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Energy & Forest Products


Solar panels on a roof top. An evergreen forest is shown in the background.Dependence on petroleum and other fossil fuels threatens U.S. energy, economic, and environmental security. A nation with insecure or inadequate energy resources is at risk of being unable to feed and house its people, care for its environment, and sustain its economy. The Forest Service strives to find alternative renewable energy sources in order to become less dependent on our current energy resources.

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Forest Products

Looking up into the canopy of two large trees with leaves turning yellow and orange in the fall.A forest is so much more than trees. Not only does it serve as a place of refuge for humans and habitat for many species, it also provides economic benefits. According to the American Forest and Paper Association, the forest products industry accounts for approximately 4.5 percent of the total U.S. manufacturing gross domestic product, manufactures approximately $190 billion in products annually, and employs nearly 900,000 men and women.

Learn more about forest products


Strategic Energy Framework

Wind turbines with a high desert mountain range in the background.The Strategic Energy Framework publication provides specific Forest Service goals and charts a course to achieve these goals. This framework helps the Forest Service become more energy efficient, demonstrates effective sustainable management, and sets standards of energy practices for Americans to follow.

Learn more about the Strategic Energy Framework

Forest Products Laboratory

A photo of the Forest Products Laboratory in Madison Wisconsin.Research at the Forest Products Laboratory in Madison, Wis. helps further USDA goals and provides advanced alternatives to many products, services, and energy sources in use today. Strategic research areas include: advanced composites, advanced structures, forest biorefinery, nanotechnology, and woody biomass.

Learn more about the Forest Products Laboratory



USDA Energy Blogs

USDA blogs focus on a variety of issues concerning Americans including the environment, education, energy and more. The energy blogs cover issues ranging from diversifying energy sources and finding alternative energy sources to building new bioenergy systems.

Read the USDA Energy blogs

Wood Innovations

To promote sustainable forestry, the Forest Service supports building stronger markets for innovative wood products and wood energy across federal, tribal, state, and private land ownerships. We seek to do this in a manner that reduces wildfire risk, addresses climate change, and builds vibrant rural economies. Wood is one of the world’s oldest materials, but when used for wood for energy and as a green building material, it is also an advanced product with a variety of innovative uses.

Learn more about wood innovation