General | A Comparative Study of Low Input and High Input Taro Production in American Pacific with Special Reference to Pest Control | Hawaii | 1989 | Research and Education |
General | A Mid-South Conference on LISA-Related Agroforestry Practices and Policies | Arkansas | 1990 | Research and Education |
Windbreak | Impact of Tree Windbreaks on Distribution of Insect Pests and their Natural Enemies in Sustainable Agricultural Systems | Nebraska | 1992 | Research and Education |
Riparian Forest Buffer | An Integrated Riparian Management System to Control Agricultural Pollution and Enhance Wildlife Habitat | Iowa | 1993 | Research and Education |
General | Comparing Farming Systems with Different Strategies and Input Levels: A Research/Education Program with Replicated Micro-Farms | Nebraska | 1994 | Research and Education |
Alley Cropping | Sustaining Row Crop and Fine Hardwood Productivity through Alley Cropping: On-Farm Demonstration, Research, and Economic Evaluation of an Integrated System | Indiana | 1994 | Research and Education |
General | Training “Agents” in On-Farm Implementation of Sustainable Management Systems for Tropical Agriculture in Hawaii and the Pacific Region | Hawaii | 1994 | Professional Development Program |
Alley Cropping | Orchard Alley Cropping the Subhumid Tropics | Hawaii | 1995 | Research and Education |
Windbreak | Multiple-Use Borderlands: An Educational and Demonstration Project | Indiana | 1996 | Research and Education |
General | People to People: Sustainable Agriculture Networking for Farmers and Rural Communities | Minnesota | 1996 | Research and Education |
Riparian Forest Buffer | The Impact of Riparian Vegetation Filters on Western Soil and Water Quality: Nonpoint-Source Pollutants from Range and Croplands | Wyoming | 1996 | Research and Education |
General | North Central Sustainable Agriculture Training Program | Nebraska | 1997 | Professional Development Program |
General | Covering New Ground: Tropical Cover Crops for Improving Soil Quality | Hawaii | 1998 | Professional Development Program |
General | Deer Damage Abatement Research Project | Iowa | 1998 | Farmer/Rancher |
Silvopasture | Feasibility of Agroforestry System using Management Intensive Grazing in Eastern Black Walnut Plantation | Missouri | 1998 | Research and Education |
General | Introducing Alternative Crops Into Traditional Cotton-Grain Farming to Aid Transition To “Freedom to Farm” Agriculture | Texas | 1998 | Research and Education |
General | Low Environmental Impact Establishment of Hybrid Poplar Plantation | Minnesota | 1998 | Farmer/Rancher |
Windbreak | Wiersema Dairy Agroforestry Project | Idaho | 1998 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Brambles and Sassafras Agroforestry | Missouri | 1999 | Farmer/Rancher |
Windbreak | Crop-bearing Windbreak/Shelterbelt Project | Iowa | 1999 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Demonstrating the Benefits of Agroforestry Practices on Family Farms | Puerto Rico | 1999 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Making the Farm Profitable Using Agroforestry | West Virginia | 1999 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Propagation of Superior, Straight Growing Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia, ‘Haudenosaunee’) through Agroforestry | New York | 1999 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Rehabilitation of Degraded Savannah Land | Federated state of Micronesia | 1999 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Agroforestry & Forest Management: Sustaining Small Farms & Creating Learning Communities in the Northeast | New York | 2000 | Professional Development Program |
Windbreak | Multipurpose Windbreaks for the Protection of Vegetable Crops and Production of Fruit and Nut Crops | Massachusetts | 2000 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Perennial Grass Covers Affect Long-Term Soil Quality | Iowa | 2000 | Research and Education |
General | Southeast Iowa Agroforestry Demonstration | Iowa | 2000 | Research and Education |
General | Specialty Forestry Products Professional Development | Nebraska | 2000 | Professional Development Program |
General | Strategically Thinning a Pecan Orchard and Use of the By-product for Sustainable Management | Missouri | 2000 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | The Impact of Agricultural Systems on Soil Quality and Sustainability | North Carolina | 2000 | Research and Education |
General | Using Straight-Growing Black Locust in On-Farm Agroforestry | New York | 2000 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | WatersMeet Eco* Farm | Wisconsin | 2000 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Whole Farm Planning for Sustainable Systems | Nebraska | 2000 | Professional Development Program |
General | Beach Plum: Small Farm Sustainability through Crop Diversification & Value-Added Products | New York | 2001 | Research and Education |
Alley Cropping | Competition for Nitrogen and Groundwater Nitrate Levels in Temperate Alley Cropping Systems | Florida | 2001 | Graduate Student |
General | Evaluating Agroforestry Enterprise Opportunities for Specialty Forest Products: Decision Tools for Producers | Nebraska | 2001 | Research and Education |
Forest Farming | Forest Meets Farm: Profitable New Crops for Small Farms in Forested Ohio | Ohio | 2001 | Professional Development Program |
General | Long-Term, Large-Scale Systems Research Directed Toward Agricultural Sustainability | North Carolina | 2001 | Research and Education |
General | Rota Coffee Company | Northern Mariana Islands | 2001 | Farmer/Rancher |
Windbreak | Comparing the Input Costs and Economic Returns of a Planted Windbreak in Central Maine | Maine | 2002 | Farmer/Rancher |
Forest Farming | Ecology and Cultivation of Non-Timber Forest Products in Appalachia | Ohio | 2002 | Research and Education |
Alley Cropping | Enhancing the Economic and Environmental Competitiveness of Small Farms Through Agroforestry | Florida | 2002 | Research and Education |
Silvopasture | Silvopasture | Maine | 2002 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Species Profiles for Pacific Island Agroforestry | Hawaii | 2002 | Professional Development Program |
Silvopasture | Dairy Goat Woodland Grazing Project | North Carolina | 2003 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Experiential Learning Opportunities for Graduate and Undergraduate Students | Minnesota | 2003 | Research and Education |
General | New Farmers: Choosing the Road Less Traveled | Hawaii | 2003 | Professional Development Program |
Silvopasture | Optimizing Forage Production and Quality Within a temperate Silvopasture System | Virginia | 2003 | Graduate Student |
Silvopasture | Performance of Various Forage Combinations Under Thinned Pine Canopies in North Florida | Florida | 2003 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Reclaiming Pastureland for Diversified Fruit/Maple Production | New Hampshire | 2003 | Farmer/Rancher |
Riparian Forest Buffer | Riparian Buffers: Function, Management, and Economic Implications for Agriculture | Washington | 2003 | Research and Education |
Riparian Forest Buffer | Riparian Buffers: Function, Management, and Economic Implications for Agriculture | Washington | 2003 | Research and Education |
Silvopasture | Silvopasture in the Northeast | Massachusetts | 2003 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Agroforestry Training for Professionals in Missouri and the Midwest | Missouri | 2004 | Professional Development Program |
General | Developing Legume Shade Trees for Sustainable Coffee Production in Puerto Rico | Puerto Rico | 2004 | Research and Education |
General | Nitrogen Fertilization for Hybrid Hazelnuts in the Upper Midwest | Minnesota | 2004 | Graduate Student |
Silvopasture | Potential for Nitrate-Nitrogen Leaching in a Silvopastoral System Compared with Open Pasture and Loblolly Pine Plantation | Florida | 2004 | Graduate Student |
Silvopasture | Sustainable Hair Sheep Silvopastoral System | Oklahoma | 2004 | Farmer/Rancher |
Forest Farming | The How, When and Why of Forest Farming: Building and Using New Internet Based Infrastructure to Advance Learning and Practice in the Northeast | New York | 2004 | Professional Development Program |
Alley Cropping | Effects of the Quality of Organic Soil Amendments on the Soil Community and on Nitrogen Mineralization in an Agroecosystem in the Georgia Piedmont | Georgia | 2005 | Graduate Student |
Forest Farming | Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration for Profitable and Ecological Cultivation of Forest Medicinals | West Virginia | 2005 | Research and Education |
General | Pacific Island Agroforestry Workshops and Field Visits | Hawaii | 2005 | Professional Development Program |
Silvopasture | Silvopasture for Forage, Cattle and Trees | Mississippi | 2005 | Farmer/Rancher |
Silvopasture | Understanding Plant-Soil-Livestock Interactions: A Key to Enhanced Sustainability in Southern-Pine Silvopasture Systems | Alabama | 2005 | Research and Education |
Alley Cropping | Agro-Forestry Project: Incorporating Grass-Hay Alley Cropping With Organic Nut Production | Iowa | 2006 | Farmer/Rancher |
Riparian Forest Buffer | Assessment of Riparian Management Practices in Northeastern Oregon | Oregon | 2006 | Graduate Student |
Silvopasture | Agroforestry: Transforming Unproductive Woodlots Into Productive Livestock Operations. | Ohio | 2007 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Demonstrating Organic Wild Crop Utilization and Certification as a Profitable Model for Enhancing Overall Farm Sustainability in the Missouri Ozarks | Missouri | 2007 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Growing Highly Nutritious Staple Food Crops Using Intensive and Sustainable Agriculture Systems | Ohio | 2007 | Farmer/Rancher |
Silvopasture | Integrated Alternative Energy and Livestock Production Systems | Missouri | 2007 | Professional Development Program |
General | New crops for Pacific Island Agroforestry | Hawaii | 2007 | Professional Development Program |
General | Precious Indigenous Woods For Coffee Shade | Puerto Rico | 2007 | Research and Education |
General | Precious Indigenous Woods For Coffee Shade | Puerto Rico | 2007 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Assessing the Sustainability of Growing Non-traditional Fruit Tree Crops in the Upper Midwest: A collaborative agro-forestry approach | Wisconsin | 2008 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Comparative Study of Cuban Slugs (Veronicella cubensis) Suppression Using Grazing Ducks, Neem (Azadirachia indica) Extract and Chemical Baits in the CNMI | Northern Mariana Islands | 2008 | Farmer/Rancher |
Windbreak | Comprehensive Evaluation of Windbreaks of Fast-Growing Trees | Florida | 2008 | Graduate Student |
General | Decline of Casuarina equisetifolia: A Loss to Pacific Island Agroforestry | Guam | 2008 | Research and Education |
General | Demonstrating Higher Yields and Market Opportunities of Mixed Annual and Perennial Intensive Planting in Appalachian Ohio | Ohio | 2009 | Farmer/Rancher |
Alley Cropping | Development of Agroforest Systems for Bioenergy Crop Production and Ecosystem Services in the lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley | Louisiana | 2009 | Research and Education |
Windbreak | Evaluating New Windbreaks and Cover Crops for Tropical Fruit Crops | Hawaii | 2009 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Native Bee Habitat Rehabilitation: Encouraging Greater Adoption of Sustainable Pollination Practices | Pennsylvania | 2009 | Partnership |
Silvopasture | Optimal Nutritive Value of Honeylocust Seed Pods Within Temperate Silvopasture | Virginia | 2009 | Graduate Student |
General | Sustainable Agriculture Education and Practicum for Kansas Small Farmers and Ranchers Using Permaculture Principles of Ecological Systems Design and Management | Kansas | 2009 | Farmer/Rancher |
Forest Farming | Appalachian Forest Farming Network for Native Medicinal Plant Production | Virginia | 2010 | Farmer/Rancher |
Forest Farming | Cultivation of Shiitake Mushrooms as an Agroforestry Crop for New England | New York | 2010 | Research and Education |
General | Developing Successful Marketing Strategies for Elderberry Growers and Value Added Processors: A Model for Specialty Crop Development in the U.S. Midwest | Missouri | 2010 | Research and Education |
Silvopasture | Enhancing the Economic Stability of Select Limited Resource Farms through the Establishment of Micropropagated Pecan Orchards Integrated with Crops and Animals | Alabama | 2010 | Research and Education |
General | Field Grafting Improved Chestnut Cultivars to Increase Yield: An Operational Test in an Agroforestry System | Missouri | 2010 | Farmer/Rancher |
Silvopasture | Integrating Free Range Poultry with Ruminant and Agroforestry Production in a Systems Approach | Arkansas | 2010 | Research and Education |
General | Native Bee Habitat Rehabilitation; Encouraging Greater Adoption of Sustainable Pollination Practices - Part II | Pennsylvania | 2010 | Partnership |
General | Phase 1: Truffle Orchard Establishment – The Burgundy Truffle as a New Sustainable Agroforestry Crop for the Missouri Ozarks | Missouri | 2010 | Farmer/Rancher |
Silvopasture | Understanding Small Landowners’ Perspectives in Adoption of Goat-Agroforestry Land Management System | Alabama | 2010 | Research and Education |
Silvopasture | Utilizing Holistic Planned Grazing as a Regenerative Engine for Sustainable Agriculture | New York | 2010 | Professional Development Program |
General | Weed Management Alternatives for Organic Coffee Agroforestry Systems of Puerto Rico | Puerto Rico | 2010 | Research and Education |
General | Hawai’i Community-Based Food Security | Hawaii | 2011 | Professional Development Program |
Windbreak | Native Bee Habitat Rehabilitation; Encouraging Greater Adoption of Sustainable Pollination Practices – Part III | Pennsylvania | 2011 | Partnership |
Windbreak | Pollinator Forage Development | New Mexico | 2011 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Professional Training for Sustainable Agroforestry in Kansas | Kansas | 2011 | Professional Development Program |
Silvopasture | Assessment of Long-Term Management Impact on Soil C Dynamics in Subtropical Grasslands | Florida | 2012 | Graduate Student |
General | CEFS Long-Term Systems Research: Providing the Building Blocks for Resilient Food Production Systems | North Carolina | 2012 | Research and Education |
General | Effects of Controlled Disturbance within Early-Successional Northeastern Forest Habitat: Evaluating Soil Quality, Plant Production, and Economic Feasibility | Massachusetts | 2012 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Great Plains Agroforestry: Evaluation of Bioenergy Feedstock and Carbon Sequestration as Potential Long-term Revenue Streams to Diversify Landowner Income | Iowa | 2012 | Research and Education |
General | Increasing Agroforestry Adoption and Networking in the Midwest through Targeted Professional Development | Missouri | 2012 | Professional Development Program |
Forest Farming | Integrating Ducks into Log-grown Shiitake Mushroom Production for Slug Control and Added Yields | New York | 2012 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Niche Nut Processing Project: Collaborating To Establish Nut Crop Production, Processing And Marketing In The North Central Region | Ohio | 2012 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Phase 2: Burgundy Truffle Orchard Establishment – The Burgundy Truffle as a New Sustainable Agro-forestry Crop for Missouri | Missouri | 2012 | Farmer/Rancher |
Forest Farming | Practitioner Decision Effects on Select Biochemical and Organoleptic Qualities of Shiitake Mushrooms (Lentinula edodes) | New York | 2012 | Graduate Student |
Silvopasture | Silvopasture in the Northeast: Environmental and Economic Implications of Land-use Conversion within a Northern Hardwoods Forest | New Hampshire | 2012 | Farmer/Rancher |
Silvopasture | Advancing On-Farm Understanding and Application of Silvopasture Technologies in Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania | 2013 | Partnership |
Alley Cropping | Alley Cropping in a Hillside Terrace System | Ohio | 2013 | Farmer/Rancher |
Alley Cropping | Assessing Nitrogen and Carbon Pools in a Perennial Biomass Alley Cropping System in Minnesota U.S.A. | Minnesota | 2013 | Graduate Student |
General | Integrating Continuous Living Cover (CLC) into Farming Systems through Professional Development | Minnesota | 2013 | Professional Development Program |
Silvopasture | Made in the Shade – Using Silvopasture Research and On-farm Demonstrations to Advance These Sustainable Agroforestry Systems | Virginia | 2013 | Research and Education |
General | Trainer’s Training in Agroforestry Practices in the Southeastern Region: 1890 Agroforestry Consortium Initiative | Alabama | 2013 | Professional Development Program |
Silvopasture | Acoustic Analysis: A Novel Way to Measure Livestock Grazing Behavior | Virginia | 2014 | Graduate Student |
General | Coppicing for Northeastern Farms: Farmer Feedback and Coppice System Case Studies | Massachusetts | 2014 | Partnership |
General | Diversification of Winter Wheat & Beef Cattle Production Fields through Agroforestry & Covercrop Integration | Oklahoma | 2014 | Farmer/Rancher |
Silvopasture | Impacts of Land Use Intensification on Soil Organic Carbon Stocks, Soil Carbon Fractions and Microbial Activities in Subtropical Grazing Land Ecosystems | Florida | 2014 | Graduate Student |
Windbreak | Integrating Flowering Windbreaks for Insect Management in Cucumbers | Michigan | 2014 | Graduate Student |
Forest Farming | Market Assessment for Northeast Forest-Grown Mushrooms | Pennsylvania | 2014 | Partnership |
General | Commercialization of Hazelnuts for Growers in the Upper Midwest | Wisconsin | 2015 | Research and Education |
Forest Farming | Comparing a Centrifuge to a Maple Syrup Filter Press | Rhode Island | 2015 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Crop Performance, Pests, and Pollinators in Diverse Agroforestry Systems | Illinois | 2015 | Partnership |
General | NE Advanced Agroforestry Training for Natural Resource and Agricultural Educators | Pennsylvania | 2015 | Professional Development Program |
General | Seven Trees, Seven Practices: Demonstrating Agroforestry in the Western Pacific | Guam | 2015 | Professional Development Program |
General | Agroforestry Design for Sustainable Production Systems in the U.S.-Affiliated Pacific Islands | Hawaii | 2016 | Professional Development Program |
Silvopasture | Evaluating and Sharing Techniques in Silvopasture Establishment | Illinois | 2016 | Partnership |
General | Field Testing The Mulberry for Commercial Production in the Midwest | Ohio | 2016 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Fostering Good Stewardship of Ozarks Forests Through a Sustainable Forestry Field Trip | Missouri | 2016 | Research and Education |
Silvopasture | Improving Silvopasture Systems in the South: Identification of Suitable Forage Crops and Enhancement of Environmental Quality in Upland Forests | South Carolina | 2016 | Research and Education |
Silvopasture | Integration of Silvopasture and Nut Production in the Southeast | Tennessee | 2016 | Graduate Student |
General | Missouri Agroforestry Summer Institutes: High School Educator Training for Curriculum Delivery | Missouri | 2016 | Professional Development Program |
Silvopasture | Topographical Contour Measurement and Water Management Earthworks for Ecologically Restorative Edible Silvopasture Planting | Wisconsin | 2016 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | 2018 University of Guam PDP Project | Guam | 2017 | PDP State Program |
General | Breadfruit Agroforestry for Pacific Island Revilitization | Hawaii | 2017 | Professional Development Program |
Silvopasture | Growing Grasses and Legumes under Spruce/White Pine for Grazing Cows in a Silvopasture Setting | Wisconsin | 2017 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Pacific Islands | Guam | 2017 | Matching Grants Program |
General | Successful Cacao Establishment through Improved Soil Management | Hawaii | 2017 | Professional Development Program |
General | Aggregation and Cooperative Marketing opportunities for Enhancing Chestnut (Castanae spp.) Production and Conservation | Pennsylvania | 2018 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Agricultural Conservation Leasing Guide Education Series | Maryland | 2018 | Professional Development Program |
General | Agroforestry Education Using the Collective Experience of Pioneer Farmers | Wisconsin | 2018 | Partnership |
General | CEFS Long-term Systems Research: Providing the Building Blocks for Resilient Food Production Systems Phase III | North Carolina | 2018 | Research and Education |
Silvopasture | Comparative Benefits of using Chicken Tractors in Banana Plantations in American Samoa | American Samoa | 2018 | Farmer/Rancher |
Silvopasture | Conditioning Sheep to Avoid Koa Foilage: An Opportunity for Productive Silvopasteres in Hawaii | Hawaii | 2018 | Graduate Student |
Forest Farming | Conservation Biological Control of Coffee Berry Borer by Applying Nitrogen Fixing Tree Mulch to Enhance Indigenous Entomopathogenic Nematodes | Hawaii | 2018 | Graduate Student |
General | Converting tree nut byproducts into gourmet mushrooms and mulches | California | 2018 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Cover Crops in Woody Ornamental Production: Impact on Plant Growth, Arthropod Pests, Soil-Borne Pathogens and Weeds | Tennessee | 2018 | Research and Education |
General | Does More Diverse Plant Architecture in Pollinator Habitats Influence Native Pollinator and Beneficial Insect Abundance and Diversity? | Washington | 2018 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Effectiveness of Mixed Perennial Groundcovers in Establishing Hazelnut Hedgerow Systems in the Northeast | Massachusetts | 2018 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Evaluating Native American Hazelnuts for Use as Cold Hardy Pollenizers in European Hazelnut Orchards | New Jersey | 2018 | Graduate Student |
General | Evaluating Sweet Sorghum and Poultry Alley Cropping in Agroforestry as an Economical and Sustainable Alternatives to Tobacco crops | Kentucky | 2018 | Farmer/Rancher |
Forest Farming | Harvesting Sap and Producing Syrup From Trees Other Than Maples, Birches, and Walnuts | New Hampshire | 2018 | Graduate Student |
General | Impact of Mulches on Management of Spotted Wing Drosophila, Fruit Yield and Quality | Wisconsin | 2018 | Graduate Student |
Riparian Forest Buffer | Improving Ground Cover Selection and Competition Management in the Establishment of Productive Riparian Agricultural Buffers | Massachusetts | 2018 | Partnership |
General | Montana Hardy Fruit Nutraceutical Quality | Montana | 2018 | Graduate Student |
Riparian Forest Buffer | Native Perennial Grasses in Multifunctional Riparian Buffers for Improving Water Quality and Farm Profitability | Pennsylvania | 2018 | Graduate Student |
Silvopasture | Pasture Versus Invasives: Competing in Newly-Disturbed Soil under a Newly-Opened Canopy Transitioning to Silvopasture | Wisconsin | 2018 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Potential for Shake and Catch Harvesting of Hazelnuts | Oregon | 2018 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Rotation of Animals Through an Apple Orchard For Pest and Disease Suppression, Soil Improvement, and the Addition of Viable Revenue Streams | Wisconsin | 2018 | Farmer/Rancher |
Windbreak | Supporting Natural Enemies of the Cabbage Aphid with Hedgerow Plantings | Utah | 2018 | Partnership |
Silvopasture | Tree Leaf Fodder for Livestock: Transitioning Farm Woodlots to 'Air Meadow' for Climate Resilience | Maine | 2018 | Farmer/Rancher |
Forest Farming | Vermont Maple in Every School Project | Vermont | 2018 | Partnership |
Silvopasture | A Comprehensive Exploration Of Targeted Grazing With Goats | Indiana | 2019 | Farmer/Rancher |
Forest Farming | Advancing Walnut Syrup Production for Increased Profitability and Farm Income Diversification | West Virginia | 2019 | Partnership |
General | Agroforestry Management for Tropical and Subtropical Agroforestry Systems: Management guide and practical workshops | Puerto Rico | 2019 | Professional Development Program |
General | Analysis of the Antioxidant Qualities of Flowers and Fruits of Several Commercial Varieties of Sambucus nigra ssp. Canadensis (The North American Black Elderberry) in Florida | Florida | 2019 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Biological Control of Chestnut Weevil | New York | 2019 | Partnership |
General | Breadfruit Disease Identification and Varietal Resistance in Hawai‘i | Hawaii | 2019 | Partnership |
General | Comparing Bird Deterrent Strategies to Increase Sustainability and Production of Fruit Crops in Hawaii | Hawaii | 2019 | Farmer/Rancher |
Silvopasture | Cortisol as an Indicator of Stress in Animals Under Different Grazing Systems | Virginia | 2019 | Graduate Student |
Forest Farming | Cultivating a morel mushroom industry in the North Central United States | Michigan | 2019 | Research and Education |
General | Develop an efficient fruit handling system for elderberries | Missouri | 2019 | Partnership |
General | Development of a Carbon Farming Plan through Assessment of Tree/Shrub Agroforestry Data for Increased Production, Resource Valuation, Carbon Sequestration and Related Ecosystem Benefits | Missouri | 2019 | Farmer/Rancher |
Silvopasture | Drill-seeding blue oak acorns: a new method for restoration in California’s rangelands | California | 2019 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Effects of Subsurface Micro-irrigation on Water Use Efficiency and Hazelnut Tree Growth | Oregon | 2019 | Farmer/Rancher |
Alley Cropping | Enhancing berry farm profitability through perennial alley crops | Illinois | 2019 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Establishing a Network of Agroforestry Research & Demonstration Farms | Illinois | 2019 | Research and Education |
Windbreak | Examining the role of shelterbelts (tree plantings) on early-season honey production and hive growth of honeybees in the North Central Region (NCR) | North Dakota | 2019 | Research and Education |
General | Expanding Markets for Lesser Known Perennial Crops Through the Craft Beverage Industry | Wisconsin | 2019 | Farmer/Rancher |
Silvopasture | Feasibility of Integrating Sheep into Vermont Vineyards: An Initial Look at Ecologic and Economic Benefits | Vermont | 2019 | Farmer/Rancher |
Silvopasture | Forage Establishment and Management in Arkansas’ Silvopasture for Small Beef Producers | Arkansas | 2019 | Research and Education |
Alley Cropping, Silvopasture | Grazing Sheep in an Upper Midwest Vineyard to Control Vegetation | Minnesota | 2019 | Farmer/Rancher |
Forest Farming | Growing the Specialty Mushroom Industry in the Northeast | Massachusetts | 2019 | Research and Education |
General | Hazelnut-Finished Pork in the Upper Midwest: A New High-Value Product From A Sustainable Production System | Iowa | 2019 | Partnership |
Silvopasture | Holistic Forestry, Vegetables, and Small Livestock Production that Eradicates Invasive Species and Exposes Consumers to Sustainable Agriculture | Indiana | 2019 | Farmer/Rancher |
Alley Cropping | Honey Plant Intercropping on Christmas Tree Farms | Connecticut | 2019 | Farmer/Rancher |
Alley Cropping | Implementation of Biointensive Organic Production Principles in Agroforestry Systems: An examination of efficacious cultivated berry and vegetable production in temperate forests through alley cropping and companion planting | Arkansas | 2019 | Farmer/Rancher |
Forest Farming | Importance of Environmental Factors on Plantings of Wild-Simulated American Ginseng | Connecticut | 2019 | Graduate Student |
Riparian Forest Buffer | Land and Water Stewardship Training for Livestock Owners | Washington | 2019 | Research and Education |
General | Measuring Soil Health and Carbon Sequestration in an Emerging Chestnut Agroforestry System | Massachusetts | 2019 | Partnership |
Riparian Forest Buffer | Mycoremediation of Phosphorus in Agricultural Runoff using Mycorrhizal-Plant Associations | Vermont | 2019 | Partnership |
General | New England Cider Apple Program: Optimizing Production for High-Value Markets | Vermont | 2019 | Research and Education |
General | Performance of novel clonal cacao accessions in Hawaii under sustainable farming conditions | Hawaii | 2019 | Farmer/Rancher |
Riparian Forest Buffer | Permaculture Pond Restoration | Ohio | 2019 | Farmer/Rancher |
Silvopasture | Professional Development Program for Silvopasture Adoption | Minnesota | 2019 | Professional Development Program |
General | Quantifying Nutritional Value and Best Practices for Woody Fodder Management in Ruminant Grazing Systems | New York | 2019 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Reducing tree decline of Casuarina equisetifolia in Guam through replacement of bacterial wilt infected trees and research into the bacterial microbiomes of trees and associated termites | Guam | 2019 | Research and Education |
Silvopasture | Regenerative Grazing to Mitigate Climate Change | North Carolina | 2019 | Research and Education |
Forest Farming | Spawning a Network of Northeast Mushroom Educators Serving Urban and Rural Farmer Audiences | New York | 2019 | Professional Development Program |
Alley Cropping | Sustainable orchard intensification: Cover crops and management intensity | California | 2019 | Graduate Student |
Forest Farming | Sustaining the Sugar Bush in a Tribal Community to Educate, Reduce Fuel Usage and Increase Marketable Maple Sap Products | Minnesota | 2019 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Tagasaste: a new feed source for West Texas | Texas | 2019 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Testing aged manure for enhanced soil health and tree establishment in a pioneer chestnut orchard | Michigan | 2019 | Farmer/Rancher |
Silvopasture | The Establishment of Native Plant Species for Livestock Forage and Wildlife Habitat in Silvopasture Systems | Missouri | 2019 | Graduate Student |
Forest Farming, Silvopasture | Tree Regeneration and Establishment Strategies in Silvopasture and Sugarbush Systems | Connecticut | 2019 | Farmer/Rancher |
Forest Farming | Using Maple Sugarbush Management Practices to Increase Walnut Syrup Production | Kentucky | 2019 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Wiconi Waste Resistance Farm a Lakota regenerative agroforestry permaculture demonstration farm | South Dakota | 2019 | Farmer/Rancher |
Alley Cropping | Wild crop relatives and landrace cover crops for arid-land vineyards | Arizona | 2019 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | A Single-Row Mechanical Nut Planter for Nut and Hardwood Plantations | Wisconsin | 2020 | Farmer/Rancher |
Forest Farming | Designing and Building Centrifuges to Clarify Maple and Walnut Syrup | West Virginia | 2020 | Research and Education |
General | Developing a market for locally-adapted organic fruiting plants in St. Louis | Missouri | 2020 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Effect of Container Depth on Taprooted Seedling Root Morphology & | Maine | 2020 | Farmer/Rancher |
General, Windbreak | Enhancing hedgerow systems in fruit tree production to improve beneficial insect diversity and abundance | Florida | 2020 | Research and Education |
General | Expanding Small-scale Sustainable Agroforestry Demonstration Plots in the Western Pacific | Guam | 2020 | Research and Education |
Alley Cropping, General | Growing Seedlings and Skills for Agroforestry: integration of woody seedling and annual production | Ohio | 2020 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Increasing utility of native stands of persimmons | Missouri | 2020 | Farmer/Rancher |
Silvopasture | Investigating the Potential of Woodland Silvopasture Systems: Prevalence, Practices, Perceptions and Performance | Missouri | 2020 | Research and Education |
Forest Farming | Quantifying the capacity of Wine Cap mushroom cultivation to enhance soil health, improve vegetable crop value and increase farmer profitability | Wisconsin | 2020 | Farmer/Rancher |
| Scaling up on-farm drying equipment for elderflower and other perennial herbs in the Upper Midwest | Minnesota | 2020 | Farmer/Rancher |
Silvopasture | Silvopasture for poultry production with outdoor access: impact on animal welfare, economic, and environmental parameters | Virginia | 2020 | Research and Education |
Silvopasture | Silvopasture Pilot Project, Lancaster County | Pennsylvania | 2020 | Research and Education |
Silvopasture | Sustainable Silvopasture Hog Production Compared to Drylot System | Nebraska | 2020 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | The Agroforestry Apprenticeship Program: On-farm and online training for the next generation of agroforestry farmers | Illinois | 2020 | Partnership |
General | Developing and promoting woodland pawpaw production practices to improve fruit yield and quality | Ohio | 2021 | Research and Education |
Alley Cropping | Ecological and Economic Impacts of Transition to an Apple/Hay Agroforestry System | Washington | 2021 | Farmer/Rancher |
Silvopasture | Economics of Silvopasture | Minnesota | 2021 | Professional Development Program |
General | Evaluating the Impacts of Conservation Stewardship Plantings on Arthropod Communities in Louisiana Agroecosystems | Louisiana | 2021 | Graduate Student |
Forest Farming | Exotic Wild Mushroom Outdoor Cultivation | New Jersey | 2021 | Farmer/Rancher |
Silvopasture | Exploratory study for silvopasture adoption among Hispanic beef producers | Missouri | 2021 | Graduate Student |
Forest Farming | Increasing the Product Supply of Ramps via Enhanced Plantings | West Virginia | 2021 | Partnership |
Forest Farming, Windbreak | Investigating the Ecological Impact of Pairing Agroforestry Establishment with Biochar Production | Illinois | 2021 | Farmer/Rancher |
Silvopasture | Natural Fly Control on Rotational Grazing Silvopastures | Missouri | 2021 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | New and Beginning Farmer Regenerative Agriculture Fellowship Program | Ohio | 2021 | Partnership |
| Production and Value-Added Processing of Cultivated and Wild-Harvested Elderberries in West Virginia | West Virginia | 2021 | Partnership |
Forest Farming | Reading the Woods: Training West Virginia Agricultural Service Providers on Non-Timber Forest Products | West Virginia | 2021 | Professional Development Program |
Forest Farming, Riparian Forest Buffer | Sycamore Syrup: Generating Farm Income and Protecting Riparian Zones in West Virginia | West Virginia | 2021 | Partnership |
Forest Farming | Tapping New Forest Farming Opportunities in Central Appalachia Through Black Walnut Syrup Production | Virginia | 2021 | Research and Education |
Silvopasture | Testing Virtual Fence Technology in an Upper Midwestern Goat Grazing Operation | Wisconsin | 2021 | Farmer/Rancher |
Alley Cropping | The Creation of Two Alley Cropping Demonstration Sites as Case Studies on Massachusetts Farms | Massachusetts | 2021 | Partnership |
Forest Farming | The Northeast Forest Farmers Coalition: Building a Community of Practice | Connecticut | 2021 | Research and Education |
Alley Cropping | Training MS Farmers and Producers with Alternative Farming Practices Including Intercropping | Mississippi | 2021 | Research and Education |
Alley Cropping | Agroecological and Climate Smart Crop Production to Enhance Urban Agriculture | District of Columbia | 2022 | PDP State Program |
General | Agroforestry Production of Rare Medicinal Herbs in New Hampshire | New Hampshire | 2022 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Agroforestry Transition Hub: Education and On-farm Research to Advance Agroforestry for Climate Resilience for Northeast Farmers | New Hampshire | 2022 | Research and Education |
General | Clonal Production of Hybrid Chestnuts via Stool Bed Layering to Improve Overall Orchard Quality | New York | 2022 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Cultivating mushrooms and producing soil amendments using underutilized waste materials to increase profitability in an agroforestry system | Illinois | 2022 | Farmer/Rancher |
Riparian Forest Buffer | Designing Multifunctional Buffers to Improve Farm Viability in the Berkshire-Taconic Region of MA, NY, and CT | Massachusetts | 2022 | Professional Development Program |
General | Determining the Effect of Tree Pruning and Nutritional Inputs on a Neglected Chestnut Orchard | Maryland | 2022 | Farmer/Rancher |
Silvopasture | Effects of using ducks as biological control to manage weeds and pests within an orchard crop system | Oregon | 2022 | Farmer/Rancher |
Silvopasture | Efficient Leaf-dense Tree/Shrub Silage Production from Field Edges: Climate-resilient Winter Forage Supplement for Cattle, Sheep, and Goats | Maine | 2022 | Farmer/Rancher |
Silvopasture | Establishing Willow and Poplar Tree Fodder Blocks for Resilient Livestock Feed and Flood Mitigation in a Silvopasture Riparian Buffer | New York | 2022 | Farmer/Rancher |
Forest Farming | Farming the Forest: Empowering youth to nourish our community through hands-on agroforestry | Ohio | 2022 | Youth Educator |
| Improving the Cost-Efficacy of Silvopasture Establishment in the Southeast | Tennessee | 2022 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Mitigation of Breadfruit Orchard Establishment Challenges in Hawaiʻi: Assessing Best Practices to Address Weed Management and Ungulate Control | Hawaii | 2022 | Farmer/Rancher |
Silvopasture | Promoting farm sustainability with complementary intercropping of English walnut, peaches, and sheep pastureland | Michigan | 2022 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Red Mulberry Search and Rescue: Preserving Genetic Diversity for the Future of Sustainable Agroforestry | Ohio | 2022 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Scaling Northeastern Agroforestry using a Farmer-centered Field Consultancy Model | Vermont | 2022 | Research and Education |
Silvopasture | Scaling Regenerative Agriculture Coordinated Education and Outreach | Minnesota | 2022 | Partnership |
Alley Cropping | Solving the Agroforestry Cash Flow Gap: Intercropping Short Term Cash Crops During Tree Crop Establishment | New York | 2022 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | The Use of Biochar in Agroforestry to Promote Soil Microbial Health, Tree Productivity, and Carbon Sequestration | New York | 2022 | Research and Education |
Forest Farming | Truffle-Hardwood Orchard Development: A New Agro-Forestry Product for Indiana | Indiana | 2022 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Value Adding Culinary Chestnut Seconds Through the Development of a Marketable Fine Flour | Ohio | 2022 | Partnership |
Riparian Forest Buffer | Water Quality Effects of Multifunctional Working Buffers for Seasonally Wet Farmland | Washington | 2022 | Research and Education |
Forest Farming | A Three-Pronged Strategy to Equitably Provide Planting Stock to Forest Farmers: Propagation Training, Seed Exchange, and Working with Wild Harvesters | Connecticut | 2023 | Research and Education |
Alley Cropping, Forest Farming | Adapting Brazilian Syntropic Farming Practices to Integrated High-Conservation-Value Nut Tree Species in Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania | 2023 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Advancing black walnut syrup production through research and report on optimal tapping practices and promotion of findings at a field day | Indiana | 2023 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Agroforestry Training and Resources for Natural Resource Professionals in Washington and Oregon | Oregon | 2023 | Professional Development Program |
Alley Cropping | Alley cropping agroforestry as a climate change resiliency strategy for vegetable production in the southeastern US | Tennessee | 2023 | Research and Education |
General | Breeding a Cold-Hardy, Non-Astringent Hybrid Persimmon Cultivar | Missouri | 2023 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Building Community Capacity to Increase Agroforestry Tree Planting through Participatory Listening Sessions, Training, and Peer-to-Peer Networks | New York | 2023 | Research and Education |
General | Characterizing Chestnut 'Cure' as a Function of Time, Temp & RH, Based on Nut Size, Color and Shape | North Carolina | 2023 | Farmer/Rancher |
Silvopasture | Ecofriendly Management of Silvopastures for Pigs | North Carolina | 2023 | Farmer/Rancher |
Silvopasture | Economically Viable Method of Raising Surplus Saanen Dairy Goat Billies as Meat Goats by Using Them as Brush Goats | Missouri | 2023 | Farmer/Rancher |
Alley Cropping, Forest Farming, General, Riparian Forest Buffer, Silvopasture, Windbreak | Establishing a Professional Agroforestry Certification and Learning Network for Education and Exchange | Missouri | 2023 | Professional Development Program |
Forest Farming | Establishing domestic vanilla cultivation in southern Florida, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands | Florida | 2023 | Research and Education |
Forest Farming | Expanding Organic, Ecological, Regenerative Christmas Tree Agroforestry in Maine | Maine | 2023 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Expanding the Agroforestry Regional Knowledge (ARK) Exchange Network in Virginia | Virginia | 2023 | Professional Development Program |
General | Farmer to Farmer Agroforestry Guidebook for the Northeast | Massachusetts | 2023 | Farmer/Rancher |
Silvopasture | Fencing in Silvopasture for Sheep and Goat Production Across Missouri | Missouri | 2023 | Partnership |
General | Guam 3 Year State Professional Development Program Plan FY2024-2026 | Guam | 2023 | PDP State Program |
Silvopasture | Increasing Financial Sustainability on the Farm by Employing Moringa as a Drought Tolerant, Cost-Reducing Lamb Feed Supplement | Texas | 2023 | Farmer/Rancher |
Silvopasture | Integrating cover crops and sheep grazing in almond orchards | California | 2023 | Farmer/Rancher |
Forest Farming, Silvopasture | Muka-- Tree Hay as an Alternative Livestock Feed | Maine | 2023 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Native Cover Cropping in Hazelnut Orchards | Oregon | 2023 | Graduate Student |
General | Native Floral and Culinary Perennials: A Guide for Specialty Crop Production, Agroforestry Systems, and Diverse Landscapes | Missouri | 2023 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Northeast Kiwiberries: Jumpstarting a Regional Industry via Participatory Evaluation of Advanced Breeding Selections | New Hampshire | 2023 | Research and Education |
| Organic Agroforestry Knowledge Diffusion: Documenting and sharing best practices on demonstration farms through on-farm education and training | Wisconsin | 2023 | Research and Education |
General | Pilot Testing of Raw Elderberry Vinegar Production Feasibility for Small Farms | Missouri | 2023 | Farmer/Rancher |
Silvopasture | Profitably and Sustainably Converting Underutilized Forested Areas to Fertile Perennial Silvopasture Systems Using Swine | Pennsylvania | 2023 | Farmer/Rancher |
General | Pull-Type Hazelnut Combine Development | Wisconsin | 2023 | Farmer/Rancher |
Forest Farming | Ramp Sustainability Trial - Replanting Root Plates | Pennsylvania | 2023 | Farmer/Rancher |
Silvopasture | Seedless Leucaena hybrids for sustainable silvopasture systems | Hawaii | 2023 | Research and Education |
Silvopasture | SilvoPro: A Training Program for Silvopasture Professionals | Pennsylvania | 2023 | Professional Development Program |
Silvopasture | Sustainability outcomes of integrated sheep vineyards systems | California | 2023 | Research and Education |
General | The Taino: Can The Indigenous Agricultural Methods of Puerto Rico Feed the Island and Potentially Mitigate Climate Change? | Puerto Rico | 2023 | Graduate Student |
Forest Farming, General | Young Tree Farmers Camp | South Carolina | 2023 | Research and Education |
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