
View from Tweve Mile Butte along Fremont Recreation Trail, Southern portion

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Recreation Map

Map showing recreational areas. Map Information

Current Recreation Conditions

Area Name Status Area Conditions
Annie Creek Sno-Park Open Open (Klamath Ranger District)
Antler Horse Camp Closed Closed (Silver Lake Ranger District)
Aspen Cabin Recreation Rental Closed Closed
Aspen Point Campground @ Lake of the Woods Open Open
Aspen Point Day Use Area & Boat Launch Open Open
Bald Butte Lookout Recreation Rental Closed Closed (Paisley Ranger District)
Camas Sno-Park Open Open
Campbell Lake Campground Closed Closed (Paisley Ranger District)
Can Springs Campground Closed Closed (Lakeview Ranger District)
Cherry Creek Traihead Closed Closed (Klamath Ranger District)
Chewaucan Crossing Campground/Trailhead Closed Closed (Paisley Ranger District)
Clear Spring Campground Closed Closed (Paisley Ranger District)
Clover Creek Trailhead Closed Closed (Klamath Ranger District)
Cold Springs Trailhead Closed Closed (Klamath Ranger District)
Corral Creek Campground Closed Closed (Bly Ranger District)
Corral Springs Campground Closed Closed (Chemult Ranger District)
Cottonwood Creek Trailhead Closed Closed (Lakeview Ranger District)
Cottonwood Recreation Area Campground Closed Closed (Lakeview Ranger District)
Cottonwood Trailhead Closed Closed (Lakeview Ranger District)
Cox Pass Trailhead Closed Closed (Lakeview Ranger District)
Crane Mountain Trailhead Closed Closed (Lakeview Ranger District)
Crystal Springs Day Use Area Open Open (Klamath Ranger District)
Currier Guard Station Recreation Rental Closed Closed (Paisley Ranger District)
Currier Spring Horse Camp Closed Closed (Paisley Ranger District)
Dairy Point Campground Closed Closed (Paisley Ranger District)
Deadhorse Lake Campground Closed Closed (Paisley Ranger District)
Deadhorse Trailhead Closed Closed (Paisley Ranger District)
Deep Creek Campground Closed Closed (Lakeview Ranger District)
Deming Creek Trailhead Closed Closed (Bly Ranger District)
Digit Point Campground Closed Closed (Chemult Ranger District)
Digit Point Day Use Area/Boat Launch Closed Closed (Chemult Ranger District)
Dog Lake Campground/Boating Site/Picnic Site Closed Closed (Lakeview Ranger District)
Drake Peak Lookout Recreation Rental Closed Closed (Lakeview Ranger District)
Drews Creek Campground Closed Closed (Lakeview Ranger District)
Eastbay Campground Closed Closed (Silver Lake Ranger District)
Farm Well Horse Camp/Trailhead Closed Closed (Silver Lake Ranger District)
Fourmile Lake Campground Closed Closed (Klamath Ranger District)
Fourmile Lake Trailhead Closed Closed (Klamath Ranger District)
Fremont Point Cabin Recreational Rental Closed Closed
Fremont Point Day Use Area Closed Closed
Gearhart Mountain Wilderness None None
Gideon Creek Day Use Area Closed Closed (Chemult Ranger District)
Great Meadow Sno-Park Open Open
Hadley Sno-Park Open Open (Paisley Ranger District)
Hager Mountain Lookout Recreation Rental Open Open (Silver Lake Ranger District)
Hanan Coffeepot Trailhead Closed Closed (Paisley Ranger District)
Hanan Sycan Campground/Trailhead Closed Closed (Paisley Ranger District)
Happy Camp Campground Closed Closed (Paisley Ranger District)
Head of the River Campground Closed Closed (Chiloquin Ranger District)
Heart Lake Fishing Site Closed Closed (Bly Ranger District)
Holbrook Reservoir Campground Closed Closed (Bly Ranger District)
Horseglade Campground and Trailhead Closed Closed (Bly Ranger District)
Jackson Creek Campground Closed Closed (Chemult Ranger District)
Jones Crossing Campground Closed Closed (Paisley Ranger District)
Lake of the Woods Resort Open Open
Lee Thomas Campground Closed Closed (Paisley Ranger District)
Lee Thomas Trailhead Closed Closed (Paisley Ranger District)
Lofton Reservoir Campground Closed Closed (Bly Ranger District)
Lookout Rock Trailhead Closed Closed
Lower Buck Creek Campground Closed Closed (Silver Lake Ranger District)
Malone Springs Day Use Area Open Open
Marsters Spring Campground Closed Closed (Paisley Ranger District)
Mill Trailhead Closed Closed (Lakeview Ranger District)
Mitchell Monument Documentary Site Closed Closed (Bly Ranger District)
Moss Meadows Horse Camp Closed Closed (Paisley Ranger District)
Moss Pass Trailhead Closed Closed (Paisley Ranger District)
Mount Thielsen Wilderness: Fremont-Winema None None
Mountain Lakes Trailhead Closed Closed (Klamath Ranger District)
Mountain Lakes Wilderness None None
Mt. McLoughlin Trailhead Closed Closed (Klamath Ranger District) Trailhead is accessible but the bridge 200 feet down the trail has been removed because it was unsound. Summit Trailhead is an alternative trail access point.
Mud Creek Campground Closed Closed (Lakeview Ranger District)
Nannie Creek Trailhead Closed Closed (Klamath Ranger District)
North Fork Sprague Trailhead Closed Closed (Bly Ranger District)
North Warner Viewpoint Closed Closed (Lakeview Ranger District)
Odessa Picnic Site Closed Closed (Klamath Ranger District)
Oux Kanee Overlook Closed Closed (Chiloquin Ranger District)
Pelican Guard Station Day Use Area Closed Closed (Klamath Ranger District)
Quartz Mountain Sno-park Open Open (Bly Ranger District)
Rainbow Bay Day Use Area @ Lake of the Wood Open Open
Rocky Point Day Use Area/Boat Launch Open Open More info: Klamath Ranger District
Rocky Point Resort Open Open
Rogger Meadow Trailhead Closed Closed (Lakeview Ranger District)
Rye Spur Trailhead Closed Closed
Sandhill Crossing Campground Closed Closed (Paisley Ranger District)
Scott Creek Campground Closed Closed (Chemult Ranger District) 
Sevenmile Marsh Equestrian Trailhead Closed Closed (Klamath Ranger District)
Sevenmile Marsh Trailhead Closed Closed (Klamath Ranger District)
Silver Creek Marsh Campground Closed Closed (Silver Lake Ranger District)
Silver Creek Marsh Trailhead Closed Closed (Silver Lake Ranger District)
Sky Lakes Wilderness: Fremont-Winema None None
Slide Lake Trailhead Closed Closed (Paisley Ranger District)
South Fork Crooked Creek Trailhead Closed Closed (Lakeview Ranger District)
Sprague River Picnic Site Closed Closed (Bly Ranger District)
Summit Sno-Park/Trailhead Open Open (Klamath Ranger District)
Sunset Campground @ Lake of the Woods Open Open
Sunset Day Use/Boat Launch at Lake of the Woods Open Open
Swale Trailhead Closed Closed (Lakeview Ranger District)
Thompson Reservoir Campground Closed Closed (Silver Lake Ranger District)
Twin Springs Campground Closed Closed (Lakeview Ranger District)
Upper Buck Creek Campground Closed Closed (Silver Lake Ranger District)
Varney Creek Trailhead Closed Closed (Klamath Ranger District)
Vee Lake Trailhead/Campground Closed Closed (Lakeview Ranger District)
Walker Trailhead Closed Closed (Lakeview Ranger District)
Walt Haring Sno-Park/Campground Open Open (Chemult Ranger District)
Williamson River Campground Closed Closed (Chiloquin Ranger District)
Willow Creek Campground Closed Closed (Lakeview Ranger District)
Withers Lake Day Use Area Closed Closed (Paisley Ranger District)
Wood River Day Use Area Open Open (Chiloquin Ranger District)


Crane Mountain National Recreation Trail #161

The Crane Mountain National Recreation Trail #161 is located east of Lakeview, Oregon in the Warner Mountains. It connects into the Fremont National Recreation Trail #160 - Southern Segment about 0.5 miles west of South Fork Crooked Creek Trailhead.

It runs south through the North and South Warner Mountains and on into California. Some sections of this trail, particularly the north face of Crane Mountain, may not be snow free until July. The north end of this trail is at the lowest elevation and the southern end is highest. An 8.3 mile portion of this trail, south of the summit of Crane Mountain, is within the Crane-Bidwell Semi-Primitive Motorized Area. There are remnants of the old fire lookout at the summit of Crane Mountain, including stunning views.

Fremont National Recreation Trail #160

View from Hagar Mountain

The Fremont National Recreation Trail, also known as the Southern Oregon Intertie Trail, traverses most of the length of the Fremont National Forest from north to south.

In the north it begins at Yamsay Mountain and makes its way south over Hager Mountain and along Winter Rim to the Warner Mountains where it joins the Crane Mountain National Recreation Trail #161. From that junction visitors can either continue north on the Fremont National Recreation Trail to Vee Lake or take the Crane Mountain National Recreation Trail #161 south to the California border and beyond.

Open to the following uses: hiking, horsebackriding and mountain biking.

The Fremont National Recreation Trail #160 has three main segments: Fremont National Recreation Trail #160 Northern SegmentFremont National Recreation Trail #160 Middle Segment and ​Fremont National Recreation Trail #160 Southern Segment.

The northern and middle segments pass near the towns of Silver Lake, Summer Lake and Paisley, OR and terminates near Lakeview, OR at Cox Pass. The Southern segment is along the crest of the northern Warner Mountains.

Local conditions vary widely across the seasons and segments. Due to forest fires and beetle-infected areas in past years, some segments near Winter Ridge area may be hard to distinguish. Other segments are outstanding but very primitive.

Lake of the Woods Resort

LOW Resort

For a classic, family-oriented lake destination, Lake of the Woods Resort offers something for everyone. This high mountain historic lake resort sits beside one of the clearest natural lakes found in the southern Oregon Cascades. The highlight of this setting is Mt. McLoughlin with its almost 10,000 feet of grand beauty. 

The resort, located 40 minutes from Klamath Falls, Oregon, and 45 minutes from Medford, Oregon, is a full service property with everything you could ask for in a family vacation. The resort offers 34 cabins and 22 RV sites, as well as a restaurant, general store, pizza parlor and marina. 

Lake of the Woods Resort offers abundant of summer recreational activities and things to do including biking, boating, fishing, hiking, swimming, sightseeing or water skiing. When the snow flies the fun continues! Enjoy snowshoeing, cross-country skiing and snowmobiling.

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