Deep Red Hoodoos of Red Canyon

Title 36 of the Code of Federal Regulations 261.50 (a) gives each Forest Supervisor the authority to issue orders which close or restrict use of the of described areas within the area over which he/she has jurisdiction. An order may close an area to entry or may restrict the use of an area by applying any or all of the prohibitions authorized in Title 36, Part 261, Subpart B, of the Code of Federal Regulations. See Below for Current Alerts and closures.


Preparation and safety are of utmost importance while recreating in the national forest.  Please observe safety alerts and notices before your excursion to the forest.  Simply knowing the current conditions, closures and alerts prepares you for a pleasurable outdoor visit, free from any surprise that could deter your fun!

Utah Snowtel WebsiteNational Weather Service | State of Utah Road Conditions


Regional Orders

Learn more about the Weed Free Hay Order, Explosives and Exploding Targets and Fireworks and Spark Arrestors by clicking on the regional orders button.

Button that says regional orders

District Orders

Cedar City Ranger District

Escalante Ranger District

Pine Valley Ranger District

Powell Ranger District

Forestwide Orders


Forest Orders Interactive Map

The viewer linked below depicts Forest Orders on the Dixie National Forest. This map is intended to be used as a supplement to the signed Forest Orders listed below. The signed Order document remains the authoritative source.