National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council
Council Responsibilities
- NUCFAC is the steward of the Ten-Year Urban Forest Action Plan. The plan was developed collaboratively with Urban and Community Forestry stakeholders and released in 2016. See the plan...
- Each year, NUCFAC submits an Accomplishment Report on the progress being made in the implementation of the plan, along with recommendations to the Secretary of Agriculture. See the accomplishment reports...
- The Council uses the Plan to develop annual grant categories and makes recommendations for funding through the Forest Service’s National Urban Forestry Challenge Cost Share Grant Program.
- The NUCFAC seeks innovative (new, cutting-edge or builds upon existing studies) grant proposals for program development, study, and collaboration that will launch some of the strategies in the (2016-2026) Ten-Year Urban Forestry Action Plan. See past grant awards...
Council Activities
NUCFAC Members
Call for Nominations: PENDING
- Call for Nominations Letter: PENDING
- Nomination Application Cover Sheet: PENDING
- AD-755 Form, Advisory Committee or Research and Promotion Background Information: English (.docx, 65 KB); Spanish (.docx, 28 KB)
- Current NUCFAC Membership list: PENDING
- To inquire about nominating yourself or someone else to serve on NUCFAC, please contact us (
- The Council meets twice or three times per year.
The Council's next meeting notice and agenda are pending.
- Meeting notes for the March 20, 2018, meeting are posted.