Resource Management
Resource Management
The mission of the Forest Service is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the nation’s forests and grasslands to meet the needs of present and future generations.
The GMUG National Forest is engaged in a wide range of projects implemented to better understand and enhance the natural resources of our forest. These projects include watershed protection and improvement, water qualities studies, wetlands restoration, range improvements, noxious weed control and eradication, soils inventories, fuel hazard reduction, fire suppression, cultural resource restoration and inventories, fish inventories and habitat improvements, and wildlife inventories and re-introductions. This page will continue to have updates and publications on current resource management projects.
Visit the following pages for more information on:
Abandoned Mine Lands (AML)
Range Management
- Fens- The Rocky Mountain's Unique High Altitude Wetlands
- Inventory of Fens in a Large Landscape of West-Central Colorado (2012)
- Forest Service Climate Change Resource Center
- Current Conditions for Colorado Streamflow
- Tips for viewing wildlife on the GMUG!
- Mapping Gunnison Sage-Grouse Habitat
- Searching for the Elusive Canada Lynx on the GMUG
- Moose on the Mesa- info on this re-introduction program
WCM Baseline Assessment West Elk October 2018
Timber sales for the South Timber Sale Contracting Zone are available below. The South Zone consists of the following forests:
- Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre & Gunnison
- Pike & San Isabel
- Rio Grande
- San Juan
Important Notice: Unless otherwise noted bid openings will be held at the GMUG Supervisors Office located at 2250 South Main Street, Delta, Colorado.
Timber Sales
Currently Advertised | Remarks |
GMUG/San Juan Six Month Periodic Announcement FY24/Fall |
No remarks provided for this item. |
Englehart DxP Timber Sale |
Bids will be opened at the GMUG Supervisor's Office on 02/24/2025 at 2:00pm |