OHV Riding & Camping

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A view of the San Gabriel Canyon OHV Obstacle Course
San Gabriel Canyon Obstacle Course


Explore the back roads! The Angeles National Forest - San Gabriel Mountains National Monument provides 364 miles of designated OHV routes (roads). Because of the many different uses of the Forest and the delicate environment, all OHV travel must be on designated routes and trails or in designated Open Areas.

The Forest Service in cooperation with the State of California Off-Highway Vehicle Fund, (Green Sticker), has developed roads, trails, and facilities for the further enjoyment of the OHV user. Remember, these are your facilities and OHV funds are being used to develop and maintain them.

Forest Service roads open to Off-Highway Vehicles are considered public roads. All motorcycle riders on public lands in the State of California must wear a safety helmet meeting the standards adopted by the US Department of Transportation.

State law requires all vehicles, including motorcycles to be registered. You must have a current Green or Red Sticker, or Highway License. Highway licensed vehicles must meet all standards for operating on a public highway and be operated in accordance with California state law.


Your vehicle must be equipped with a properly installed Forest Service approved spark arrester in good working condition.

For your safety and the safety of others, Off-Highway Vehicles must never be operated in a manner likely to endanger any person or property. Driving at excessive speeds, careless and reckless driving, racing and "wheelies" are not only prohibited but also dangerous on forest roads and camping areas.

State and Federal law prohibit operating any vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. This applies equally to the operation of Off-Highway vehicles, including those statutes prohibiting drinking while driving (CVC 23220), and drinking in a motor vehicle (CVC 23221). Possession of alcohol in San Gabriel Canyon OHV area is prohibited.  

Motorcycles and ATVs must meet state sound requirement of 96 dba or lower.

Unlicensed juveniles operating motorcycles and ATVs must be under the supervision of a licensed adult.


Angeles National Forest Motor Vehicle Use Map:

San Gabriel River Off-Highway Area: (626) 910-1235 (Recording). They only pick up when the booth is staffed, Sat and Sun. No Address. The OHV is past the East Fork Road turnoff, about 12 miles north of the 210 freeway.

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