Medicine Bow-Routt National Forest Current and Recent Projects
Developing Proposal
Iron Mountain Vegetation Management Project
Treating forests affected by a mountain pine beetle epidemic to create optimum conditions for timber resiliency, growth, and health, reduce large fuels, address dwarf mistletoe infections, and provide commercial forest products.
Under Analysis
Amendments to Land Management Plans Regarding Sage-grouse Conservation
The Forest Service is considering amending its land management plans to address new and evolving issues arising since implementing sage-grouse plans in 2015. This project is in cooperation with the USDI Bureau of Land Management.
Friend Park and Round Mountain Vegetation Management
Integrated vegetation management, fuels management, hand crew work in roadless area.
Harris Park Vegetation Management
Integrated vegetation management, fuels reduction, hand crew work in roadless area portion.
HBE764 - Storm Peak Lab Permit Renewal
The University of Utah acquired the Storm Peak Laboratory and has requested re-issuance of their special use authorization.
Hilltop Administrative Site Lease
The Routt National Forest proposes to lease an 8.47-acre parcel of National Forest System lands, located within the city of Steamboat Springs, to the city, for construction and management of income-based workforce housing.
Laramie Cone Collection
Collection of cones/seed from conifer trees to maintain an adequate seed bank for reforestation. Methods include felling trees, tree climbing or use of lifts or other devices.
Mad Rabbit Trails Project
Proposed trails changes and/or new trails construction, mostly in the Rabbit Ears Pass and Rocky Peak areas.
South Routt Fuels Reduction Project
Fuels reduction project to improve public and firefighter safety, protect key infrastructure, and improve forest health and regeneration. Also proposes management actions to improve the forest transportation system.
Special Use Authorization - State 1-5 and 1-8 Oil Well Pads and Road Use
Authorization of two off-lease operational oil well sites and associated commercial road use. These sites became part of national grassland upon a prior land exchange.
Steamboat Ski Resort Sunshine Lift Replacement
Replacement of the Sunshine Express lift, development of a new snowmaking control pumphouse and associated infrastructure, and construction of the Thunderhead Hiking Trail Cutoff.
Walton Peak East Vegetation Management Project
The project is designed as a response to the Mountain Pine Beetle (MPB) epidemic. It has been proposed to increase the pace of restoration and resiliency of National Forest System lands and further the goals of the Routt National Forest Plan.
West Fork Battle Creek Watershed Plan
Evaluating a proposal to exchange about 1,762 acres of USFS-managed lands with up to about 4,400 acres managed by the State of Wyoming. Part of a larger NRCS-led project that could include a new reservoir, partly on lands currently managed by USFS.
Analysis Completed
Bears Ears Fuels Reduction and Restoration Project
Reduce wildfire risk to the communities of Wilderness Ranch, Hitch Mountain, and Quaker Mountain and to the Elkhead Reservoir. To enhance efforts to protect watersheds and address threats to forest and rangeland health.
Mill Creek Ranch - Small Tracts Act Conveyance
Land interchange between the Forest Service and Mill Creek Ranch under the Small Tracts Act. Each entity will convey 5 acres and acquire 5 acres. Project will resolve boundary line issues related to discrepancies found in the original land surveys.
Mineral Material Area Expansion and Contract Re-issuance at North Antelope Rochelle Mine
Expansion of mineral material/scoria mining sites and re-issuance of mineral material sale contract to Peabody Powder River Mining, LLC.
Pittington Private Road (NFSR 634.2) Special Use Permit Reissuance
Reissuance of a Special Use Permit for a 5-year term for use and maintenance of National Forest System Road 634.2 for access to private property.
On Hold
YAM172- Dunkley-Dubeau Reservoir ROW Access
Co-owners of the Dunkley-Dubeau Reservoir request a permit to access the reservoir for operation and maintenance. A new permit from private property south-east along NFSR 952.1 would authorize a road approximately 0.8 miles and 15 feet wide.
Battle Mountain Prescribed Burn
Prescribed burn to regenerate aspen in conifer-encroached aspen stands, re-introduce fire into a fire adapted ecosystem, and reduce continuous fuels near forest inholdings and perimeter.
Charybdis 3D Seismic Survey Phase 2
Geophysical 3-D seismic survey. Proponent is Devon Energy.
CO National Guard Special Use Permit.
Winter training operations over snow with motorized equipment.
Conditioning O&M Plans for Parks Platte River Ditch Bill Easements: Batch #1
Conditioning of O&M Plans for six water facilities with Ditch Bill Easements.
Converse County Oil and Gas Project
Oil and natural gas exploration and development. Approximately 4 percent of project area is on Thunder Basin NG. The lead agency of the EIS is the Bureau of Land Management and the Forest Service is a cooperating agency.
Debenham Energy LLC, Wind Energy Testing Permit
Debenham Energy wishes to install three wind energy testing sites on the Pole Mountain unit of the Laramie District. Initial activities would consist of installing up to three Meteorlogical Towers and one LIDar unit.
Deer Creek Wildlife Habitat Improvement
Integrated vegetation management, migratory bird habitat improvement, hand crew work in roadless area.
Elk Park Road
Develop a plan for the management of Elk Park Road in order to address soil and water resource concerns, while considering issues related to recreational use of the road.
Encampment Minerals Core Drilling - Muddy Mountain
Encampment Minerals to drill three core samples for the purpose of minerals exploration. Cores will be 3.25 inches in diameter and range from 300 to 800 feet in length.
Encampment Minerals Core Drilling - Prospect Mountain
Encampment Minerals proposes to drill six core samples for minerals exploration purposes. Cores will be 3.25 inches diameter and anywhere from 250 - 550 feet in length. Drilling area is accessed by one open public road and two decommissioned roads.
Green Rock Winter Parking Area
Build a winter use only parking area to supplement current roadside parking in the Green Rock area of Scenic Byway Wyoming Highway 130.
Hazard Tree Management
Hazard tree management for public health and safety primarily along roads, trails, and infrastructure.
High Alpine Seasonal Road Closure Extensions
Extend the seasonal wheeled-motorized vehicle closure dates or locations on several high alpine roads.
HPBE MVUM Minor Changes
OHVs would be allowed on FSR 400 from Seedhouse Campground east to FSR 443 (South Fork Rd). On FSR 110, OHVs would be allowed on the road from June 15 through December 1. Minor mapping errata corrections across the District will also be made.
Mount Werner Water and Sanitation Special Use Permit.
Special use permit authorizing an existing water diversion facility and 125 feet of water pipeline/access to the facility.
NFSR 970 (Beaver Creek Road) Redesignation Project
Possible redesignation of NFSR 970 from Level II road. Options being considered include motorized trail and non-motorized use. Purpose is to protect resources. A parking area is also being considered.
Paul Allred Plan of Operations for Mining Activities 23-24
The operator is proposing a placer mining operation on an unpatented mining claim owner by the operator. He will continue with short term placer mining activities and proposes to begin long term mining operations.
Paul Anderson Reconnaissance Survey - Accessing Unpatented Mineral Claims
Reconnaissance survey and mapping in order to plan strategies for accessing mining claims in preparation for gold mining.
Power Line to Highland Flat Federal 34-34 Oil Well
Authorization for an existing 1,970-foot 14.4kV distribution electrical overhead power line that provides service to several oil wells. The authorization would be for operation and maintenance of the power line and right-of-way.
Powerlines to Oil Well Pads in Clareton Oil Field
Installation of buried electrical power lines along National Forest System Road 1258 and spur roads, which are not open to motorized public travel, to serve oil well pads in the Clareton Oil Field.
Road use NFSR 925, 925A, and 930 (Keeline Road) and non-system road
Project entry 61300 was canceled because a duplicate entry was made on the Schedule of Proposed Actions. Refer to project no. 63030 which is the same proposed action.
Sierra Madre Sheep
Allotment Management Planning for 7 sheep allotments in the Sierra Madre Mountain Range on the Brush Creek/Hayden Ranger District of the Medicine Bow-Routt National Forest Thunder Basin National Grassland
Weston Area Coordinated Activity Management Plan
Change in trail designation for travel management and other purposes in the Thunder Basin National Grassland-Spring Creek Unit. Multiple activities in coordination with Bureau of Land Management, Buffalo Resource Area.
Winter Non-Motorized Trail Development
Designate existing non-system trail routes as system trails. Snowshoe routes will be designated as trails on Rabbit Ears Pass. A snowshoe/skiier loop near Dry Lake will be designated at Buffalo Pass.
Zirkel Wireless LLC Special Use Permit - Farwell Mtn
Communications Use Permit to provide wireless internet services on Farwell Mountain Communications Site.
Project Archive
Some of our older projects can be accessed in our Project Archive.