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Wildland Fire Training

USDA Forest Service wildland firefighters clearing a fire break of grass and other materials.

Fire management programs and techniques are constantly changing, changing in response to new science, changes in public policy, advances in technology, and safety and fire prevention lessons learned.

A wide range of courses are available year-round all across the country for professional wildland fire professionals to update their knowledge and skills. Many of these courses are interagency in nature, others are specific to the needs of the Forest Service.

Interagency Fire Program Management Standard (IFPM)

The Interagency Fire Program Management Standard(link is external) (IFPM) is a collaborative effort between the U.S. Forest Service and the Department of Interior wildland bureaus to establish minimum qualification standards for key positions in Fire and Aviation Management (FAM).  In addtion, the U.S. Forest Service implemented an agency addendum to IFPM called the Forest Service Fire Program Management Standard (FS-FPM). 

The Wildland Fire Learning Portal is the source location for Wildland Fire training both in-person and virtual throughout the United States sponsored by Federal regional training centers and facilities. It offers training from basic wildland fire introduction courses to advanced national training programs. In order to enter the Portal, visitors need to create a username and password. 

USDA Forest Service wildland firefighters clearing a fire break of grass and other materials.