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Tree Planters' Notes, spring 2024

This biannual publication provides information about nurseries and nursery production, including seed sourcing, seedling care, and transplanting seedlings for reforestation and related activities. The spring 2024 issue includes articles about zinc deficiencies, seed transfer (loblolly pine, red spruce, and black cherry), increasing the scale of nursery production, and the impacts of climate change on nurseries.

Topic: Natural Resources and Conservation
Type: Series
Number: Vol. 67, No. 1

National Sustainable Operations Strategy

This strategy document details how the Forest Service works to mitigate the impacts of its operations on the climate crisis. With goals that include reducing agency emissions, shifting consumption habits and purchases, and ensuring that Forest Service employees are supported throughout the process, this strategy demonstrates the agency’s mission-focused sustainability commitment to current and future generations.

Topic: Natural Resources and Conservation
Type: General
Number: FS-1247

Climate Action Tracker: Fiscal Year 2023 Report

Fiscal year 2023 marked the second year of annual reporting for the Climate Action Tracker, which is the Forest Service’s primary reporting and tracking tool on climate change actions. This publication summarizes agency progress on climate change adaptation and carbon stewardship as well as progress with integrating environmental justice and Tribal engagement into the agency’s climate programs, planning, and actions.

Topic: Natural Resources and Conservation
Type: General
Number: FS-1245b

Proactive Stewardship on Mature and Old-Growth Forests

Proactive stewardship involves forest management practices that promote the quality, composition, structure, pattern, or ecological processes necessary for old-growth forests to be adaptable to stressors and likely future environments. This factsheet highlights two examples of how the agency is using proactive stewardship to ensure resilience of old-growth forests on the Sequoia National Forest and Ochoco National Forest.

Topic: Natural Resources and Conservation
Type: Fact Sheet
Number: FS-1215e

Nature Connects Us Playbook

The Forest Service and National Forest Foundation established the Nature Connects Us campaign to awaken and strengthen connections to and understanding of the physical, spiritual, mental, emotional, and economic benefits from national forests and grasslands. This playbook describes guidelines, graphics, and questions that individuals and organizations can use as they share and invite others to reflect on their connections with nature and public lands.

Topic: Partnership and Collaboration
Type: General
Number: FS-1243a

National Old-Growth Amendment

This factsheet provides basic information about the definition and value of old-growth forests and explains the need and purpose for a national old-growth amendment to Forest Service land management plans. It summarizes actions taken since the notice of intent for the proposed national old-growth amendment was issued in late 2023, describes changes incorporated into the draft environmental impact statement, and outlines next steps leading up to release of the final environmental impact statement.

Topic: Natural Resources and Conservation
Type: Fact Sheet
Number: FS-1215d

Mature and Old-Growth Forests: Analysis of Threats on Lands Managed by the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management

In response to Executive Order 14072, the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management analyzed the threats to mature and old-growth forests on Federal lands, including from wildfires and climate change. As recognized in Section 1 of E.O. 14072, old-growth forests have decreased significantly from what existed historically. Understanding what threatens mature and old-growth forests is imperative to conserving and managing these forests and protecting their ecological, social, cultural, and economic value.

Topic: Natural Resources and Conservation
Type: General
Number: FS-1215c

Seed-Transfer Guidelines for Important Tree Species in the Eastern United States

As the climate warms, suitable habitat for many tree species is shifting northward. Assisted migration is a process that helps establish native trees in areas that are or will be suitable habitat in the future. This handbook compiles guidance for transferring seeds and seedlings to improve nurseries' efforts in restoration, reforestation, and afforestation.

Topic: Natural Resources and Conservation
Type: General
Number: AH-801

A National-Scale Tree Volume, Biomass, and Carbon Modeling System for the United States

The Forest Inventory and Analysis Program developed a national methodology for compatible predictions of tree volume, biomass, and carbon content for species populating U.S. forest lands. This report serves as the primary reference for the outcome of those efforts and describes all the relevant aspects of the data, statistical modeling methods, and results.

Topic: Natural Resources and Conservation
Type: Technical Report
Number: GTR-WO-104

Climate Action Tracker: Fiscal Year 2023 Summary

Fiscal year 2023 marked the second year of annual reporting for the Climate Action Tracker, which is the Forest Service’s primary reporting and tracking tool on climate change actions. This publication, a synopsis of the full Climate Action Tracker report, summarizes agency progress on climate change adaptation and carbon stewardship as well as progress with integrating environmental justice and Tribal engagement into the agency’s climate programs, planning, and actions.

Topic: Natural Resources and Conservation
Type: General
Number: FS-1245a

Mature and Old-Growth Forests: Definition, Identification, and Initial Inventory on Lands Managed by the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management

In response to Executive Order 14072, the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management have defined and inventoried old-growth and mature forests on lands that the two agencies manage. This report synthesizes those findings and details how the inventory was completed. Of the 178 million acres of forest land managed by the agencies, over 80 million are defined as mature and 33 million as old-growth.

Topic: Natural Resources and Conservation
Type: General
Number: FS-1215a

Moon Tree Seedling Planting and Care Guidebook

This guide provides planting and care information for recipients of Moon Tree seedlings grown from seeds flown aboard the Artemis I mission. Instructions in the guide pertain to planting preparation, basic planting techniques, watering, weeding, mulching, protection of young seedlings, pruning, and general maintenance and health checks.

Topic: Natural Resources and Conservation
Type: General
Number: FS-1231

Last of the Dinosaurs: Hell Creek Rocks

This activity booklet is part of a series highlighting fossils of prehistoric life, and the ecosystems where they lived, that are found on national forests and grasslands. "Last of the Dinosaurs" looks at the Hell Creek Formation in present-day Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota. The iconic animals that thrived in this region—like T. Rex and Triceratops—were the last dinosaurs to walk the Earth before a meteor impact brought an end to the Cretaceous period and most of the planet's life.

Topic: Education
Type: General
Number: FS-1224

Confronting the Wildfire Crisis: A Historic Year

As the agency's Wildfire Crisis Strategy enters its third year, this publication looks back at what was accomplished on the 21 landscapes during fiscal year 2023. It highlights the successful partnerships, new management practices, and on-the-ground efforts that have reduced wildfire risk for communities, infrastructure, and natural resources. The document also looks forward to how work will continue to be funded and implemented, through both new and existing sources and programs.

Topic: Fire and Safety
Type: General
Number: FS-1187g

Preserve America Section 3 Report [2021–2023]

Every 3 years, under Section 3 of Executive Order 13287 ("Preserve America"), Federal agencies prepare a report on their progress identifying, protecting, and managing historic properties for the public.

Topic: Natural Resources and Conservation
Type: General
Number: FS-1244