Day ePass and National Forest Day Pass
- $5 per day generally
- Honored at all Forest Service operated recreation sites in Washington and Oregon where a day use fee is required.
- Allows the pass holder and any accompanying passengers in a private vehicle use of the recreation facilities.
- Allows the pass holder use of recreation facilities at per-person sites. Other members in the party must pay the per-person fee.
- The day pass is also convenient for second vehicles when the second vehicle will not be attached to its primary vehicle.
- Day ePass
- Purchased online and printed at home.
- The pass is validated at the time of purchase for the date selected by the visitor.
- Can be validated for same day that it is purchased.
- Any modification to the pass (such as changing the date) will void the pass and may result in a warning notice or a violation notice.
- Only good until midnight for the day the buyer validates it for.
- National Forest Day Pass:
- Purchased in person at Forest Service offices, or local vendors. Can be purchased online, but visitor will incur a service charge and must wait for the pass to arrive in the mail.
- Self validating and will be validated by the visitor prior to use.
- Visitor will validate pass by printing clearly, in ink, the month, day and year they use it. Improper validation (incorrect / illegible date or modification) by holder will void the pass and may result in a warning notice or a violation notice.
- Only good until midnight for the day the buyer validates it for.
- Display pass on dashboard on the driver’s side. For multiple days, a pass for each day must be visible in the vehicle.
How to get these passes
- Visit a Forest Service office in the Pacific Northwest
- Local Businesses, find a vendor in your neighborhood
- Online at Discover Your Northwest:
Participating Sites
More Information
- Call Outdoor Recreation Information Center at 1-800-270-7504