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Burrowing crayfish partial to fire, less vegetation

February 22, 2022

Crayfish chimneys indicate a crayfish burrow below.
A large crayfish chimney, marking a crayfish burrow below, in front of pale pitcher plants (Sarracenia alata). USDA Forest Service photo by Susan Adams.

NORTH CAROLINA—We know many species benefit from fire, but burrowing crayfish? Southern Research Station scientist Susan Adams led a study that found the number of active crayfish burrow openings was greater in areas managed with burning and mowing than unmanaged areas.

The Mississippi Sandhill Crane National Wildlife Refuge, where the study took place, was established in 1975 to conserve the last remaining populations of its namesake: the Mississippi sandhill crane (Grus canadensis pulla).

Open, fire-maintained pine savannas and prairies cover about half the refuge. Their restoration has brought the Mississippi sandhill crane back from the brink of extinction and provided habitat for a host of other rare plant and animal species.

Several years ago, Scott Hereford, refuge manager, contacted Adams concerning a burrowing crayfish on their sensitive species list. “They were interested in understanding how their management was affecting the speckled burrowing crayfish (Creaserinus danielae),” said Adams. “I was excited to learn more about this understudied species and burrowing crayfish in general.”

Adams and Hereford designed the study to directly and indirectly sample crayfish. Chaz Hyseni, Southern Research Station ORISE fellow, contributed statistical analyses. Their results were published in the journal Water.

The researchers directly sampled crayfish by digging them out of burrows, suctioning them out with a slurp gun, or trapping them.

Unmanaged areas had more and taller woody vegetation and fewer crayfish burrow openings. “We are not sure why there were less crayfish burrows in areas with taller woody stems. It may have to do with temperature, food sources, predators or disease. What is clear is that vegetation management is having a net positive affect on burrowing crayfish numbers in the area,” said Adams.

The fire-maintained southeastern pine savannas and prairies are rare ecosystems and biodiversity hotspots. The southeast is also a global biodiversity hotspot for crayfish.

Because fire was such an important force shaping prairie ecosystems, it follows that the semi-aquatic burrowing crayfish living in these environments would be adapted to frequent fire. Understanding the relationship between the burrowers and fire is important for crayfish conservation and management.