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Your national forests and grasslands are 193 million acres of vast, scenic beauty waiting for you to discover. Over 3 million acres of land located in 22 National Recreation Areas managed by the Forest Service is preserved for recreational activities like hiking, boating, fishing and swimming, while highlighting natural, cultural and scenic resources. Visitors who choose to recreate on these public lands find 162,984 miles of trails, over 30,000 recreation sites, over 400,000 miles of streams and 3 million acres of lakes, 127 alpine ski areas, 338,000 heritage sites, and specially designated sites that include 36.7 million acres of designated wilderness areas, 130 wild and scenic rivers, 15 monuments, and one preserve. And remember, “It’s All Yours.”

Displaying 1 - 25 of 17305

Vogel Canyon Picnic Area

Vogel Canyon is a scenic tributary of the Purgatorie River. Permanent springs at the bottom of the canyon support a variety of wildlife, which can best be seen early in the morning or just before sunset. Vogel Canyon has a rich history. American Indians lived in the canyon 300-800 years ago and left rock art which is visible on the canyon walls. During the 1870's, a spur off the Santa National Historic Fe Trail (…

Beaver Creek Cabin

Beaver Creek Cabin is a large A-frame cabin with capacity for up to 10 people.  At this time there are two twin size beds, dining table, wood stove, outdoor wash basin, and a vault toilet.  A nearby stream provides water that may be filtered for drinking. 

Crescent Mining Camp

This recreational opportunity will remain closed throughout the 2021 season. Travel back in time to the days of the mining boom at Crescent City Mining Camp on the outskirts of the Collegiate Peaks Wilderness near Rockdale, CO (Clear Creek Canyon…

Cloyses Cabin

The Cloyses Cabin was struck by lightning and has burned down.  It was located near Winfield, Colorado surrounded by the Collegiate Peaks Wilderness. Spectacular views of Huron, Missouri and Iowa Peak can be seen from the cabin site.

Butcher Boy Picnic Area

This picnic/day-use area is located at the far western end of Turquoise Lake, adjacent to May Queen Campground. Amenities include picnic tables, fire rings with grates, and a…

Buckeye Gulch

Approximately 2 miles, this road that can be walked, biked or driven. The section of the road that can be driven with a 4WD vehicle begins 4.5 miles north of Leadville on Colorado Hwy 91 and ends on a hiking trail about 1/4 mile before the lake. The first part of this road crosses private land. Please stay on the roadway and be respectful of private property.

Boustead Tunnel Observation Site

Locted at the far west end of Turquoise Lake, Boustead Tunnel conveys water collected by the West Slope Collection System under the Continental Divide and into Turquoise Lake on the East Slope. The tunnel is five miles long and has a water conveyance capacity of 945 cubic feet per second (ft/s). Eight percent of the water in the Watershed is currently diverted to the Eastern Slope. The West Slope Collection System,…

Big Mac Fishing Site

Big Mac Fishing Site is located on the northern shore of Twin Lakes Reservoir near the Mt. Elbert Power Plant and Visitor Center off of U.S. Hwy 82. The lake is stocked with rainbow trout. The standard limit of fish allowed from Twin Lakes Reservoir is as follows: 8 trout; 1 mackinaw, under 22 or over 34 inches. The reservoir is stocked with rainbow trout. Native species in the lake include brook, brown,…

Belle of Colorado Campground

This is a tent-only campground with 19 sites located on the eastern shore of Turquoise Lake in a shaded lodgepole pine forest. Dates are weather dependent. All services may not be available early or late in the season.

Bear Lake Trailhead

Bear Lake is located north of Turquoise Lake, 1/2 mile within the Holy Cross Wilderness. The Trailhead is off of Forest Service Road 107, north of County Road 9. High clearance vehicles are needed to get to the Trailhead. You can also access Bear Lake from the western-most end of County Road 9 for a two mile, one-way hike through…

Baby Doe Campground

Baby Doe Campground is located in a shaded lodgepole pine forest, along the eastern shore of Turquoise Lake, at an elevation of 9,900 feet. Several popular campsites are close to the shoreline. Facilities include vault toilets, potable water, picnic tables, and fire rings. Firewood is available for sale at the camp host site. This campground was named after Leadville's most prominent Silver…

Abe Lee Fishing Site

Abe Lee Fishing Site is located on the south shore of Turquoise Lake, six miles west of Leadville. Good fishing plus a plethora of other recreational opportunities are available at this popular lake. Turquoise Lake is stocked with rainbow trout and kokanee. Other species in the lake include brown, cutthroat, and brook trout. Turquoise Lake is rated as fair to good fishing. This is a day use…

Withers Canyon Trailhead

This is the starting point for the Picket Wire Trail. It descends 250 feet into the Picket Wire Canyonlands and continues 8.5 miles along the Purgatoire River Valley bottom to Rourke Ranch…

Mt. Hopkins #184 Scenic Drive

The Mount Hopkins Road twists and climbs its way to the upper reaches of the second highest peak in the Santa Rita Range. This narrow, winding mountain road provides access not only to magnificent views but also to the Smithsonian Institution’s Fred Lawrence Whipple…

Sierra Vista Interpretive Site

For Santa Fe National Historic Trail travelers heading south, the changing horizon from plains to mountains was a major milestone on their journey. One of their guiding landmarks was the distant Spanish Peaks, which came into view along this section of the trail. A short walk up the side of a bluff will give you a commanding view of the Rocky Mountains and surrounding prairie. A view very similar to that seen by…

Shooting Range

This shooting range is self-serve and will accommodate rifle, shotgun and pistol enthusiasts. This is a great location for big game hunters to sight in their rifles prior to hunting seasons.

Santa Fe National Historic Trailhead

Between 1821 and 1880s, Santa Fe National Historic Trail was the major trade and travel route between Independence, Missouri and Santa Fe, New Mexico. The original trail is marked with limestone posts.

Rourke Ranch National Historic Site

Rourke Ranch, also known as the Wineglass Ranch, was a cattle and horse ranch founded by Eugene Rourke in 1871. Three generations of the Rourke family lived and worked on the ranch ensuring its survival over a span of a hundred years. When the ranch was sold in 1971, it was known as one of the oldest and most successful enterprises in southeast Colorado, expanding from Eugene's original settlement of 40 acres to…

Picture Canyon

Picture Canyon allows visitors to step back in time to discover remnants of Plains Indian cultures in rock art and early 20th century homestead remains. Its also an excellent site for viewing Bullock's oriole, Scaled quail, several species of towhees, wrens and sparrows, Ladder-backed woodpecker, Eastern phoebe and Blue grosbeaks. Scenic vistas, unique rock formations, gentle sandstone canyons and rolling hills, are…

Picket Wire Corrals Interpretive Site

This popular meeting spot, about 33 miles south of La Junta, offers wildlife interpretation and corrals for public equestrian use.

Iron Spring Interpretive Site

Iron Spring was an important water stop for travelers on the Santa Fe National Historic Trail. Depending on the season or weather conditions, several different routes to the spring were used. Between 1861 and 1871 Iron Spring was also used as a stage coach station. Trail ruts are still visible just west of the parking lot.

Carrizo Canyon Picnic Area

Carrizo Canyon:The east fork of Carrizo Creek flows through this small canyon graced by juniper and cottonwood trees. American Indian petroglyphs can be found along the canyon walls. A variety of wildlife, especially birds, can be seen in the early morning or before sunset. Carrizo Picnic Area: The hiking trail along Carrizo Creek gives access to one of the few permanent water sources on the Carrizo Unit of the…

Carrizo Auto Tour Interpretive Site

Informational kiosks for this self-guided, 180-mile tour highlights many points of interest, scenery, and amenities found on the Carrizo Unit including the Granada-Fort Union military road, Carrizo and Picture canyons, and the Aubry cutoff of the Santa Fe Trail. Roads are good when dry, but use caution if wet.

Wilburton Pond Fishing Site

Located east of County Road 16 on FS Road 700, this man-made pond is stocked with fish by the Kansas Dept of Wildlife and Parks. Please refer to Kansas Dept of Wildlife and Parks for further information regarding licensing, size limit and etc.

Race Track

This area is set aside for off-road and OHV travel. Located north of the Cimarron River, it is marked on the Motor Vehicle Use Map.