Collaboration, Communication and Conversation

En Espanol

The Draft Forest Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Statement are currently available for review and comment during a 90 day comment period.  We encourage you to provide comments and participate in public meetings and public involvement efforts during this process.  Find out more on how to participate.

This page provides information on the collaboration and public involvement efforts that have occurred throughout the Plan Revision process began in 2012.

Collaboration and public involvement are key to revising the Forest Plan and are being used throughout the revision process to help ensure that the Plan meets the needs of the wide variety of stakeholders who enjoy the El Yunque National Forest.

El Yunque National Forest has worked with the Forest Service’s National Collaboration Cadre to design a collaborative process to help the Forest Service during the Forest Plan revision effort as well as local consultants, Environmental Policy Solutions (EPS) and Center for Landscape Conservation (CCP)

Forest Service Collaboration

EYNF Communication and Collaboration Process

Listening Sessions/Collaboration Workshop (2012)

In September 2012, the Cadre and EPS conducted a series of listening sessions to hear from community members, stakeholders’ and employees.

In December, 2012 about 100 stakeholders including representatives from communities,  agencies, organizations and Forest Service employees attended  a workshop to discuss collaboration and learn more about the collaborative process and their level of interest to participate in the planning effort.

As a result of the two day workshop a collaborative coordinating committee made up of members of the community was assembled to work with the Forest Service to assist in public involvement and collaboration on issues throughout the planning process.  The Citizens' Collaboration Committee (CCPP) has developed a Facebook page  to help provide opportunities for the public to get information and comment on the Forest Plan revision process.

Public Meetings/Forum - Assessment (2014)

Four public meetings were held in communities around the Forest for the public to learn more about the planning process and to provide comments on issues they felt were important in managing the Forest and to include in the Plan.  An interactive mapping exercise helped participants identify locations of where uses, issues or opportunities occur in and around the Forest.

A one day forum “A Scientific and Social Look at El Yunque National Forest” was conducted in May 2014. Forest Service specialists and partners presented information on the draft assessment and participants were able to provide input on assessment topics.

A summary of comments received at the public meetings are available.





January 28, 2014

Maizales Community Center


March 27, 2014

Universidad Interamericana de Fajardo

Las Piedras

April 3, 2014

Agriculture Extension Service  Office- Las Piedras

Rio Grande

April 10, 2014

Baptist Church of Palmer

San Juan

May 8, 2014

Department of Natural Resources Office - Rio Piedras


Community/Public Meetings

Four community meetings were conducted between October to December 2014 to discuss the proposed action and the vision and initiatives for the Plan. In June 2015 three community meetings were conducted to inform the public on the planning process and validate key themes for the Plan. In addition to public meetings, several focus group meetings were conducted to gain insight and feedback related to specific planning issues

Comments received during the comment period, during community and focus group meetings can be viewed at the Comments Analysis and Response Application (CARA) reading room.

Meetings - Proposed Action/Need for Change (2014)





October 30, 2014

Universidad Interamericana de Fajardo


November 13, 2014

Salon de Alcaldes

Las Piedras

December 4, 2014

Salon de Alcaldes


December 12, 2014

Community Center - Cubuy


Meetings –Focus Groups (2014)


Focus Group

September 18, 2014

Municipal Planners :Canovanas, Rio Grande, Luquillo

September 25, 2014

Eastern Puerto Rico Protected Area Managers

October 9, 2014

Forest Tour Operators

October 16, 2014

Municipal Planners – Ceiba, Fajardo

October 30, 2014

Youth outreach:
Proyecto de Liderazgo Ambiental Comunitario (PLAC)/Community
Environmental Leadership Project


Meetings –Validate Direction for Plan alternatives (2015)




Las Piedras

June 23, 2015

Salon de los Alcaldes


June 24, 2015

Salon de los Alcaldes

San Juan

June 25, 2015

Universidad Interamericana Law School, Hato  Rey