacks Mountain Experimental Forest natural regeneration data (Lassen National Forest, California)
- Spatial datasets of probabilistic wildfire risk components for the sagebrush biome (270m)
- Spatial datasets of probabilistic wildfire risk components for the United States (270m)
- Global ground-based data and estimates of forest carbon stock and sink from 1990-2020
- Harvey Monroe Hall Research Natural Area trail monitoring study: 1993 vegetation and trail conditions
- Data for: Forest management, forest vegetation, and climate influence nesting ecology of a focal bird species in the western USA
- Cocos Island brown treesnake invasion baiting and trapping pilot study data
- 2012 Colorado Waldo Canyon fire: post-fire database
- Efficacy of an inflatable deterrent for reducing new world vulture human-wildlife conflict
- Macroinvertebrate contributions to wood decomposition as it progresses in the southeastern USA
- Tree species distributions of northern North America for climate ranging from 20,000 years ago to year 2100
- Biomass and nutritional qualities of six regenerating hardwood species in the Allegheny hardwood forest type
- Ohio Hills Fire and Fire Surrogate Study: vegetation, fuels, and fire behavior
- Testimony provided during the Federal Roadless Rulemaking Subsistence Hearings in 2019
- Mid-21st century simulated burn probability projections for moist temperate forests of the Pacific Northwest
- Vegetation monitoring in the Harvey Monroe Hall Research Natural Area: 1993 baseline data
- Vegetation and fuels data from the Fire & Fire Surrogate Study in western Montana: 20-year summary
- Bovine tuberculosis surveillance in white-tailed deer in Alpena County, Michigan and associated landscape covariates
- Mapped forest resources for Washington and Oregon, from a 1930s survey
- Santee Experimental Forest, Watershed 77: streamflow, water chemistry, water table, and weather data
- Forest product market projection data for the Southern Forest Outlook, 2020-2070
- Landscape Simulator (LSim) replicate data resulting from leveraging wildfire as a management strategy to restore old growth forest structure while stabilizing carbon stocks in the southwest United States
- Metabolic and physiological responses in the foliage and roots of three coniferous tree species growing along a hydrological gradient in southeast Alaska, USA
- Daily streamflow data for gauged watersheds at Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory, North Carolina
- Wildfire Hazard Potential for the United States (270-m), version 2023
- Tree ring widths and multi-objective trade-offs in western Oregon mature stands
- Nonstructural carbohydrates and tree data after a spring prescribed fire in Montana
- Fuelscape datasets for wildfire risk assessment in the sagebrush biome (270m)
- Ensemble model and input model rasters for soil organic carbon stock mean and uncertainties for Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, California, and Hawai'i
- Glacier Lakes Ecosystem Experiments Site (GLEES) Brooklyn tower historical meteorology data, 1987-1998
- Radiocarbon ages of macroscopic charcoal fragments found in Hawaiian drylands
- Data and replication code for analyzing the variation in urban tree canopy and air temperature reduction in New Haven, Connecticut, 2019 - 2021
- Dominant sagebrush associations of the Snake River Plain, Northwestern Basin and Range, and Central Basin and Range level III ecoregions in the western United States
- Pinyon and juniper expansion areas and persistent woodlands in the Snake River Plain, Northern Basin and Range, and Central Basin and Range level III ecoregions in the western United States
- Treatment Response Groups (TRGs) for use in landscape-scale assessments of fuel treatment types and locations in the Snake River Plain, Northern Basin and Range, and Central Basin and Range level III ecoregions in the western United States
- Effects of elevation on foliar and sapwood metabolites in sugar maple and yellow birch from two locations within the Neversink River Basin in the Catskill Mountains, NY
- Western Micronesia wildfires (2016+)
- Babeldaob Island wildfires (2012+)
- Forest structural-complexity metrics derived from aerial lidar across four experimental forests in the southeastern United States
- Aquatic invertebrate taxa survey at the Marcell Experimental Forest, 2009
- Stream algal biomass at the Marcell Experimental Forest, 2012
- Odonate and other insect distributions of North America for climate ranging from 20,000 years ago to year 2100
- Tree species distributions of southern North America under current and future climate to year 2100
- Pollinator distributions of North America for climate ranging from 20,000 years ago to year 2100
- North American models of habitat quality and migration potential under climate change
- Long-term effects of stand density and shrub control on ponderosa pine plantation in the Mendocino National Forest
- Rainfall simulation data: Effects of rainfall intensity and mulch coverage on runoff and sediment concentration
- Mass, temperature, and relative humidity stability of automated sorption balances: results of an interlaboratory study
- Tree biology-based tools and corresponding soil chemistry to track natural resources and processes that represent ecological conditions along the Appalachian Trail corridor
- Maps of natural tree regeneration recorded in 1913-1914, after Yacolt and related burns in southwest Washington
- Data on fluvial suspended-sediment response to wildfire and a major post-fire flood
- Elliot Ranch ponderosa pine Levels-Of-Growing-Stock study in Tahoe National Forest of California
- Engineering drawings for equipment, maps, and 1919-1925 reports of cultural practices at the Wind River Nursery in southwest Washington
- Wildfire Risk to Communities: Community Wildfire Risk Reduction Zones for the United States
- Wildfire Risk to Communities: Spatial datasets of landscape-wide wildfire risk components for the United States
- Wildfire Risk to Communities: Spatial datasets of wildfire risk for populated areas in the United States
- 30 years of stream habitat monitoring data from Tongass National Forest, Alaska, USA, 1991-2020
- Fire Behavior Assessment Team: in-fire videos from 2020 to 2023
- Soil temperatures under ponderosa pines during prescribed burns in northern Arizona
- Standardized vegetation cover data from mature forests on federal lands of Washington, Oregon, and California
- Biodetection data: Using odor signature in white-tailed deer associated with infection by Chronic Wasting Disease prions
- SHIFT: migration potential of suitable habitats for eastern United States trees
- Pyrolysis gases produced by fast and slow pyrolysis of foliage samples from 15 plants common to the southeastern US coastal plain
- Longleaf pine regional cone production study
- Maps of abiotic susceptibility versus fire-induced conversion to cheatgrass dominance in the sagebrush biome and associated data
- Pyrolysis gases measured by FTIR spectroscopy in a wind tunnel and at Ft. Jackson, SC
- Middle Fork Salmon River, Idaho, Chinook salmon redd count database, 1995-2021
- DISTRIB-II: forest types of eastern United States and potential departure under climate change
- Census of trees at Blacks Mountain Experimental Forest, Lassen County, California from 1933-1934
- A worldwide wolverine distribution model based on late-spring snow cover from 2000-2006
- Silvicultural effects on first-rotation ponderosa pine plantation in northern California: Garden of Eden study
- Field plot measurements from the 2017-2020 FASMEE Rx fires
- Terrestrial laser scanning and low magnetic field digitization data for coarse roots of 32-year-old Pinus ponderosa trees
- Wilderness Science Application and Delivery: Google Jamboard data from 2022 data gathering sessions
- Data for sound comparisons of auditory frightening devices and antipredator responses of nuisance blackbirds
- August 1986 Annaburro Station prescribed fires F19 and C064: Fire Dynamics Simulator evaluation data
- Blackbird flock dispersal and abandonment data in response to drone hazing with an avian repellent in sunflower
- The Fireshed Registry: Fireshed and subfireshed boundaries for the continental United States and Alaska
- Foliar metabolites from three species or breeding generations of chestnuts with soil data collected from xeric and sub-mesic sites in northern Pennsylvania, USA
- Tree field observations within an insect-affected forest collected in 2018 near Elk City, Idaho
- Pre-treatment cruise of the Goosenest Adaptive Management Area Study, Siskiyou County, California from 1995-1996
- Biophysical and weather conditions associated with fuel breaks leveraged during the suppression of large widlfires in southern California National Forests
- Offshore distribution, population size estimates, and productivity data for marbled murrelets in California and Oregon, 1989-2009
- Ponderosa pine Levels-of-Growing-Stock study: Tree measurement and condition data for Crawford Creek and Lookout Mountain in Oregon
- Pyrolysis gases measured by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry from fires in a wind tunnel and at Ft. Jackson, SC