Reds Meadow Road Reconstruction Project

dirt road, mountains, sky, construction
Reds Meadow Road is being reconstructed to greatly improve public access and traffic safety for all who visit the area, reduce likelihood of vehicular accidents and improve emergency response times. The U.S. Forest Service and National Park Service (Devils Postpile National Monument) appreciates your patience and understanding as the contractor works to reconstruct the road and stabilize the hillside.

Contractors are aiming to complete the project by 2026, with periodic full closures until the end of 2025, if not delayed by unforseen events.

Road opening and closing dates are subject to change based on weather conditions. For the most up to date information, please contact the Mammoth Lakes Welcome Center at (760) 923-5000. You may also reach out with questions via direct message on our Facebook page:


  • Mandatory ESTA Shuttle Bus use is still required when busses are in service throughout the 2025 peak season.
  • For excepted passenger vehicles or vehicles travelling outside the mandatory shuttle times, the minimum ground clearance is 4 inches.
  • Maximum combined vehicle length is 25 feet throughout the 2025 peak season.

2025 Schedule:

The following schedule is subject to change slightly. Please check back frequently while planning your trip. Inyo National Forest will also make an announcement for any schedule changes.

Prior to July 3, 2025, Reds Meadow Road will be open on weekends only (Saturdays and Sundays) once the road conditions and weather permits. The road is currently closed for the winter.

The mandatory ESTA shuttle bus runs daily from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., as usual when the road is open. Any other times when the shuttle bus is not running but the road is open, means that personal vehicles may enter and exit, provided they meet the restrictions listed above.

  • July 2 at 8:00 p.m. – July  6 at 11:00 p.m.: Open
  • July 6 – August 28:
    • Open Thursdays 6 a.m. through Sundays at 11:00 p.m.
      • Please note: Thursdays will have 1 hour traffic delays from 6 a.m. - 8 p.m.
  • August 28 – September 1:
    • Open Thursday at 8 p.m. through Monday at 11 p.m.
  • September 2   - September 14:
    • Open Thursdays 8:00 p.m.. through Sundays at 11 p.m.  
  • September 15 –  October 5:
    • Open Saturday at 7:00 a.m. through Sunday at 11 p.m.
    • Last day for ESTA shuttle bus operations is October 5.
  • October 6 – end of year:
    • Closed to vehicle and pedestrian traffic for construction and winter season. 


  • At this time, we do not know what campground(s) will be open, or if they will remain closed, pending a decision by concessionaire. Reds Meadow Campground will be closed due to renovations.
  • Wilderness permit reservations for trips starting on trails in the Reds Meadow area (Beck Lake, Fern Lake, Fish Creek, High Trail, John Muir Trail North of Devils Postpile, John Muir Trail South of Devils Postpile, Minaret Lake, River Trail and Shadow Creek) will only be available on days when the road is open to the public. 
    • Please pay attention to the road closures schedule if you are planning to exit from one of these trailheads; the permit reservation system will not prevent you from getting a permit to exit even though the road may be closed.
  • There are exceptions to the ESTA shuttle bus for visitors. Read about the exceptions here.
  • For information on Reds Meadow Resort, please visit their website:



Why is the road being reconstructed?

  • Reds Meadow Road is being reconstructed to improve public access and traffic safety for all who visit the area.
    • Reds Meadow Road currently has insufficient width, structurally deficient pavement, poor settlement and drainage, and substandard sight distances coupled with narrow shoulders and roadside hazards.
    • Reconstructing Reds Meadow Road will greatly improve user experiences, operations and access for recreation and emergency services to the Reds Meadow area by reducing likelihood of accidents and shortening emergency response and evacuation times.
    • Due to the constant need for repair on this heavily-used, and deteriorating road, flooding and other weather events, along with the small windows of time in which to repair it, the forest has struggled to maintain it. Reconstruction will provide a more permanent solution for public safety and future maintenance.
    • Without proper rehabilitation of the road, it will continue to deteriorate leading to further and longer closures.

Background on management of the road

  • Since 2014, efforts among stakeholders have advanced through scoping and environmental planning to inform their decision making, ensuring the most practical design possible for Reds Meadow Road, and long-term sustainable maintenance.
    • The final design of Reds Meadow Road is a result of several years of stakeholder meetings, a Planning and Environmental Linkage (PEL) study, NEPA process including public meetings and Environmental Assessment, and the securing of a Federal Lands Access Grant (FLAP).
    • Finalized in 2021, the design plan includes the widening of the upper 2.5 mile portion of the road from the Minaret Entrance Station down to Agnew Meadows Corral, while the lower 5.8 miles will be rehabilitated due to riparian impacts, inventoried roadless considerations, constructability, and cost.
    • Parking improvements are excluded from this project, as it was determined in the NEPA process that it would alter management of the recreation in the valley and pose additional environmental impacts.
    • Upon completion of the project, the Town of Mammoth Lakes (TOML) will be issued a Highway Easement Deed that authorizes maintenance responsibility for transportation purposes of the road. This action will provide the TOML jurisdiction for transportation purposes only, as ownership of the road will remain with the Inyo National Forest.
    • The Inyo National Forest and Town of Mammoth Lakes will work together in the future to ensure maintenance and transportation use objectives are met.

heavy equipment on a road, rocks, trees, sky


Mammoth Lakes Welcome Center (760) 924-5500
Or feel free to direct message us on Facebook @InyoNF