Maps & Publications

Whether you "hit the trail" on foot, horseback, or mountain bike, it's a good idea to do a little homework first. One excellent planning tool is a good map. A number of maps of the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest are available for free or purchase at the Supervisor’s Office, Ranger Districts, and David R. Obey Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center. 

Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest has different map products available:

  • USGS Topographic Maps
  • Forest Visitor Maps S
  • Motor Vehicle Use Maps
  • Trail Maps
  • GIS Data

Ordering Maps

Apps and Interactive Maps

Apps are available from Google Play and AppStore

Motor Vehicle Use Maps (MVUM)

The MVUMs display the CNNF's designated network of roads and trails for public motor vehicle use. The MVUM is your tool for knowing where you can legally operate your motor vehicle.

More Information and Downloads

Hard copy maps are available by contacting any local Forest Office.

Recreation Area Maps

These maps show sections of the forest and include all campgrounds, day use, trails, and autotour stops. Notes have been provided to indicate what is on each map so you can download the right map for what you need. Detailed hunter hiking trail maps are under the Hunter Hiking Trails header below. Other nonmotorized trail maps have been provided when available.

Hunter Walking Trails

For Aspen Age Class maps please visit our file downloader.

For more information, contract the District Office in the area you plan to visit.

Hunters, hikers and those looking for a great place to go for walk are encouraged to check out the hunter walking trails across the Forest. The Forest manages these trails as linear wildlife openings and they are kept clear for visitors to enjoy. For hunter walking trail maps, click on the Ranger District you would like to explore.

Eagle River -- Florence Ranger District

Great Divide

Lakewood -- Laona Ranger District

Medford--Park Falls Ranger District

Washburn Ranger District

Beaver Colony Maps

Aerial Beaver colony surveys are conducted annually after leaf drop, mid to late autumn. Active colonies are noted with a location dot which will place trappers within the vicinity of a colony, but not in an exact location. This survey only includes streams, not lakes, within the National Forest boundary, except on the Chequamegon land base where not all streams are included in the survey, particularly in Taylor County.

Trappers looking for beaver colony locations are encouraged to check out the Beaver Colony Maps across the Forest. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources may have additional information on beaver populations outside the National Forest.

Maps are available online for Eagle River - Florence, Great Divide, Lakewood-Laona, Medford-Park Falls, and Washburn

Comments or questions regarding maps or the beaver program can be directed to: Forest Fish and Wildlife Program Manager Joel Flory, Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, 500 Hanson Lake Road, Rhinelander, WI 54501, Phone: 715-362-1321 or Email:

For more information, contact the District Office in the area you plan to visit.

Geospatial Data

*Map files are large portable document format (PDF) files and may download slowly. The full map size is 44" x 33." To print a section of the PDF file, use the zoom feature of Adobe Reader to zoom into the area of interest. Next, select File, Print, Current View and Print.

Maps of all the districts on the forest.