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Support Reforestation with Plant-A-Tree

Since 1983, the Forest Service Plant-A-Tree program has allowed for individual donations to be used for reforestation projects across the national forest system. Your gift of trees helps to reforest public lands that will be enjoyed by generations to come.

In recognition of your donation to Plant-A-Tree, an optional customizable Plant-A-Tree certificate can be sent to you or to another person named by you. You can choose from three styles of certificates and select to have the certificate honor, memorialize, or celebrate a loved one. Visit Plant-A-Tree.

"Image of the certificates"

Example Plant-A-Tree commemorative certificates. USDA Forest Service photos. 

General Donations Beyond Reforestation 

Visitors show love for their National Forests and Grasslands. National Forest Foundation photo. 
Visitors show love for their National Forests  and Grasslands. National Forest Foundation photo. 

Chartered by Congress, the National Forest Foundation engages Americans in community-based and national programs that promote the health and public enjoyment of the 193-million-acre National Forest System and administers private gifts of funds and land for the benefit of our national forests and grasslands. Visit National Forest Foundation.