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USDA: Happy Holidays and thank you! Holiday administrative leave

December 22, 2021

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Dear USDA colleagues,

As we enter this holiday season and the start of a new year, we look forward to celebrating traditions with our loved ones – both near and far, reflecting on the moments and experiences 2021 brought us and sharing our greatest personal and professional accomplishments. At USDA, we take this moment to acknowledge the impact our hard work has had on the lives of many across our great country and around the world. I recognize how you continue to serve our country – from protecting our forests to ensuring our food is safe; from processing correspondence to feeding millions of families; from curbing the challenging impact of climate change to addressing inequities throughout all that we do; from strengthening rural infrastructure to underwriting loans for farmers; from processing paychecks to strengthening our research and protecting our systems from cyber-attacks. You have done this with the utmost commitment to the greater good, dedication to our mission, and resilience amidst an ongoing pandemic. Despite the many challenges we have faced, we have also seized the opportunities to show the power of community, the value of teamwork and taking care of one another, and the strength of the American people.

I am sincerely grateful for your perseverance, your contributions, and your service to USDA and your fellow citizens. You continue to go above and beyond in your dedication to your work and in advancing the mission of USDA. Thank you for your trust, honesty, and feedback throughout 2021 in our continued effort to make USDA a great place to work.

In the spirit of gratitude and recognition, we invite you to nominate one of your top performing  colleagues for their noteworthy efforts and achievements over the past year. Nominations for the 2022 Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medals are open now and will close on January 14, 2022. Also known as “the Sammies” and considered the Oscars of Federal Government recognition, these awards highlight an employee’s significant contributions to public service. For more information and to nominate a colleague, please visit Service to America Medals.

In recognition of your accomplishments, dedication, and sacrifices, I am pleased to announce that Secretary Vilsack has authorized me to grant eight (8) hours of administrative leave to employees that can be used between now and January 29, 2022.

  • Employees should code their timesheet using “66 – Admin/Excused Absence” (WebTA) or “TC-66 Other Leave” (Paycheck8).
  • Employees and their supervisor should identify time to use the eight hours of administrative leave before January 29, 2022. The eight hours do not need to be used on the same day and may be combined with other leave.
  • Please be reminded that the leave may only be charged during an employee’s scheduled tour of duty and does not count toward “use-or-lose” leave.

Best wishes to you for a joyful, safe, and memorable holiday season. On behalf of Secretary Vilsack and Deputy Secretary Bronaugh – and from my family to yours – Happy Holidays.


Oscar Gonzales

Assistant Secretary for Administration