OHV Riding & Camping

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Important Updates

OHV maps are now available for download. Please see our OHV Maps and Information page for this, and other handy resources. 

Motorized vehicle use of the Bear Valley Road OHV area is restricted to authorized routes only. This includes Bear Valley, Long Valley Loop, and the Kernan Cycle Trail. 

The use of unauthorized routes causes erosion, resource damage, and users are trespassing on to private property, and this is  not sustainable. Resource damage and trespass force closures and loss of riding opportunities. Staying on designated, properly designed and maintained legal routes protects motorized access to public lands. 

Do your part to ensure the future of motorized off-road recreation by staying on designated routes. Trails legal for use are posted as open. It's simple: no sign? It's not a legal route.

Off Hwy Vehicle


Off Highway Vehicle Riding

OHVs are a fun way to combine the love of motor vehicles with the great outdoors. The Cleveland National Forest offers several locations designated for OHV usage.Maps and areas can be found online.

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities