Resource Management

Diverse Needs

How do you manage the diverse needs of multiple landscapes?

We need to protect from catastrophic fires and let wildlife flourish, all while offering recreation opportunities that we'll pass down to our children and their children.

How do we balance everything?

Tonto National Forest Land Management

  • Wilderness

    white-capped mountains with a blue-sky background. Four Peaks Wilderness

    The Tonto National Forest manages nearly 600,000 acres of wilderness to ensure public enjoyment while still protecting the unique natural character of the ecosystem.

  • Riparian Areas

    Jumping Mouse

    Nowhere is there more recognition of the ecological importance of riparian areas than in the arid Southwest. With less than 1% of the total land, protecting this land is critical to overall forest health.

  • Rangeland

    Wild calf on the national forest

    Management of grazing allotments to harmonize with the multiple uses and needs of the forest landscape and local economy is an ongoing challenge.  Information about horse Strangles

  • Wildlife/Fish

    Rio Grande Chub

    From the Sonoran desert to the Mogollon Rim, provides for diverse vegetation and elevation zones. The Salt and Verde rivers, add to the diversity of the forest  as well as corridors for migratory birds.

  • Mining

    Tonto Mining Projects

    Mineral mines have been on forest land long before the Tonto National Forest was established.  Active and closed mines must be reviewed and managed to preserve the health of the forest, watersheds and the public.  

  • Invasive Species

    Invasive Weeds Buffelgrass

    Learn more about invasive species, weed control and how you can volunteer for the invasive weed control program.