Publication Details
- Title:
- Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) invasive plant data aggregated by U.S. county, 2005-2018
- Author(s):
Potter, Kevin M.; Riitters, Kurt H. - Publication Year:
- 2023
- How to Cite:
These data were collected using funding from the U.S. Government and can be used without additional permissions or fees. If you use these data in a publication, presentation, or other research product please use the following citation:
Potter, Kevin M.; Riitters, Kurt H. 2023. Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) invasive plant data aggregated by U.S. county, 2005-2018. Fort Collins, CO: Forest Service Research Data Archive.
- Abstract:
- Nonnative invasive plant species cause long-term detrimental effects on forest ecosystems, including declines in biological diversity, alterations to forest succession, and changes in nutrient, carbon, and water cycles. The damage caused by these exotic species, and the efforts to control them, are costly, even before accounting for the impacts to nonmarket economic services such as recreation and landscape aesthetics. The Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program collects invasive plant data based on expert-derived lists of problematic invasive plant species defined as those of any growth form likely to cause economic or environmental harm. Using each state's most recent evaluation period between 2005 and 2018, we determined the number and percent of FIA plots invaded by non-native plant species for each U.S. county, as well as the mean number of invasive species and percent cover of invasive species on the plots inventoried for invasive species in each county. These county-level data are provided as both a shapefile and Geopackage.
- Keywords:
- biota; environment; Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment; Forest & Plant Health; Invasive species; Inventory, Monitoring, & Analysis; Resource inventory; invasive plants; RPA Assessment; Resources Planning Act Assessment; conterminous United States; Alaska; Hawaii
- Related publications:
- Costanza, Jennifer K.; Koch, Frank H.; Reeves, Matthew C.; Potter, Kevin M.; Schleeweis, Karen; Riitters, Kurt H.; Anderson, Sarah; Brooks, Evan B.; Coulston, John W.; Joyce, Linda A.; Nepal, Prakash; Poulter, Benjamin; Prestemon, Jeffrey P.; Varner, J. Morgan; Walker, David . 2023. Chapter 5: Disturbances to forests and rangelands. 5-1 - 5-55. In: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. 2023. Future of America’s Forest and Rangelands: Forest Service 2020 Resources Planning Act Assessment. General Technical Report. WO-102. Washington, DC: 348 p.
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