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Natural Resources Professionals

A picture showing a large tanker trunk climbing up and over a small hill on a dirt road.
Great Basin Engine Academy

The academy in Saint George, Utah, develops skills of firefighters with a focus on driving fire engines, maintenance, pumping and safety. The intense 80-hour course is open to agency employees and to others as space allows.

Continuing education

Our Continuing Education for Natural Resources Professionals Program focuses on management of watershed, terrestrial and aquatic habitats.

Eligible candidates include wildlife, fisheries, botany, hydrology, watershed, recreation, timber and other resource professionals with an education in wildlife, fisheries, plant management or related fields and generally 3 years’ experience in resource management.

Scheduled courses include:

  • Leadership and Communication
  • Endangered Species Act: A Primer
  • Plain & Simple! Document Writing

The program also offers workshops on demand. Get the 2014 brochure or visit the program’s website.

Arthur Carhart Center

The Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center (link is external) is a multi-agency that offers wilderness training, information and education programs through:

  • Online classes
  • Classroom training
  • Webinars

The center also offers wilderness education materials to help increase public knowledge and understanding of wilderness heritage.


Agriculture Learning – or AgLearn – is the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s system for managing training records and activity for all USDA employees. If you are not an employee, but are a contractor, affiliate, intern, volunteer or fellow, you could apply for access. AgLearn offers a variety of subjects, including:

  • Management and leadership
  • Teamwork
  • Self-motivation
  • Strategic planning
  • Effective meetings

Get started today with an AgLearn account

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