Publication Details
- Title:
- Forest age map, tree species traits and Landsat phenology metrics for Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands
- Author(s):
Helmer, Eileen H.; Kay, Shannon L.; Marcano-Vega, Humfredo; Powers, Jennifer S.; Wood, Tana E.; Zhu, Xiaolin; Gwenzi, David; Ruzycki, Thomas S. - Publication Year:
- 2023
- How to Cite:
These data were collected using funding from the U.S. Government and can be used without additional permissions or fees. If you use these data in a publication, presentation, or other research product please use the following citation:
Helmer, Eileen H.; Kay, Shannon L.; Marcano-Vega, Humfredo; Powers, Jennifer S.; Wood, Tana E.; Zhu, Xiaolin; Gwenzi, David; Ruzycki, Thomas S. 2023. Forest age map, tree species traits and Landsat phenology metrics for Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Fort Collins, CO: Forest Service Research Data Archive.
- Abstract:
- This data publication contains data on tree species functional traits, forest stand age and vegetation phenology used for modeling and analysis of small tree survival across a heterogeneous tropical landscape (Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands). Trees are at increased risk of mortality from increased heat, drought, fire, storms and other causes. However, predictions of tree mortality are highly uncertain. Tabular data include: 1) wood specific gravity values collected for this study for 176 trees of 104 tree species (oven dry weight/green volume); 2) citations and taxonomic basis for assigning the categories of tree species mycorrhizal putative status; 3) forest-cover data gathered from orthorectified pairs of aerial photos from the years 1936-1937 for Puerto Rico forest inventory plots that were forested in the years 2001-2008; and 4) tree species functional groups and functional traits used for modeling small tree survival across Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands (PRVI). Spatial data include: 1) a spatial raster dataset representing forest stand age class circa the year 2001 in GeoTIFF (TIF) format; and 2) a spatial raster dataset (TIF) of four metrics of average annual phenology of vegetation greenness from 2010-2014 for Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands produced from Landsat satellite imagery.
- Keywords:
- farming; biota; environment; imageryBaseMapsEarthCover; Climate change; Carbon; Climatology; Climate change effects; Ecology, Ecosystems, & Environment; Ecology; Geography; Landscape ecology; Environment and People; Impact of people on environment; Forest & Plant Health; Human effects; Inventory, Monitoring, & Analysis; Monitoring; Techniques; Natural Resource Management & Use; Conservation; Ecosystem services; Landscape management; tropical forest; tree mortality; mortality risk; random forests; conspecific negative density dependence; exotic species; deforestation; forest regrowth; forest biomass; tree functional traits; drought; hurricane; typhoon; cyclone; succession; disturbance; cloud forest; tropical dry forest; ultramafic; ecosystem demography; land use; Landsat; land-surface phenology; Janzen-Connell hypothesis; shade tolerance; invasive species; forest age; secondary tropical forest; invasive species; mycorrhizal association; Puerto Rico; U.S. Virgin Islands; USA
- Related publications:
- Helmer, Eileen H.; Kay, Shannon L.; Marcano-Vega, Humfredo; Powers, Jennifer S.; Wood, Tana E.; Zhu, Xiaolin; Gwenzi, David; Ruzycki, Thomas S. 2023. Multiscale predictors of small tree survival across a heterogeneous tropical landscape. PLOS ONE. 18(3): e0280322.
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