Forest Plan Revision

This page is for archive purposes only.

The most up-to-date documents and information can be found on the updated Blue Mountains Forest Plan Revision Page.

Blue Mountains Forest Plan Revision

What were you doing in 1990? The Malheur, Umatilla, and Wallowa-Whitman National Forests signed their current forest plans in 1990. Plan revision addresses the ecological, social, and economic changes over the past 32 years by adapting to new scientific information, rules and laws. Ultimately, a revision better supports the needs of the forest and its surrounding communities today and into the future.

An opportunity to provide feedback on the draft assessment, Potential Species of Conservation Concern (SCC) list, Lands that May Have Wilderness Character draft inventory, and Wild and Scenic Rivers draft inventory was provided from March 25 - May 26, 2024. An overview of submitted public feedback Summary of Feedback – Assessment Phase and the Draft Assessment Feedback Period Reading Room are now available

An update as of July 2024 is now available.

Engagement is welcome throughout this robust process. Please connect with us by emailing the plan revision inbox or call 541-278-3716.

More Information

We are currently in the Assessment Phase. Click on the topic below for additional information

What is a Forest Plan?

Forest plans are legally required documents that establish broad, long-range, general management direction to maintain or achieve desired conditions. Together, desired conditions and objectives describe what actions Forest Service managers intend to implement across the Blue Mountain landscape while still providing sustainable usage by individuals and communities. As forest and community needs change, forest plans should be amended or revised to respond to these changes and incorporate the latest scientific knowledge and understanding of land management.

Plan components are the core elements and content of a forest plan, and all projects and activities should be consistent with Plan Components. They include:

  • Desired Conditions: Describe the specific social, economic and/or ecological characteristics that are desired for the plan area, or a part of the plan area.
  • Objectives: Concise, measurable, and time-specific statement of a desired rate of progress toward a Desired Condition(s) and should be based on reasonably foreseeable budgets.
  • Standards: Standards guide project and activity decision making and are established to help achieve or maintain the desired condition or conditions, to avoid or mitigate undesirable effects, or to meet applicable legal requirements.
  • Guidelines: Constraints on project and activity decision making that allow for departure from its terms, so long as the purpose of the guideline is met.
  • Suitability: Specific lands within a plan area will be identified as suitable for various multiple uses or activities based on the desired conditions applicable to those lands.

Forest Plan Revision Process and Timeline

The process of revising a forest plan includes the following steps: assessment, preliminary identification of the need to change the plan based on the assessment, development of a proposed plan, consideration of the environmental effects of the proposal (environmental impact statement), providing an opportunity to comment on the proposed plan and environmental effects analysis, providing an opportunity to object before the proposal is approved, and, finally, approval of the plan revision.

The Blue Mountains National Forests are currently in the Assessment Phase, which is the second phase of ten-steps of the Forest Plan Revision process under the 2012 Planning Rule. The purpose of the Assessment Phase is to gather existing relevant information on Forest conditions and trends and use this information to rapidly evaluate the sustainability of existing ecological, economic, and social conditions and trends within the context of the broader landscape. The Forest Service is eager to hear input on individual and community values. Feedback received during the assessment phase will be used to develop the final assessment report. A formal public comment period will occur later in the ten-step process.

An overview of submitted public feedback Summary of Feedback – Assessment Phase and the Draft Assessment Feedback Period Reading Room are now available

Engagement is welcome throughout this robust process. Please connect with us by emailing the plan revision inbox or call 541-278-3716.


graphic describing the Forest Plan Revision Process

More information about the forest plan revision process is available in the 2012 Planning Rule and Forest Revison Process document and the interactive story map.


Past Revision Efforts

For more information on the withdrawn 2018 Blue Mountains Forest Plan visit:

Engagement Opportunities

You are an important part of the revision process. Your input matters! Forest plans should reflect the diverse interests and desires of the people who use the forest-even when they don't agree.

View our interactive story map! The story map includes an overview of the Forest Plan Revison Process and includes infromation about the  Assessment Phase, an interactive values mapping acitivy, and resources to help you connect with the team.

Guide your Forests future! The Malheur, Umatilla, and Wallowa-Whitman National Forests have begun the Assessment Phase of the Forest Plan Revision Process. An opportunity to provide feedback on the draft assessment, Potential Species of Conservation Concern (SCC) list, Lands that May Have Wilderness Character draft inventory, and Wild and Scenic Rivers draft inventory was provided from March 25 - May 26, 2024. An overview of submitted public feedback Summary of Feedback – Assessment Phase and the Draft Assessment Feedback Period Reading Room are now available

Engagement is welcome throughout this robust process. Please connect with us by emailing the plan revision inbox or call 541-278-3716.

List of 2024 Public Meetings

* to find the virtual Microsoft Teams link, click on the location within the calendar below, and scroll down past the description of the meeting until you find the Click here to join the meeting link. 

2024 Public Meeting Schedule

A Citizen's Guide to Forest Planning contains more information about public engagement opportunities.

To contact the Forest Plan Revision Team or to sign up for updates please email us at

Guide your Forests’ future! We want to engage with you and get your feedback on ways you would like to get information or collaborate with us. Please complete this Public Engagement Survey.

Assessment Phase

We are currently on step two of the ten-step Forest Plan Revision process and have released a draft assessment for public review on March 25, 2024, with feedback accepted until May 26, 2024. The draft Assessment is an evaluation of existing trends and conditions across the Forests. Public input of the draft Assessment will help to provide the foundation for our work on developing the revised plan. This will include discussions around identifying the distinct roles and contributions of the Blue Mountains National Forests and help to inform the need for change from the current forest plan. Public meetings held in April, 2024 were focused on public feedback of the draft assessment, as well as the release of the following inventories required by the 2012 planning rule: Lands That May Have Wilderness Character, Species of Conservation Concern, and Wild and Scenic Rivers. A formal public comment period will occur toward the end of 2024 or early 2025 and we appreciate your patience and participation in this dynamic and evolving process.

Assessment Resources

Lands That May Have Wilderness Character

Wild and Scenic Rivers Inventory

Species of Conservation Concern


Guide your Forests’ future! We want to engage with you and get your feedback on ways you would like to get information or collaborate with us. Please complete this Public Engagement Survey.

What is a News Releases/Announcements

Blue Mountains Forest Plan Revision: What's New


News Releases and Announcements


Revision Report: Official Newsletter for the Blue Mountains Forest Plan Revision


Get in Touch!

We want to hear from you! You can sign up for our mailing list to receive periodic updates about the plan revision process. Have questions for us?  Send a message to our plan revision inbox or call 541-278-3716 and a team member will get back to you.

Guide your Forests’ future! We want to engage with you and get your feedback on ways you would like to get information or collaborate with us. Please complete this Public Engagement Survey.

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