Hood-Willamette Resource Advisory Committee

The Hood-Willamette Resource Advisory Committee (RAC) is a group of 9-15 volunteers that provide advice and recommendations to the Willamette and Mt. Hood National Forests regarding projects and funding consistent with Title II of the Secure Rural Schools Act (SRS Act).

Advisory committee members represent a wide variety of backgrounds and interests, including representation from tribal and government agencies, industry, environmental groups, recreation groups, and local residents.

  • Secure Rural Schools

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    Learn about the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self Determination Act, title categories, payments, and legislation on the National Secure Rural Schools Homepage.

  • Apply to be a RAC Member!

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    Serving as a RAC member is a way to engage with your local land managers, work in collaboration with other community members, and further the Forest Service mission to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the nation's forests and grasslands.

  • Title II Project Proposals

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    Learn more about Title II funding, previously approved projects and how to submit a new Title II project proposal.

  • Hood-Willamette RAC Meetings & Archive

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    Information on upcoming meetings, past approved projects, past meeting minutes, etc.