
Welcome to the Great Outdoors! We offer  a variety of employment opportunities (both paid and unpaid) ranging from student programs to volunteer programs, and full time employment for men and women with skills in several hundred areas. It's all here, starting with who we are and what we do.

Much of our work today involves collaboration with other Federal and State agencies, local communities, private and tribal landowners, university research centers, and international organizations.

We are a nationwide organization of more than 30,000 people engaged in hundreds of specific occupations, including Foresters, Biologists, Engineers, Teachers, Firefighters, Accountants, Computer Specialists, Law Enforcement, Public Affairs Specialists, Recreation Specialists, Geographic Information Specialists, and more. Most Forest Service employees focus on managing and improving our Nation's forests and grasslands. Some employees focus on Forest and Range research, others focus on human resource development in Job Corps Centers, and others focus on state, private and tribal forestry coordination. This may sound simple, but it's not. It takes men and women in several hundred disciplines working in coordinated teamwork nationwide.

To keep our employees at the top of their profession, we provide world-class training supported by the latest technologies. Career development is ensured through continuing training and career-related education opportunities, both within our organization and through external educational institutions.

Current Job Opportunities for the Bridger-Teton:

Job opportunities for summer 2024


When a position is advertised for employment you will find and complete the job application through USAjobs.gov.

How to Write a Resume for Federal Service
Applying on USAjobs How-To-Guide

Tips for applicants

Forest Service Opportunity eXplorer - FOX (arcgis.com)

Careers | US Forest Service (usda.gov)