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Managing for Recreation

Annually, outdoor recreation generates $887 billion in consumer spending, 7.6 million American jobs, $65.3 billion in federal tax revenue, and $59.2 billion in state and local tax revenue, according to Outdoor Industry Association statistics.

The benefits go further, and how the Forest Service manages for recreation purposes more important today than ever before. Recreation on national forests and grassland help businesses and communities directly or indirectly connected to recreation; provide economic stability and jobs for local communities; and serve as a quiet place of respite everyone, especially suburban and urban city dwellers.

These lands are intimately tied to the mental, physical, and social health of Americans. Eighty percent of our populations lives in cities and a technology focused American population, including children, is losing touch with the contributions of public lands to the basic resources that affect their lives.

Everyone is welcome. And everyone can benefit from time spent outdoors. We have so many special places and opportunities that even we can’t accurately count.