Welcome to the Angeles National Forest!

LA's Backyard Playground

From the high desert to mountains, the forest is the backyard playground to over 20 million people in the Greater Los Angeles Area. Explore and help protect this 700,000-acre wonderland!

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Partial Reopening of Forest

The Angeles National Forest, which includes the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument, is partially open. The new Eaton Fire closure is in place from January 30 - December 31, 2025. The Bridge Fire closure remains active through December 31, 2025.

NOTE: While Chantry Flat Recreation Area is open in the Angeles National Forest, Los Angeles County Public Works has temporarily closed the county-managed section of roadway into the site due to fire damage. Stay tuned for more info: 

How We Study Impacts of Wildfires

Forest Service Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) Teams assess the condition of the watersheds on National Forest System (NFS) lands burned by major wildfires. These teams are comprised of scientists, historians, and other subject matter experts. BAER Teams identify potential emergency threats at-risk on federal lands, such as: human life and safety, NFS property, critical natural resources, and critical pre-historic and historic properties, and more.

In addition, BAER Teams coordinate with other agencies, who in turn assist affected businesses, homes, and landowners with preparing for rain events and the potential for flooding and debris flows. (Debris flows are mudflows with possible rocks, sticks, branches, and trees.)

Learn more about the Eaton-Hurst Fires BAER Assessment here.

Learn more about the Hughes Fire BAER Assessment here.

  • Visit Us

    Picnic Area Photo

    The Angeles National Forest is an urban national forest in the center of an ever-changing population and provides a place for surrounding communities to experience solitude, quiet, and enjoy unique recreation opportunities.

  • Fire Management

    Firefighter looking up at big smoke column

    Our mission is to provide safe, efficient and economical fire management while sustaining, protecting and restoring ecosystems.

  • Angeles National Forest Event Calendar

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    Join the Angeles National Forest at an event near you! Visit with a wildland firefighter, law enforcement officer, or a volunteer and learn more on how everyone can help keep our public lands safe!

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